Anyone within 10-15lbs of their goal weight?

I am about 10-15lbs away from my goal weight. I keep waffling back in forth between wanting to be 145 or losing a total of 45lbs & going for the random 143.

I'm currently doing Insanity (almost done with month 1) & I am going to add running back into my schedule 3 days a week. I around 1300 calories a day, sometimes more.

I feel like my weight loss is slowing down, which I knew it would, and some days I get pretty discouraged. Is anyone else within 10-15lbs of their goal weight that can offer some support or suggestions?


  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I felt the same way about a week or two ago. I am now within 8 lbs of my goal. My weight loss slowed drastically from the 2 lbs a week that it was, I kept waffling back and forth between the same two pounds for a few weeks and it was discouraging. Finally this week I broke free and dropped a pound and a half. I do suspect though that I will find myself at this weight for a couple more weeks before I shed any more weight.

    Two things I'd recommend: Weigh yourself weekly instead of every day (Or, if you can't stand not knowing on a day-to-day basis, only "count" your weight from one Monday to the next). Use any in-between weigh-ins just as a guide. Also, keep track of your measurements. When I was fluctuating on the scale, my measurements were still getting smaller. That provided the motivation to keep going that my daily weigh-ins were no longer giving me.
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    Two things I'd recommend: Weigh yourself weekly instead of every day (Or, if you can't stand not knowing on a day-to-day basis, only "count" your weight from one Monday to the next). Use any in-between weigh-ins just as a guide. Also, keep track of your measurements. When I was fluctuating on the scale, my measurements were still getting smaller. That provided the motivation to keep going that my daily weigh-ins were no longer giving me.

    I am a daily weigher & I think I am going to stop. I think it's part of the reason I get upset. I think I am going to go to once a week, but not on Monday, because its always higher after the weekend.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Two things I'd recommend: Weigh yourself weekly instead of every day (Or, if you can't stand not knowing on a day-to-day basis, only "count" your weight from one Monday to the next). Use any in-between weigh-ins just as a guide. Also, keep track of your measurements. When I was fluctuating on the scale, my measurements were still getting smaller. That provided the motivation to keep going that my daily weigh-ins were no longer giving me.

    This is a good thing... I weigh every night then on Sunday mornings I weigh to log. I'm within 10# of my goal and have psyched myself to only focus on the Sunday's weigh-in. The closer we get to goal the slower of process. Don't lose faith in yourself! :bigsmile:
  • PattyS22
    PattyS22 Posts: 3 Member
    I too am struggling to lose that last 5 lbs. I have noticed on a day to day basis though that my weight can be anywhere from +5/-5. It's very discouraging and defeating to sometimes go on the scale and see an increase (even though I know it's water weight). I just try to keep a positive attitude and remind myself that this number doesn't define me. I am overall very healthy, I eat good, I exercise, and I keep up with the health.
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    I weigh in daily too, I know I shouldn't, but that darn scale has a powerful draw. I've toyed with removing it from the house for a while, but my hubby is trying to lose weight also. I've settled for just counting a once a week weigh-in. If Monday's don't work for you, pick any other day that does. I just used today as an example :o)
  • melissaka7
    melissaka7 Posts: 277 Member
    I have noticed on a day to day basis though that my weight can be anywhere from +5/-5. It's very discouraging and defeating to sometimes go on the scale and see an increase (even though I know it's water weight).

    This is true for me. Last week I was 154.6 & this morning I was 155.8. I had a cheat day yesterday & didn't drink as much water as I normally do. It's hard because it makes me feel like I can't indulge at all.
  • sgk0411
    sgk0411 Posts: 105 Member
    me! I just want to drop the last few. I got there last year and then got back up. I want to be 135-140 ish. feel free to add me.
  • KittyKitty1991
    KittyKitty1991 Posts: 14 Member
    YES! I'm 5'7 and trying to get down to 130, im 145 now. I've always been around 130 but gained about 35lb in 6 months. Finding it so hard toshake that last 15 lbs :(
  • glowgirl14
    glowgirl14 Posts: 200 Member
    I'm 10-ish pounds from my goal. 5'4, 125lbs right now. My weight is coming off pretty steady, but slowly (for me). But I had a 2 year break where I didn't lose anything. Did not try for the whole two years. I'd try for a few weeks and get frustrated, and go back to maintenance...but now it's finally working again. (Just added some exercise and started doing TDEE-% about a month and a half ago) If you're having a hard time, maybe give yourself a couple of weeks at maintenance and then start again?
  • Slinn1985
    Slinn1985 Posts: 58 Member
    My PT has made me hate the term "Goal Weight"

    But, I'm 3 inches away from a shirt size I was in when I was a spring chicken at 17!

    It's crazy isn't it, you don't realise just how big you got!
  • tamadrummer001
    tamadrummer001 Posts: 71 Member
    I am 12# away from goal at this time. Once I hit 200 and also lose this belly fat, my real goal is to build a physique of "greatness" (to steal the name).

    We are lifting heavy for the next 2 weeks and my weight loss will slow way down because we are building fat burning muscle but in the end, the most important goal is for me to burn off the belly, the numbers are just that......numbers.

    If you look good and feel good, the numbers really don't matter, they are just a milestone.