Mom/BonusMom of 5, 40 lbs to lose, time for a change!

My name is Amy, and I just joined MFP yesterday, August 26th. I am excited and also nervous to get this party started! Yesterday was great and so far today as well, but it has been a whole 32 hours or so....ha! Lots going on in our house now and although I love throwing myself into it, I need to put me in the front of the line now. I have 3 kids and also 2 bonus kids (not a fan of the term "step-children"), keep ourselves crazy busy as does everyone else, but I recently put my height and weight in a BMI calculator and the term "Obese" came up! I know that I entered 3 details and instantly became "obese", so I need to take it with a grain of salt a bit, but I also know that I need to get myself healthy and be an example for our family. So here goes nothing.......ALSO, I would love some friends on here, in a similar boat or not! :) Happy Tuesday!


  • Welcome! I know all about needing to put yourself first. I am a mother of two active boys, plus I teach and coach. I joined MFP back in January. So far, I have lost 81 pounds, and I would like to lose about 30 or 40 more. Trust me, if I can make this lifestyle change, anyone can.

    If you would like to add me as a friend, maybe we can encourage each other. Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • MissMarthaGrace
    MissMarthaGrace Posts: 227 Member
    No time like the present Amy! Looking forward to joining you on your journey. You CAN do this!!! :happy:
  • Thanks chica! So excited and so glad we can so this together! Thanks for your support my friend'
  • I will totally add you as a friend! Thanks for the post ☺ so awesome! Life, huh??? LOL! Lets do this thing!
  • 1_Slick_Chick
    1_Slick_Chick Posts: 199 Member
    Love your energy! :bigsmile: I have about 30 more lbs to go...let's do this!! Will send a FR.
  • mjf0461
    mjf0461 Posts: 470 Member
    Hello Amy, welcome to MFP.

    I am not in the same boat, but I do try to reach out to newbie's and offer some encouragment. For I know the difficulty that comes with losing weight. If I can help you out just holler my way.

    good luck and keep losing.
  • Look at you down 51 lbs, that is fabulous!!! I agree...let's do this! :happy: Hope you are having a fabulous Thursday so far!
  • I will definitely FR you! Thank you for the reach out!!! Congrats on the 55 lbs lost so far! You rock!
  • I too am a mom of three. I started at 193 and am already down 23.5 lbs before joining MFP. I still need to lost another 40 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just joined today. My friends aren't super supportive and are bad food influences so joining a community of people who are in the same boat as me sounded like that best way to go. So far reading all the posts on here, everyone is so supportive of one another. If gives you the boost to keep going. I can't wait to get going on here. I love all the positive energy.
  • Hi again I think! You know the best line of thinking when it comes to unsupportive friends is when they see you actually doing it and watching the weight come off you and wishing they had lol! Keep your eye on YOUR goal, let them worry about theirs!
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    Oh hai! I just answered your other thread. I'm a mom of 5 also :) I've lost nearly 40 lbs now... if I can you can. Get it!
  • HI!!! I just joined last night and today is my first day so I would love to friend you lol!!! I am a mom of 8 kids some bio and some adopted. At 57 and post menopausal the weight just packed on fast!!! I ignored it and now am paying the piper! I need to loose at least 70 lbs to feel good about myself again. So would love to have some support!!! Have a great day and may strong commitment follow you every min.

  • I too am a mom of three. I started at 193 and am already down 23.5 lbs before joining MFP. I still need to lost another 40 lbs to get to my pre-pregnancy weight. I just joined today. My friends aren't super supportive and are bad food influences so joining a community of people who are in the same boat as me sounded like that best way to go. So far reading all the posts on here, everyone is so supportive of one another. If gives you the boost to keep going. I can't wait to get going on here. I love all the positive energy.

    We got this chica! :happy: I am glad that you are doing this, we all need support one way or another!
  • Oh hai! I just answered your other thread. I'm a mom of 5 also :) I've lost nearly 40 lbs now... if I can you can. Get it!

    I love the attitude! I want to "get it!" :wink:
  • HI!!! I just joined last night and today is my first day so I would love to friend you lol!!! I am a mom of 8 kids some bio and some adopted. At 57 and post menopausal the weight just packed on fast!!! I ignored it and now am paying the piper! I need to loose at least 70 lbs to feel good about myself again. So would love to have some support!!! Have a great day and may strong commitment follow you every min.


    Nice to meet you Christine! Exciting times ahead for all of us! Rock the rest of your day out!!
  • TinaBean007
    TinaBean007 Posts: 273 Member
    Welcome to MFP... it's an amazing, crazy, irrational, rational place!! (Very similar to the weight-loss journey) I just read this yesterday:
  • Hi,
    I joined last week and was hoping to find a weight loss buddy. I am 5'4" and weigh 141 pounds. I have been trying to lose 20pounds for couple years now. Instead I have added 5 pounds to my weight in the last 3 months. I would love some support and encouragement from a buddy with the same commitment.
  • prgirl39
    prgirl39 Posts: 108
    Hello Amy! Nice to see you here. I am on my way to healthy living. This site is wonderful! You can add me too!

    I am 41, mother of 3 and I need to lose 50 pounds. I want to wear a bikini!!! Yes I want the bikini body!! lol Also need to stay healthy for me and my kiddos!

    Good luck! Hope we can help each other out!

  • Hi :)
    I too am a mother, have about 43 lbs to lose. Feel free to add me, ill be a s supportive as I can. Always nice tyo have new friends on here x
  • amybkertesz
    amybkertesz Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amy!

    another Amy here, mom of four. :) Totally get where you're coming from. I'm 5'5", started out at 173, joined MFP at 165 and now I'm down to 152. Hoping to lose the last 12 by the end of this year. Welcome to MFP! I can say that it's helped me immensely.