
Maybe you guys can help me figure out what I'm doing wrong. I've been plateaued for the past year and a half. I fluctuate up and down between the same 3 pounds but that's about it. I exercise about 4-5 times a week, which typically consists of meeting with a personal trainer for strength training 1 day, kickboxing 2 days, Zumba 1 day, and running 1 day. I have a FitBit that calculates exactly how much I burn so that I don't overestimate or underestimate my calories, and I eat pretty well for the most part. My doctor says I'm healthy, and I met with a nutritional who basically told me to do MyFItnessPal. I've been on here for about 3 months, and my plateau hasn't broken. My diary is public. I'm just so frustrated and ready to quit at this point, so any input would be greatly appreciated.


  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    First question do you weigh your food? You would be surprised at what you might actually be eating if you start weighing it.

    This thread opened my eyes big time and since I started using a digital scale the weight is coming off...about 1lb a week.

    I did check out your diary and you seem to typcialy eat up to your limit going over somedays under other days. There are quick adds tho ....that I wouldn't use ever personally.

    Other then this the only thing I personally prefer is strenght training over any builds and/or maintains lean muscle which helps burn calories better then anything.
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    I'd say I measure about half my food and once I get a sense of what a particular measurement looks like, I'll eyeball it going forward. I'll try being more vigilant in my measurements though. I'm willing to try pretty much anything at this point.
  • agcarden1
    agcarden1 Posts: 35 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I had lost about 10 lbs, then the weight just decided to stay put! My plateau has lasted about 3 months so far. I usually work out 3-4 times each week doing interval training classes, TRX, running, cycling, and walking the dog. Normally I burn anywhere from 500-850 calories each workout (according to HRM). I drink plenty of water, weigh my foods, try to eat healthy (though I sometimes give in to processed food at dinner to satisfy the husband), and stay within my calorie limits each day.

    Before starting on MFP, I was doing weight watchers for about 4 months until I discovered I had only been eating 800-1000 cal each day, and exercising on top of that. That's how the first 10 lbs came off (not healthy- I know!). Maybe that messed up my metabolism? I only have another 10-15 lbs to lose and I was hoping that when I started MFP and actually gave my body the food and nutrients that it needs that the weight would finally come off. At least I'm getting healthier and am getting much stronger, even if I'm not losing pounds!
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    Yes! I did Weight Watchers too, and had the same issue. I also thought maybe the plateau was from not eating enough. Now, I'm just thinking I'm going to need to add more strength training to boost my metabolism. You may want to try doing the same.
  • anewlife1980
    anewlife1980 Posts: 225 Member
    I'd say I measure about half my food and once I get a sense of what a particular measurement looks like, I'll eyeball it going forward. I'll try being more vigilant in my measurements though. I'm willing to try pretty much anything at this point.

    I never "eye ball" anything, you can still be wrong. I use my food scale & measuring spoons EVERY time. Infact I've been doing this 6mths, went away this past wknd & couldn't take my food scale (hubby needed it) & felt lost without. I was guessing for the most part on what my food portions were & that sucked. Get a food scale & weigh everything. It really is crazy how much we eat when we don't pay attention. Also make sure you eat lots of the veggies that are low cal (carrot, broccoli etc) & less of the high cal, starchy foods (bread, pasta, potatoes). I am not saying deny yourself these items but cut way back. Once or twice a week vs daily. I don't do any bread, pasta or red meat & so far done ok.

    Also keep in mind, it also depends on how much you weigh. If you are within your normal/healthy weight range but are still trying to lose weight, you will have to work extra hard & be really strict about everything that goes into your mouth vs someone like me who had 145lbs to lose. I was not (& still am not 100%) healthy, I wasn't no where near where my body should be so my body didn't resist the changes, in fact I think my body was excited to shed the pounds. But I know those last 50lbs or so will prob be alot harder then the first 100lbs, because I will be within my range then, my body will be nearing the finish line. Not sure what you currently weigh but maybe you need to tone up verses losing weight? Good luck, I am sure you can break the cycle soon!
  • StaceySaysRelax
    StaceySaysRelax Posts: 52 Member
    Thanks! I have a food scale, so I'll start using it. :)