What stupid excuses do you make?

I'm the king of all stupid excuses. I've done the usual "screw it. I'll just eat whatever i want today and then diet perfectly starting tomorrow" and the worst thing i realized in retrospect was, it was always over something ridiculously small. I'll eat perfectly for a few days and then my girlfriend offers me a rice krispy treat and just because i took a bite (A BITE!) i figure i totally screwed up my eating and binge for the entire weekend. All because i had maybe 100 extra calories at that one time that i could've burned off super easy. It just blows my mind how i didn't realize it was stupid at the time i did it. And after years and years of making stupid excuses like that, not seeing the pattern of neverending excuses i've made and being like "nooo. I need to stop. I've made this mistake before".

Ugh. Well it's good i've learned now! 10...years...later. What are yours?


  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    My excuses have always been I'll start tomorrow, I'll start next week. etc. Big procrastinator!! But I read a quote the other day and it really resonated with me

    You can make excuses or you can get results. You can't do both.
  • alysiafresh
    alysiafresh Posts: 11 Member
    I'm the same way. Uh oh, had something I shouldn't have today? Oh well, might as well eat the whole bag of doritos now and just make sure I'm good next week. I've been lucky about not really putting weight back on because my job keeps me really active, but it stretches my plateaus out to last several weeks at a time instead of seeing progress.
  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    "Can't lift, gotta poop."

    Though, that one is valid.
  • I'm the same way with eating, well I ate that brownie, might as well eat four more. Also, for exercise, I'm always too tired, too full or I'll do it later :/ then I feel bad about myself for messing everything up.
  • daniellemm1
    daniellemm1 Posts: 465 Member
    Same excuse here. I would tell myself I already screwed up so I might as well keep at it. Now I know better. If I screw up I go right back to eating right and sometimes even exercise a bit more to try to counteract my bad choice. Slipping up does not mean you have to fall completely off the plan.
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    "Can't lift, gotta poop."

    Though, that one is valid.

    HAHA!!!!! That sounds like something my husband would say!! :laugh:
  • 2aycocks
    2aycocks Posts: 415 Member
    My excuse is usually, But I'm starving and there is nothing else to eat! Of course I could cook something healthy, but I'm just toooo hungry right now. HA!

    You tell your girlfriend to STOP offering you food she knows you are not supposed to have!!
    I have actually gotten so angry at my husband for trying to sabotage me with cookies, ice cream, pie, candy, you name it, that I threw an Almond Joy at him when he brought it home for me!!!
  • Epratt42034
    Epratt42034 Posts: 6 Member
    "one day wont hurt...one week wont hurt" "its too hot" "Little one wont nap/no time" But I've been on a pretty good streak ( 70 days, (down 14lbs) with only three being outrageously over on calories). I used to use the excuse "If he (hubby) is going to eat like that so am I!!" but I haven't been able to use that one since I made him download the app and he's FINALLY starting to watch what he eats.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Ugh. Well it's good i've learned now! 10...years...later. What are yours?

    Aw, it's just one drink...

    Next thing you know, you wake up in the car, with one naked girl on you, the car's in a ditch, and there's another one, dead in the back seat.

    It's damn inconvenient, because drinks have all those calories.
  • nerakma
    nerakma Posts: 77 Member
    I am too *insert one excuse from full, hungry, tired, hypo, stiff, lazy to wash my hair after * to do any cardio exercise now.

    I have recently discovered that I run better if I haven't eaten and if my blood sugar levels drop, it makes no difference I can just eat a couple of sugary sweets (note: I am not diabetic and not recommending this course of action if you are!).

    No more excuses for me then :bigsmile:
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    I think we all have some of the same excuses... "oh I'll start eating healthy tomorrow I've already ruined it with that piece of pie today" and then tomorrow turns into the next day or the next week or even the next month. We are all our own worst enemy. I have been up and down with my journey to health for as long as I can remember. I'm hoping that this time is different. It feels different.