little hope

Recently,I went to my Dr.appointment to see about getting a gastric sleeve done.
They pretty much told me that I was covered by my insurance company.
I have been thinking about how desperate I must be to have 80% of my stomach cut out and drink shakes for the rest of my life.
Do I really want to live this way?No...I do not.
I just want to lose this weight so badly! It is so very hard! I have been on so many diets.I have failed so many times.
I don't like me.
I don't like the way I feel.
My little hope is this site...My fitness Pal.....


  • highrise
    highrise Posts: 147 Member
    Hello and welcome - you CAN do it...there are plenty of lovely people on here who are starting out, on the journey or almost there. Good luck!
  • sexylonglegs
    cheer up buttercup! we are here for you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • inguvap
    inguvap Posts: 85 Member
    MFP will help you so much in your weight loss journey. Put your heart and soul in to this effort and you will surely achieve it. Turn to MFP for guidance and inspiration.

  • Sandeee
    Sandeee Posts: 53 Member
    I am proud to watch people of all sizes come here and endure and lose to become happier and healthier people. No one says it will be easy, but just 1 day at a time or 1 hour or 1 minute, whatever it takes to get you through. You will soon begin to feel the new you not wanting to eat as much or junk food. I am so proud to be amongst the many people who use this site for their own well being. With that being said, I welcome you to the new you. You can do it. :flowerforyou:
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    i definitely agree with padma! i had been trying to lose those few extra pounds for years, after turning 40, and i figured my body would just not ever change. i didn't think i'd ever get rid of those pesky pounds. i joined this site, amped up my exercise, and i lost almost 40 lbs, even at my age, 40+! you can do it, and this site is the BEST! the members are so supportive and can help motivate you when things look hopeless. we're all here for you!
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I'm new here also (a month) so maybe someone else knows her name but I read an AMAZING story about a woman here this weekend that was preparing for Gastric surgery and gave it one last go at losing. She lost a couple of hundred pounds and is running marathons now. YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!! It will take a while. It won't be easy. But you CAN.
  • DebbiePulford

    I'm reading a book at the moment, the Beck Diet Workbook.... it's a Cognitive Behavioural Therapy book. I know that it probably sounds like mumbo jumbo, but I swear that it's fantastic. You read it whilst doing your diet / exercise programme. It challenges your thinking habits regarding food and exercise. It's a six week programme training you to think like a thin person.

    I think that you might be suprised to find out how much of a benefit something like this could be.

    D :o)
  • ppennington
    You can do it. My advise to you is give this site a chance to work. You have to be committed to it and do the work but the support and advice is excellent. Find yourself a bunch of friends with similar goals and commit to yourself that you are going to make your weight loss a priority in your life. I spend at least 30 to 45 minutes a day on this site, posting my food and exercise, reading the blogs, hints and recipes and giving my support to and receiving support from my "friends". What in your life is more important than that?

    I've been on this site for seven weeks now and have lost 11 lbs and was able to get off three medications for high blood pressure, high blood sugar and cholesterol. To be completely honest, I had lost and additional 8 lbs during the last six or seven months before I joined this site. So that's a total of almost 20 lbs and with my little frame, that was substantial enough to make the difference in my blood pressure, etc.

    I also think the litte bit of exercise I have been doing (mostly walking), drinking the water my body needs and keeping a close eye on sodium has made a big difference too.

    I have been trying recipes I find on MFP and hints for changing the recipes and meals I have always pepared. My husband tells me he honestly is enjoying this NEW way of eating and the variety of foods I have introduced to our table.

    You CAN do it. Start out with little steps........drink your water, watch your sodium.....don't try for the insane exercise some people are doing.....just take a walk or three or four during the week.

    Mostly, try to change your attitude.. This is not a diet. It's a lifestyle and you, only you, can change your lifestyle.

    Good luck!
  • oddsonv
    oddsonv Posts: 21 Member
    This is such a supportive website here just wants to see you succeed and will be there for you when it gets hard....don't give don't want to have surgery...I know it probably sounds easier but YOU CAN DO THIS! Lean on everyone you love and don't get down on yourself...YOU WILL BE A SUCCESS!
  • blbond82
    I have well over 100 pounds to lose and as tempting as lap band surgery can be at times for me I have too many friends who have had it or gastric bypass and ended up with a bunch of health problems, gaining a bunch of the weight back or simply having live a food lifestyle I don't wish too. So, the old-fashioned healthy eating and exercise is the only way to go.

    If you want some support friends feel free to add me.

  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    My personal opinion is that only fools cut out their stomachs because they have no self control or want everything now. Bottom line is, all you have to do is track what you eat and change your habits slowly over time.

    First and foremost, it not going to happen over night since you didn't gain it all over night. Don't try to change yourself over night; don't even go on a strict diet overnight. That is one of the main reasons that people cannot stay on a healthy track. They change so much so fast they can't stick with it and give up and get worse than what they were.

    Start off slowly by making small changes and remember, this is not going to happen over weeks or months, but years. You have to look at the big picture here.

    An example is, what I did when I started out at 365.5 pounds which was my worst ever. I couldn't walk with out help and didn't even go out of the house for a year. I had a 100% blockage and nearly died two times from 2000 and 2003. When I started going to the V.A.'s move program, they thought me to change things slowly and the first thing I did was so simple. I change putting mustard on my big hamburgers instead of mayo. Once I got use to that, I went from eating that big double meat and cheese, to a small $1 double.

    Bottom line is, make changes to your lifestyle you can live with. Do a walk every day even if it only for 5 mins a day, but over time add a minutes to it over times. Don’t expect to lose 1-2 lbs a day, but 1 or 2 lbs over one or two weeks.

    Anyone can lose weight fast, but how many keep it off when they do. Slow and easy is the trick.

    Just to let you know where I am today. I am 308 lbs, I walked 5 miles yesterday and I have not had any heart problems in years. My Blood pressure is a little high but still normal and I don't take meds. My insulin went from 500 down to 100 and I do not have to use my insulin as much, as I watch sugar intake now.

    Good luck on whatever you decide to do, because it your life and only you can life it.
  • Beebee78
    You can do this! You will find so much support here xxx
  • Dubby62
    Dubby62 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank-you for your input.It gave me alot to think about.Good luck on your journey...sounds like you got it!
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    geez, most people that replied to you have lost a ton of weight...kind of daunting isn't it? well my dear, i haven't lost squat...i'm working my *kitten* off, peeing so much i should just move my work into the bathroom (who drinks 8 cups of water a day and doesn't pee constantly?) but i'm here for want what i want...and we're starting at rock bottom TOGETHER...wish you lived here, i could use a work out partner (or at least someone to b!tch with)...hang in there...if you need anything (like a reality check) i'm here A LOT!