Anyone doing or has done Insanity 20-25 years of age??

MatthewMartin1 Posts: 4
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Just started insanity today and it kicked my butt! Gonna try to dig deep and get this thing done. I am looking for people out there around my age that are doing or have done insanity workout before.


  • I did insanity a few months ago and I started a second round earlier this week.
  • How did it go and how were your results? Thanks for the reply!
  • sarabee0405
    sarabee0405 Posts: 25 Member
    24 years old.. I'm on day 10.. No big results yet, but I can already see changes in my endurance and flexibility.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I am doing the fit test today and starting tomorrow!
    Age: 25
  • mtnhiker1
    mtnhiker1 Posts: 114 Member
    Since I am now 57 - looking back - almost everything I did when I was 20-25 could be classified as insanity.
  • 1092kl
    1092kl Posts: 19
    Tomorrow will be day 7 of doing Insanity. Age: 20
  • Anna_Joys_Journey
    Anna_Joys_Journey Posts: 253 Member
    I'm 25 and in week 2 of Insanity. I feel like my body is already changing a lot. I started at 217, and today weighed in at 209. :)
  • miamiink89
    miamiink89 Posts: 103 Member
    I'm 23 and nearly finished month one of the programme. The scale has not moved at all since starting but my cardio is improving everyday and I'm seeing more muscle definition.
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I finished up insanity about a month ago. I didn't lose any weight, but I dropped three percentage points of body fat and 4" off my waist. My endurance is up. It was a good cutting program, and I have used that to transition to a stronglifts bulking program for the last three weeks. I have progress pictures on my profile if you want them.
  • Hi guys, just registered on MFP so not too sure how all this works.

    I'm 23 and just completed the Fitness Test so if anyone has any tips or anything i'd be grateful too. Keeping track of measurements and weight so hopefully i see results. In all honesty, i'm not too fussed about weight watching, if i drop a size or more in clothes then thats motivation enough for me. Checking the scales every two mins cannot be healthy.

    Anyone else starting this who needs or could give motivation, please do message me :)
  • jamiesillimandunn
    jamiesillimandunn Posts: 270 Member
    I'm 27 ..not to far from 25 but just finished insanity is hard but you keep with it and you will see results ! One big thing I learned is upping my calories in order to have the energy to do the workouts , I ate 1740 a day ...go at your own pace! It will get easier as you learn the moves ....but always go at your own pace !! Here is a link to my success
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    I'm 23 and just completed the Fitness Test so if anyone has any tips or anything i'd be grateful too.

    The most important thing is to watch your form. Bad form is the main cause of injury on insanity (particularly bad squat form). If you feel yourself losing form, stop, fix it, and get back into the workout. Don't be afraid to stop when you need to. You won't be able to keep up with the people in the video, and that's okay. They're pros (spinning instructor, marathoner, etc.) and even they have to stop and take a breather from time to time. Take a few seconds, catch your breath, then jump back in. Don't worry about the scale. You're going to retain water initially since insanity is so intense, and this often causes a weight gain. Body measurements will show that this is a weight gain but not a fat gain. Dig deeper, and good luck.
  • Make sure you eat enough calories to fuel the workouts! Sometimes you think you are eating enough but in actual fact you are no where near it. Also make sure to monitor your progress, you'll be amazed at how much you progress and how much your image changes, make sure to keep a copy of all photos. I used Insanity Log app on the iPhone and logged my measurements and photos on it, its great to now look back at the photos and see what I used to be like!
  • Is it worth buying a HRM? If so what do i need to look for when buying one?
  • Luci_Green_Eyes
    Luci_Green_Eyes Posts: 32 Member
    Hi! Although I'm ever-so-slightly over your requested age range (at an ancient 26), I'm a fellow Insaniac.

    First time round I don't think I was prepared for the muscle soreness and only made it to the end of the first month. Since then I pick it up every now and then as part of my exercise regime (but also do a lot of other forms of exercise). I'd advise you to listen to your body and properly warm up and cool down; I sometimes do extra stretching afterwards as the DOMS can get really bad!

    Also if you have any pre-existing knee, ankle or back problems, go a bit easy at first until you get the correct form.

    Good luck with it! I'd love to maybe see if I can do the programme beginning to end with no gaps this time round, so feel free to add me! :-)
  • My husband & I started last week and are on day 5. Trying to keep up with it but already took a break over the weekend because we were so busy :-/ Picked it back up last night.

    I am 25
  • grimendale
    grimendale Posts: 2,153 Member
    Is it worth buying a HRM? If so what do i need to look for when buying one?

    Yes. Make sure you get one with a chest strap that you can wear comfortably while moving. It should be able to be customized for age, gender, height and weight to get accurate results. Beyond that, it comes down to preferences and desired features. A lot fo people recommend the polar brand.
  • Age 23 - SW 186 - starting month 2 - lost 2lbs so far but can see the fitness results!!
  • ashleyrg
    ashleyrg Posts: 85 Member
    On week #2, have seen some changes but nothing major!
  • Thanks for posting everyone! I just finished week 1 and think I might see very slight changes already starting. Good luck to you all!! :happy:
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