Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Challenge - Phase 1 (8/1-10/31)



  • cindyb1984
    cindyb1984 Posts: 203 Member
    I will start 9/2 - and post all my info then! I am off to bed now...good luck everyone!
  • I love this idea! It's always so helpful to have such motivation whenever you are trying to go through this! I'm completely in!!!

    HW: 262
    CW: 260
    GW: 150

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 35 lbs (260--->225)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 25 lbs (225--->200)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 25 lbs (200--->175)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 25 lbs (175--->150)

    Total Goal: 110 lbs for the year

    I will be a little behind in Phase 1 due to me beginning at the tail end of August. But I will catch up! :)
  • I'm so down!!!!

    90 Day Phase:

    Phase 1:(9/1/13-11/31/13) 250---->220

    Phase 2:(12/1/13-2/28/14) 220---->190

    Phase 3:(3/1/14-5/31/14) 190---->160

    Phase 4:(6/1/14-8/31/14) 160---->130 (GOAL!!!!!!!!!!!!)

    120 lbs down in a year...hard YES....Impossible NO!!!!
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    OMG....I love this challenge. I don't have 100 to loss but I want to participate. I listed my information below.

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 196
    Starting Weight: 196
    Current Weight: 191
    Goal Weight: 168.5

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 27.5 lbs (196--->168.5)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 19.5 lbs (168.5--->149)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 14 lbs (149--->135)

    Total Goal: 61.0 pounds in a year!
  • fitbye45
    fitbye45 Posts: 23
    I want to join!! I just started back on MFP this week. Started back in 2011 and lost about 20 something and gained it all back. I think I am ready this time and love EWM. I need the encouragement and accountability.

    HW: 207
    CW: 201
    GW: 150

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 201-->176 -25 lbs

    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 176-->151 -25 lbs

    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 151--> 150 -1 lbs

    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 150--> maintenance
  • fitbye45
    fitbye45 Posts: 23
    Is this a group? If so how do I find? if not how do I find? lol
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I want to join if it's not to late!

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 252
    Starting Weight: 198
    Current Weight: 198
    Goal Weight: 130

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 17 lbs (198--->181)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 17 lbs (181--->164)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 17 lbs (164--->147)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 17 lbs (147--->130)

    17 pounds each phase! (I'm secretly hoping it doesn't take that long)
  • 0Caligirl0
    0Caligirl0 Posts: 38 Member
    This is not a group, it's on the message boards only. I feel like the groups aren't as active for some reason, maybe because you have to be looking for a specific title. Just hop on and start participating on the thread! Friend other members, and provide/receive support along the way. Welcome!
  • I want to join in! I signed up for this site awhile ago but just started using it today.
    I'm late joining in on the challenge late so my first goal will be a little smaller.

    90-day Phase goals
    Goal weight in a year:240
    Ultimate goal weight:180

    Phase 1 (08/01/13-10/31/13): 20lbs (340--->320)
    Phase 2 (11/01/13-01/31/14): 30lbs (320--->290)
    Phase 3 (02/01/14-04/30/14): 30lbs (290--->260)
    Phase 4 (05/01/14-08/01/14): 20lbs (260--->240)

    Total weight loss in a year: 100lbs! =)
  • cassfill30
    cassfill30 Posts: 21 Member
    I would love to join. I'm starting on 9/1.

    Count me in!

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 204
    Starting Weight: 204
    Current Weight: 187
    Goal Weight: 135

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 16 lbs (187--->171)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 18 lbs (171--->153)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 18 lbs (153--->135)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): maintain/tone (135)

    aiming for 1.5 per week.
  • I want to join! I just began MFP earlier this month. (I also was trying out LoseIt, which is why there are some days missing.) I don't have any friends on here, and the majority of my friends are very fit and active, so I feel like I drag them down. I would love to join the challenge for the camaraderie and added support! I don't know if I'm too late, but here's my info:

    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 305
    Starting Weight: 288
    Current Weight: 288
    Goal Weight: 154

    Phase 1 (8/1/13-10/31/13): 44 lbs (288--->244)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 30 lbs (244--->214)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 30 lbs (214--->184)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 30 lbs (184--->154)

    Total Goal: 134 pounds in a year!

    Who's with me?!!!
  • tavinsmom
    tavinsmom Posts: 101
    I'm in too, I'll start 9/1 as well (Saturday is my weigh in day anyways)

    *90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 252
    Starting Weight: 223
    Current Weight: 223
    Goal Weight: 165

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 20 lbs (223-203)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 15 lbs (203--->188)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 15 lbs (188--->173)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 8 lbs (173--->165)
  • melissaerrington3
    melissaerrington3 Posts: 56 Member
    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: 92kg
    Starting Weight: 90.9kg
    Current Weight: 90.9kg
    Goal Weight: 60kg

    Phase 1 01/09/13- 29/11/13 10kg 90.9- 80.9
    Phase 2 30/11/13- 28/02/14 8kg 80.9- 72.9
    Phase 3 01/03/14 -29/ 05/14 7kg 72.9 -65.9
    Phase 4 30/05/14- 28/0 8/14 5.9kg 65.9- 60
  • I also would like to join. I'm starting on 9/1 and my weigh in day is Monday.

    **90-day Phase Goals**
    Highest Weight: 334
    Starting Weight: 333
    Current Weight: 333
    Goal Weight in a year: 199
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 40 lbs (333--->293)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 34 lbs (293--->259)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 30 lbs (259--->229)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 30 lbs (229--->199)
  • aablacknell
    aablacknell Posts: 856 Member
    Hey guys I'm excited about this challenge....Can't wait to hear how everyone is doing. I had a great week of eating and working out. I hope the scale shows some positive results tomorrow. A girl can dream....
  • So wish I would have seen this sooner!! I am in too!! So very excited!! I started 9/1/13 and my weigh-ins are on mondays so I will have an official weigh in tomorrow!! :) Any can add me too!!

    **90-day Phase Goals**
    Highest Weight: 258
    Starting Weight: 237
    Current Weight: 237
    Goal Weight in a year: 149
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 135

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-10/31/13): 16 lbs (237--221)
    Phase 2 (11/1/13-1/31/14): 24 lbs (221--197)
    Phase 3 (2/1/14-4/30/14): 24 lbs (197--173)
    Phase 4 (5/1/14-8/1/14): 24 lbs (173-149)
  • :bigsmile:
  • AleciaG724
    AleciaG724 Posts: 705 Member
    Hi - I'd like to join if it's not too late...

    It might be easier to make this a "Group" instead of a thread. I'm not sure MFP will archive it for a year so you may lose some of the early posts... Just a thought.

    I've been on MFP since 4/8/13 and I'm losing 2 - 2.5#/week. I log every day. I also belong to the group Skinny Christmas 2013 and it started with over 100 people I think, but it's fizzled down to something like 18... That's okay - it only serves to motivate me even more!

    My goals using a simlar formula (great idea!) -this is very close to what's on my profile...

    **90-day Phase Goals**
    Highest Weight: 326
    Starting Weight: 326
    Current Weight: 280.8
    Goal Weight in a year: 180
    Ultimate Goal Weight: 150 by Christmas 2014 (actually 135 by my July 24.2014 - my 49th birthday, but I don't know if that's attainable!?)

    Phase 1 (9/1/13-11/31/13): 30lbs (280--->250) 2.3#/week
    Phase 2 (12/1/13-2/28/14): 25 lbs (250--->225) 1.9#/week
    Phase 3 (3/1/14-5/31/14): 25 lbs (225--->200) 1.9#/week
    Phase 4 (6/1/14-8/31/14): 20 lbs (200--->180) 1.5#/week

    Best of luck everyone!
  • tootchute
    tootchute Posts: 392 Member
    90-day Phase Goals
    Highest Weight: Not sure
    Starting Weight: 355
    Current Weight: 298
    Goal Weight: 115

    Phase 1 (9/2/13-10/28/13): 18 lbs (298--->280)
    Phase 2 (11/4/13-12/30/13): 18 lbs (280--->262)
    Phase 3 (1/6/14-2/24/14): 16 lbs (262--->246)
    Phase 4 (3/3/14-4/28/14): 18 lbs (246--->228)

    Total Goal: 70 pounds in a year!

    Who's with me?!!!
  • NyxNine
    NyxNine Posts: 67 Member
    Hello to everyone that's recently joined this~ I want to say good luck and anyone can add me. I'm active and I'd like friends. I has no frands. D;

    Did pretty well the last week, with a loss of almost 3 lb, and right on track with my goal.

    And an update with today's weigh in as it's the next month:

    HW: 227
    SW: 221
    CW: 212
    GW: 145

    ---Phase 1---
    Goal: 25 lbs
    Lost: 09 lbs
    Completion: 36%