Weight Loss Plateau????

TustyRusty Posts: 8
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I think that I may have Zumba'd the life out of myself and it seems like no other exercise regime appeals to me. I try to continue staying within my calorie intake but no zeal to exercise. I do yoga sometimes but even that seems boring to me. Don't have the time to gym because I have a small child. I lost about 21 lbs but it seems to be stuck right there. What do I do? Where do I go? How can I gain that enthusiasm I had when I began this? Is it me? :cry:


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I think that I may have Zumba'd the life out of myself and it seems like no other exercise regime appeals to me. I try to continue staying within my calorie intake but no zeal to exercise. I do yoga sometimes but even that seems boring to me. Don't have the time to gym because I have a small child. I lost about 21 lbs but it seems to be stuck right there. What do I do? Where do I go? How can I gain that enthusiasm I had when I began this? Is it me? :cry:

    A calorie deficit for weight loss and exercise for fitness. How long since no loss? Are you logging accurately? Do you weigh everything? Would you be willing to open your diary?
  • brianvessel
    In regards to loosing weight, you need to make sure your eating enough meals throught the day.. You should be consuming anywhere between 5-6 small meals per day along with your workouts.. In doing so the body will begin to burn fat instead of storing it and holding on to it.. The human body is very unique when you go long periods without eating the body tends to go into a starvation mood and that's when it starts to hold on to fat because it doesn't knows when it's going to get its next meal... The body does that in a way to protect itself.. By constantly eating the body will then start to burn fat due to food constantly coming in.. There's no need for the body to hold on to fat when your constantly eating and giving it the nutrient that it needs.. Researchers say the body starts to going into starvation and holds on to fat once your stomach begins to growl, so you should try to avoid that..

    Far as workouts for weight loss you could start doing some cardio workouts in the morning once you wake up.. That's when your metabolism is at it's highest.. That will help you I'm regards to loosing weight... You can also mix it up some and brow in some other workouts to keep from reaching a plateau...

    You can check out this site for nutrient tips and motivation tips here

  • whierd
    whierd Posts: 14,025 Member
    How long have you been "doing this"?
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    In regards to loosing weight, you need to make sure your eating enough meals throught the day.. You should be consuming anywhere between 5-6 small meals per day along with your workouts.. In doing so the body will begin to burn fat instead of storing it and holding on to it.. The human body is very unique when you go long periods without eating the body tends to go into a starvation mood and that's when it starts to hold on to fat because it doesn't knows when it's going to get its next meal... The body does that in a way to protect itself.. By constantly eating the body will then start to burn fat due to food constantly coming in.. There's no need for the body to hold on to fat when your constantly eating and giving it the nutrient that it needs.. Researchers say the body starts to going into starvation and holds on to fat once your stomach begins to growl, so you should try to avoid that..

    Far as workouts for weight loss you could start doing some cardio workouts in the morning once you wake up.. That's when your metabolism is at it's highest.. That will help you I'm regards to loosing weight... You can also mix it up some and brow in some other workouts to keep from reaching a plateau...

    You can check out this site for nutrient tips and motivation tips here


    reblogging for BS.
  • TustyRusty
    Thank you for the replies.

    I started doing different zumba dvds for about 2 months now. before i just did yoga. I must admit that it may be my fault because of the fact that I stuck with a dvd that was a favorite of mine and refused to try to change it up. With regards to the calorie counting and eating small meals throughout the day, I count calories, I really do miss meals at times because of my work schedule but this is why I joined MFP, I may not be aware of things that others may know and this helps me alot. I will really try to include your advice into my daily routine. :smile:
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    In regards to loosing weight, you need to make sure your eating enough meals throught the day.. You should be consuming anywhere between 5-6 small meals per day along with your workouts.. In doing so the body will begin to burn fat instead of storing it and holding on to it.. The human body is very unique when you go long periods without eating the body tends to go into a starvation mood and that's when it starts to hold on to fat because it doesn't knows when it's going to get its next meal... The body does that in a way to protect itself.. By constantly eating the body will then start to burn fat due to food constantly coming in.. There's no need for the body to hold on to fat when your constantly eating and giving it the nutrient that it needs.. Researchers say the body starts to going into starvation and holds on to fat once your stomach begins to growl, so you should try to avoid that.

    Oh the starvation mode myth again. Does it never die out?

    And the 6 meals a day myth. http://www.leangains.com/2010/10/top-ten-fasting-myths-debunked.html
  • elephant_in_the_room
    elephant_in_the_room Posts: 145 Member
    Okay, sorry, I should actually post something to help the original poster.

    So, if you are not losing weight any more currently, it's probably not because of starvation mode and decreased metabolism. You would notice. You'd be cold and lack energy and would be fantasizing constantly about food to the point of collecting recipes.

    Plateaus are normal, nearly everyone on this forum has had them, just search a bit for 'plateau'. I just recently read a very good post explaining -- which I think is true -- that weight loss does not go linearly, but in phases -- you may not lose any for a long time, and then, if you persevere, all of a sudden the weight loss starts again. I am cautiously optimistic that I may just be coming off a 4 week plateau myself.I have had 3 month plateaus, too, had decided I would never be under 63, and then one morning found with astonishment that I was 62. (kgs).

    You are saying that you are bored by every exercise but Zumba, and have a small child. This is difficult. There are plenty of exercises that you can do at home: general circuit training, e.g Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, or something by BeachBody, or look up the befit videos on YouTube. Those can be done with a set of weights. Then kettlebell training. Then spinning if you have a spin bike. You could practice rope jumping. If you do it with a video, it's also not quite as boring. But if all that doesn't do it for you, then it's difficult. Do you have a WII? Although I haven't heard of anyone doing serious exercise with the WII, essentially while playing, but maybe it's possible.

    Doing it in company is much nicer.... Maybe join one of the challenges which get posted regularly on the Exercise and Fitness subforum.

    Who is taking care of your little one when you do Zumba? Maybe you can find some other form of dance that you like? Serious dancing for 1-2 hours is also exercise. But of course with a small child, you can't do that every day of the week. What about cycling? Can you get a trailer for the child?

    Probably the key is variety. Try different things for different days of the week.

    General recommendation is of course 30 minutes of exercise per day, so it would be good to get up to there. In particular, say you do a 200-300 calorie exercise every day (30 minutes), then that gives you those extra calories to consume. If you do it every day, maybe with the one or other rest day in between, then your body also 'gets used' to burning those extra calories, and it raises your TDEE. Not to mention your fitness level....

    Ganzhimself has posted a nice blog post about this principle, http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/ganzhimself .

    Hope some of this helps.
    Good luck!
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