Horrible eater. Please help:)



  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    You can't lose weight and have everything you want to eat ... if you could, we'd all be size twos :-).

    Truth. You have to decide what you want more - to lose weight and be healthy or to drink soda and eat crappy food?
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Also, as others have noted, you can eat fast food, you just have to be very vigilant about what you eat there. If you have poor willpower and self-control, this can be very, very difficult to do. Which is why many people choose instead to just avoid the fast food altogether.

    If you can walk into McDonald's and only order a McDouble and a diet soda or water, you can get out of there for only 390 calories. That's not terrible for a meal.

    But if you have the attitude, like I did, that if you are going to "blow it" you might as well really blow it, in for a penny in for a pound, then you may find yourself "upgrading" to a Big Mac and fries and an apple pie. Now you're pushing 1000 calories in a hurry.

    Even this isn't a disaster - as long as you can deal with only 600-800 more calories for the rest of your meals for the day.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    What I did was read the labels and the ingredients on the soft drinks. It is the aspartemie which makes you crave as it is much sweeter than sugar - and also it makes you fatter. Start by limiting your drinks to ordinary coke not diet. Then try the smoothies. Then you can get the fish option when you drive through.

    There are some lovely secrets in vegetables - they are cheap and fill you up. Also roast parsnips are delicious and are low in calories. You can eat loads of calories in just one burger you just have to start reading up on stuff and counting what you are eating

    OP said she doesn't drink diet pop and aspartame has not been proven to increase cravings. Also the fish option at a fast food place is just as full of calories as a burger because it's battered, fried fish with gobs of mayo and cheese. If you think you're eating healthy by choosing the fish you're way off base. A smoothie may have healthy ingredients but depending what your throw in there can pack a real calorie punch especially if it comes from a fast food place where they add a ton of sugar.
  • Mgregory723
    Mgregory723 Posts: 529 Member
    It's not about giving up the things you love; it's about finding balance with those things! I was a heavy Mt. Dew drinker. (in recovery now, lol) and it took me a million times to stop drinking it everyday - all day long - but I did it. I was a popcorn and chocolate eater every night (no joke) king size candy bar with a whole bag of popcorn - I stopped. For me, it's not saying that I will NEVER eat those things again, it's having them once in while and not over doing it. Finding balance is a key. If I feel like having a pop, then I do. If I want a cookie I will have one "as long as I can make it fit into my calories for the day" Yeah, I go over some days; it's part of figuring out what works for you. It's life and I am living with the idea that "there are no bad foods"
    I have to learn control and moderation. I have to be accountable for what I choose to put in my mouth.

    *this doesn't happen over night. Stick with it - log everything, (yes even bad days) every day!

    Good luck to you - Friend me if you like.
    I am no expert but I am learning - Melissa
  • Goalsat47
    Goalsat47 Posts: 74 Member
    How did your calorie goal come out to 1000?

    I thought it didnt go below 1200 for anyone, perhaps I am mistaken.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Technically you can still eat drive through food, just stick to lower calorie options (you can look up the nutritional info online). But if you would like to break that habit, you need to do some work. Take some time on the weekend to plan every meal for the next week or two. Pull out the recipe book, look up recipes and meal ideas online and chart out every meal including breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. If everything is planned out, it makes food shopping and logging your food a lot easier and you'll be much less likely to be tempted by getting drive thru food if you know something yummy and healthy is waiting for you at home. You can also consider making big batches of soups or casseroles on the weekend so you can freeze leftovers and not even have to worry about cooking every night.

    And definitely track your food consistently whether it's good or not. If you're afraid of being judged by your choices, make your food diary private or only open with a passkey that way no one can see it unless you want them to.

    FYI, you got some strong reactions because you said you "can't" give up your soda without initially giving a reason why you felt this way (needing it to take your meds without getting sick) and that kind of wording tends to ruffle feathers around here because it comes off as a pretty sad excuse for not being willing to change bad habits. Don't take it personally...
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    So you have taken step 1 by admitting you have a problem and need to change.

    You have taken step 2 by asking for help/advice.

    Step 3 is going to be ugly and you may not like it, but I suggest take a week and eat/drink as you normally do BUT log every single thing. See where your calories are.

    Step 4 evaluate those calorie choices and find acceptable lower calorie choices. Once you start finding good replacements for each of those high calorie (and OBTW, non-nutritious) choices it will be come easier and easier.

    Don't refuse, do NOT use the word CAN'T... you CAN do this. Just take it a baby step at a time. If you need encouragement feel free to add me, just make sure you add a note when you do. Best of luck to you :drinker:
  • I've not said I'm not willing to give anything up.I am planning on changing the way I eat and view food completely. I have no foods logged for the last week as I am just now restarting this. I know the first week or so of my food diary will look horrible but I'm not going to pull the trick of lying and saying I didn't eat/drink something so others don't judge. My first step I feel needs to be logging everything. I drink a can of coke/pepsi/cherry coke in the morning when I take medicines bc it's all I've found that helps me to not get sick after eating them. I am by no means drinking pop all day. I rarely even drink that half a can. I am aware of how bad fast food and such is. I have openly admitted these are my issues and asked for help/suggestion/what worked for others. Thank you to those of you that had suggestions and not criticism:)

    Hopefully you didn't find my response as being criticism. I didn't mean it to come off as that. I know the last thing anyone needs on this site is criticism because after all we're all ultimately here for the same reasons.
    Something else I found that helps me, is viewing other folks diaries. It helps find new and different things I may not have known about.

    We all have struggles on a day to day basis. Just yesterday I had to really pull together some willpower to resist a bag of Peanut Butter M&M's. Our weaknesses do get easier over time, but I don't think they ever go away.

    Good Luck!
  • lucky for me i love diet pop, i also eat salads like 1-2 a day.
    My Diet is basically a low carb diet.
    So...... If your interested hmu.
    Your allowed : Fish, Lamb, Pork, Chicken, Steak ..... non of which are NOT to be breaded. Grilled or baked will do just fine.
    a great a source of protein, No Carb Meats.
    If you can find a dressing with little to no carbohydrates, get that. I use Mayo which has non. If you choose to drowse your salad in a bunch of fattening dressing that just kills the healthy part.
    along with that information, after a week of eating salads you will notice you get full easier and quicker.
    After the second week the urges to pig out gets easier to resist.
    You can also do fruit :) awesome substitute for junk food i think.
    You can make fruit salads and smoothies. have fun with it be creative !!! :)
    Veggies some of you no and some dont. some veggies are good others are not.
    The Healthy veggies are grown above ground.
    The less healthy choice is grown under ground.
    Try to stick to your healthier choice always.
    If your goal is to lose weight this is a awesome program.

    Here are some supplements that work people

    • 7 Keto
    • Calcium Pyruvate
    • Chitosan
    • CLA
    • Coleus Forskohlii
    • Dr Oz Belly Busters
    • Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA)
    • Glucomannan
    • Green Coffee Bean Extract
    • L-Carnitine
    • PGX
    • Raspberry Ketones
    • Satiereal Saffron Extract
    • Sea Buckthorn Berries
    • White Kidney Bean Extract
    • Xanthigen, Fucoxanthin, Brown Seaweed

    Check them out, do not over look the small things that could help you out alot.

    Also make sure to stick to all your vitamins
    Some foods dont carry everything you need.

    Vitamin A – critical for healthy vision and skin
    Vitamin B – a metabolism booster
    Vitamin C – keeps your immune system strong, especially important during cold and flu season.
    Vitamin D – promotes healthy bones (and your immune system)
    Vitamin E – for healthy development of muscles and brain function

    To keep your brain, heart and eyes healthy, take Omega 3’s every day. For women, the daily dose of Omega 3s is 1000 mg; for men, the dosage is 600 mg.

    I hope it works for everyone who sees this
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Everyone else has already done a great job at preaching to you about what you should and need to do to truly lose weight. I have a couple tips that helped me. The things that broke my bad eating habits were 1) logging ALL calories consumed in a day and 2) (the biggest thing that broke me) EXERCISE.

    To me nothing was worse than getting a good work out in and ruining it by eating a ton of crap after. Why do something that makes you feel so great, then destroy it with junk? I started working out immediately after work before my dinner so that when dinner time came I was more apt to pick healthy choices. Also, it forces me to eat my dinner around 8 – 830 every night which in turn keeps me from snacking since I go to bed 2 hours later.

    I’ve been doing it for so long now the only thing that gets me is the ravenous PMS monster. :sad:
  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    My brother-in-law swore he would never drink diet soda. Then he HAD to switch because he became type 2 diabetic. He switched to diet and has used MFP to lose 110 pounds in the last year. TRY diet soda for a few weeks. You will get used to it. Diet Dr. Pepper and Coke Zero seem to me to be the ones that taste most like the sugared versions.

    Also, if you go to Jimmy John's, get an unwich and hold the mayo. You save a TON of calories that way. Their "Thinny" chips are better than the regular ones, IMO, and even if you eat the whole bag, only 260 calories.

    ETA: Just looked at your diary. 1000 calories is a very bad idea. Set your calorie goal to AT LEAST your BMR. Then make sure you NET that amount every day.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    This will sound mean...but you don't want it bad enough. When you do you'll do what it takes.

    First, I would suggest start logging every thing you eat/drink. EVERYTHING. Maybe if you see how many calories you are taking in a day vs what you need to take in a day might be the shock you need to see.

    Second, after you see that, if that doesn't make you want to change your habits then start small, like only 2 trips to drive thrus a week instead of 3, have 1-2 sodas less a week, do that for a couple weeks, then repeat in lowering the numbers. Small changes can help as it's not a whole shock to the system at once.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    Then you can get the fish option when you drive through.

    Let me tell you about the "fish" at Burger King.

    Now it's been 20 years since I worked there, but when I did, fish was cooked in a two-step process. It can't be cooked on demand because it takes 6 minutes to cook it. That's too long to wait for an infrequently-ordered item.

    So it is first cooked, or blanched, for 4 minutes, then put in a drip pan where it is kept on hold for, I think 2 hours max. After that they are supposed to be thrown out. When someone orders the fish, the on-hold fish is put back in the fryer grease for an additional 2 minutes to heat it up.

    Problem is, the holding pan of pre-cooked fish sits on top of the fryer hood where it is forgotten about until someone orders some fish. Then, you don't want to get chewed out for throwing them away and cooking new ones from scratch while a customer is waiting, and it's going back in the hot grease anyway so...into the hot grease it goes.

    So unless you want to eat a fish sandwich that's been sitting around for hours before being re-heated, I wouldn't order fast food fish if I were you.
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Just eat less of all those things. Or eat your fast food burger with a side salad. Or do ANYTHING to reduce your calorie intake.

    I eat crap and fast food all the time, but I also eat lean meats, fruits and vegetables and stay within my calorie limits. There's no magic. You just have to sit down and figure out what's doable for you and then start doing it.
  • Calliope610
    Calliope610 Posts: 3,780 Member
    I am the worst eater with no will power. I eat junk food quite a bit. Drive throughs at least 3 days a week. I try to eat healthy but can't find anything to satisfy the junk food cravings. And I can't give up pop (or switch to diet, yuck). Any suggestions you've tried that have worked? I know I can't expect to lose the weight with exercise alone....

    Nothing changes if nothing changes. How do you expect to change your weight if you are not willing to change your habits???

    ETA: 1000 cals is way too little to eat to SUCCESSFULLY LOSE WEIGHT AND KEEP IT OFF. Sure, you may drop some weight in the short term, but then your metabolism will tank, causing your weight loss to slow to nothing. Based on your stats (25yo female, 185lbs, about 5"4' - I'm guessing there), your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure) at the sedentary level is 1972cals/day. To lose weight in a healthy, sustainable manner, eat at a 20% caloric deficit i.e. about 1500-1600cals/day.

    Please see the following post for more explanation and tips for healthy and successful weight loss

  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    I am the worst eater with no will power. I eat junk food quite a bit. Drive throughs at least 3 days a week. I try to eat healthy but can't find anything to satisfy the junk food cravings. And I can't give up pop (or switch to diet, yuck). Any suggestions you've tried that have worked? I know I can't expect to lose the weight with exercise alone....

    All I read in that was 'can't, can't, can't'. It's not that you can't, it's that you are choosing not to.

    No-one here has got a miracle cure for you. If you want to lose weight, you need to make some changes. If you aren't prepared to make those changes, you aren't ready. Keep eating takeaways and drinking full fat fizzy drinks and come back when you are.

    ETA: Why have you deliberately set your calories below the minimum MFP recommends? No wonder you are finding this hard, you practically starve yourself daily. If you ever do decide to do this properly, please read this thread and work out a healthy and realistic calorie intake.

  • KathleenMurry
    KathleenMurry Posts: 448 Member
    I see this two ways

    1. You don't WANT to give up the junk food. Where there is a will there is a way. If you really wanted to lose weight, you'd be able to give up the junk. Or at least gradually cut it out. Try drive through twice a week for 2 weeks. Then once a week for two weeks. Then once every other week. Try getting a small coke instead of large. But you apparently aren't doing this. So maybe you're just lazy and don't have what it takes to take charge of your life/health.

    2. You have a legitimate eating disorder. Your eating habbits could be due to a mental illness. If it really seems IMPOSSIBLE to change your eating ways, you need to seek the help of a therapist who can work on cognitive behaviour therapy with you.

    Which is it?
  • RozayJones
    RozayJones Posts: 409 Member
    I log EVERYTHING which makes me accountalbe for what I am putting in my mouth - even on my days off or my bad days.
    I also set goals/rewards for myself such as no fast food until I lose another 5 pounds or if I get in my exercise 5 days this week maybe I will just have that bowl of ice cream. But even when I do "reward" myself that is included in my log and counts towards my daily calories!

    Good luck! :bigsmile:
  • rjs0416
    rjs0416 Posts: 23
    You'll never be able to abandon junk food or your sugar/sweet addiction if you try to dump it all in one go while trying to lose weight. We only have so much willpower.

    It's about baby steps.

    First two baby steps I would suggest:

    1. Log all of your food you eat in a day. No one on here is going to negatively judge you. Once you do that, check out your daily breakdown, paying special attention to carbs, sugar, sodium, and cholesterol. Don't have to do it every day at first. Just do it for one day that you feel is particularly "normal".

    2. Replace one bad food a week with a healthy alternative. Pop tarts, which are loaded with all sorts of sugars and preservatives and sweeteners could be replaced with a banana and an English muffin with organic peanut butter. Fast food fried chicken sandwich? Have it grilled and drop the mayo.

    3. Biggest small step you can possibly ever take ever ever ever: Don't drink your calories. You like a tall iced coffee with cream and sugar? Start off by switching to skim milk and half the amount of sugar. Iced green tea with lemon is delicious. Water is always good for you.

    That's where I would start if I had a sugar or sweets addiction.


    And when you're finally where you want to be by taking one new baby step a week, treat yourself to a cheat meal. This isn't the Biggest Loser ranch. You're not going to, I don't know, be cattle prodded for slipping. Allowing yourself a once a week cheat meal is a good way to kick up your spirits and add a little bit of fuel to the will power fire. Just don't go overboard and eat a 5000 calorie cheat meal :-)
  • I am the worst eater with no will power. I eat junk food quite a bit. Drive throughs at least 3 days a week. I try to eat healthy but can't find anything to satisfy the junk food cravings. And I can't give up pop (or switch to diet, yuck). Any suggestions you've tried that have worked? I know I can't expect to lose the weight with exercise alone....

    Start packing lunches. Don't give yourself the chance to eat unhealthy food, every time you think about stopping at a fast food joint, think about what you are actually eating, because it isn't food, it's a food-like product, loaded with saturated fat, cholesterol, sodium and chemicals. Go online and look up the ingredients and nutrition info (everywhere has it listed online now) and it'll help you not want to eat it anymore. It'll be hard at first, but you can do it. Eventually, you'll crave it less and less. I used to eat fast food often, and now I refuse to eat it, because the though of it honestly disgusts me, and if I do try to eat it, I feel sick afterwards. First thing, you need to start logging calories, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks about what you eat. Once you are fully aware of your intake it'll be much easier to make changes in your diet. You can do it. Best of luck to you :)