
Anyone have any suggestions for folks suffering from this disease and how to help workouts more successful? Seems like I stay at the same weight no matter what I do.


  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    It's time to talk to your doctor about it. I take a Kelp supplement, but only because I talked it out with my doctor first. It may interfere with your medicine, so talk first!
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    I have hypothyroidism and was devistated when, after starting medication, I didnt lose a ton of weight like one of my friends did when she was diagnosed, I was just sure it was going to be a miraculous loss!
    For me, while working out is great, its ALLLL in the diet. cut out the whites (sugar, potatos, white bread, pasta, white rice) and add in whole grains, lean meat (fish/poultry/lean beef) & lots of fruits and veggies and make sure your dosage on your meds is correct (once you start working out and eating better your body's needs may change as well).
  • start_on_monday
    The weight may not drop off quickly...but if you are working out and toning, your shape will definately be changing, I recommend measuring parts of your body too and not just going by the scales (they can be depressing and not very accurate).. If your thyroid is under control and you are taking the right medication, you shouldn't have too much trouble losing a 1lb a week which is enough, so maybe you might need it checked again. Watch what vegetables you are eating as things like Brussell sprouts can interfere with your medication...i suppose after typing all this, its not really that much help...lol...Just wanted to let you know your not alone

  • kstanleysells
    kelp is good. But in the First for Women Magizine for Sept. there is an article about how to improve and help support your thyroid function with foods that you can eat everyday. You have to have iodine of 150 mcg a day from 1/4 cup of kelp or seaweed, 4 cups of lowfat yogurt or 6 eggs. also need to take multivitamins. getting regular doses of protein from like steak andt turkey which provides the gland with tyrosine. Eat selenium-rich foods like fish and eggs will help to convert the t4 into more active t3. One month of eating foods will increase metabolism, energy and focus. You may still need medication along with this. I am starting to feel better.
  • farmgirlh
    farmgirlh Posts: 240
    I have hypothyroidism and was devistated when, after starting medication, I didnt lose a ton of weight like one of my friends did when she was diagnosed, I was just sure it was going to be a miraculous loss!
    For me, while working out is great, its ALLLL in the diet. cut out the whites (sugar, potatos, white bread, pasta, white rice) and add in whole grains, lean meat (fish/poultry/lean beef) & lots of fruits and veggies and make sure your dosage on your meds is correct (once you start working out and eating better your body's needs may change as well).

    Same thing happened for me. I didn't lose a pound when I started my meds. I worked out still nothing. It wasn't until I changed my diet that it really started to click. Now I eat almost no red meat, lots of seafood instead, I cut out most sweets, no white bread, no rice. I stay away from soy as it can hinger your meds. Also have them do a full thyroid checklist when they do your next labs. I found out after 1 1/2 years that I didn't have any T3 that really made a difference in how I felt. Watch your sodium intake, you may be more sensitive now.

    Good luck!
  • aries88
    aries88 Posts: 38
    I went through the same thing. Got diagnosed, went on the meds, was exercising. Still didn't lose anything. About 4 weeks ago I totally changed how I was eating. Quit with the "white" and now it is whole grains, lean proteins like chicken and fish and lots of good veggies. I also made sure I am getting enough calcium and fruits and my calories intake is 1400 a day and I have lost 15 lbs! Good luck. I know it is difficult but we are here to help.
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Boy am I glad to have stumbled across this thread. I too have been on thyroid meds for almost 20 years. I too thought simply taking med was going to make me loose weight. It didn't.

    I have had a great deal of difficulty loosing weight. I have stopped and started many times. I just joined this site last week and I hope this will be the last start/stop cycle! It will be the start/succeed cycle.

    I will have to try the changes to my diet. I did not know anything about needing iodine. I will sure have to check that out. I also did not know that soy and other foods could interfere. And here I have been, living 20 years with this condition and not knowing really all that much about how it could be hindering my weigh loss.
  • gabrielled
    gabrielled Posts: 247 Member
    OH!!! Forgot!

    Beans and cabbage will interfere too!
  • shari253
    shari253 Posts: 202
    My best friend has hypo thyroidism and what works for her is an almost - McDougall, almost vegan diet, with plenty of healthy fat (salmon, avocado, seeds, etc) and only one piece of bread a day. She has lost about 35 lbs. Good luck to you. I know it is a special challenge!
  • candlegal
    candlegal Posts: 220 Member
    Farmgirl you have done great!!!!! I too have hypothyroid , I was diag. last Dec. 2009. I wonder how long I have had it??? I lost 30 pds but then gained most of it back so here I am again determined to do it this time!!! Always nice to see other people who have this hypothyroid thing I'm still figuring it out. Have been on meds since Dec. up and down with dosage.
  • hismuse
    hismuse Posts: 26 Member
    This is what I have and it's been so frustrating. I'm glad to see how others are succeeding, maybe I can learn something.
  • Kidmom
    Well my doctor told me with hyperthyroidism it will be hard to lose weight however diet p alays huge part in it. I lost lots of weight one year and then recently sure to a broken able had to sit for 8 months and gained it all back lol talk about sad. I now can't get any motivation and energy. Now developed sleep apnea and have fibromyalgia,amongst some others..i just don't know how to start or anything.i have to move furniture and clean kids rooms soon so hopefully that will help me..can someone tell me how to start? My parents r vegan but its hard to do all at once..
  • carfam07
    carfam07 Posts: 39 Member
    Hi, I was diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease (Hypothyroidism) four years ago. Like you, I kept putting on weight or not losing weight no matter what I tried. I thought I was doomed to just be heavy all my life. I tried about every diet and weight watchers but I honestly would get bored with it and end up giving up after a month or two or sometimes even sooner if I didn't see my scale changing. However, two months ago a friend of mine told me about my fitness pal, and I am sooooo glad she did. We had been walking but I wasn't losing much weight, just feeling a lot better throughout the day. Anyway, I decided to track my food and calorie intake on mfp, cut out pop except one diet mountain dew a day (now sometimes I don't drink even one), drink lots of water, cut my sugar grams to 20 or less a day, take a multivitamin, and actually sweat doing the couch potato to 5K plan. I have never been a person that likes to exercise much especially when it involved lots of sweating. However, I have found that if I am really going to lose weight I have to do more than eat less, I have to really push myself and exercise and sweat (walking isn't even enough for me, running is what is really pushing me to my limits.) I am feeling much better now and am not as tired. I have more energy for myself and my family and I would suggest anyone that is able to try this couch potato to 5K plan on coolrunning.com I hope I helped you. Good luck!!
  • tater8589
    I just got my test results and was told my thyroid was "a little low" the nurse said she would have the dr take a look and call me to tell me what she wants to do about it. What advice can ya'll give me to help?
  • debcarv
    debcarv Posts: 256 Member
    Hi, I've been doing MFP for a few weeks now at 1200 cal, It is really hard to take the weight off when you are Hypothyroid. Losing weight is difficult any way without added obsticles. I have been hypothyroid for 23 years of my 60. The weight loss has been an uphill battle everyday, can't sugar coat it because your thyroid controls virtually every aspect of your body. I have my left lobe which is enlarged goiter, and only 3 parathyroid glands. Best advise if you have it, research the web, alot of good info to be found. Ask questions of your doctor, if you don't feel right the numbers are not where you should be. Your meds should be readjusted to where you feel good again. I still have symptoms that are very frustrating, hairloss being one, cold, dry skin, sleep deprevation is a biggy...Just keep smiling and be happy, we could have worse ailments!