My weight loss (through dieting)

Just thought that since I once wanted information like this when I started that there must at least be another person in the world who could learn from my experience =)

My Story:
After bulking from 60KG to 79KG (maintaining a height of 6foot) over about 6-9 months, I realized my body fat had nearly doubled (6%-8% to 14%-16%), which was a shock to me. My sports were suffering due to me not being use to having such a heavy frame, so I decided to alter my diet.
I basically cut out all carbohydrate predominant food and replaced the supposed lack of energy with sucrose/fructose from fruits and vegetables. I also removed high-content fatty foods and artificial sugars/processed foods etc.
In the first month, I lost about 2-3kgs. At first I was worried as I thought I was losing muscle mass, however as I started this, my strength exploded and I progressed faster than ever before.
This continued for another 2-3 months, slowly down until I was about 72KGs.
Throughout this time I did not change my training regiment as a whole (still changed exercizes, but not once add anything new e.g. running, rowing etc).

The one thing that sums up what I'm trying to say is: You are what you eat.
If your attempting a lifestyle change in the attempt to get fit and healthy, sure its one thing to go for runs each night, but if that run is only burning off all the fats from the current day, your not going to lose (much) weight. By eating healthy, your body will be able to burn through the resources you've eaten throughout the day and also make a start on your fat deposits(don't quote me on this, I don't know the actual chemical occurrences that go on), but in theory it should :P

I cannot stress enough that you should check ANYTHING I say before starting on it, because, like everyone else, I also learn from others, who also learn from others, and different things work for different people.


  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I basically cut out all carbohydrate predominant food and replaced the supposed lack of energy with sucrose/fructose from fruits and vegetables.

    I don't know what you're saying but sucrose and fructose ARE carbohydrates.
  • Ah yes, thank you! I did not know that =)
    I guess I was a bit vague with that statement, by carb-predominant food I'm talking about the processed wheat-based products (e.g. rice, bread, pasta etc)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Ah yes, thank you! I did not know that =)
    I guess I was a bit vague with that statement, by carb-predominant food I'm talking about the processed wheat-based products (e.g. rice, bread, pasta etc)

    So you reduced some calorie rich and nutrient poor(er) foods as part of your diet. That's a reasonable way to lose weight. Are these foods that you plan to live without for the rest of your life or just have them at a more reasonable level?

    Edit: You might find this very interesting:
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    I tried the low-carb route, and although I lost weight easily, I gained it all back. Why? Because life without pasta, cereal, oatmeal, rice, bread, and a bit of sugar in my morning cup of tea is bloody miserable...totally unsustainable for me.

    I'm so much happier being able to eat what I want and just stick to my goals. If I never see another coconut flour pancake recipe it will be too soon....
  • Yep basically! Was more focused on my protein/carbo intake as opposed from calories during my cutting phase (Just didn't feel I knew enough about them). Well now that I've become "stuck" at the current weight, I am now implementing them back into my diet. I don't know if it's too common but I typically don't enjoy eating? So depending on what happens once I reach my new target weight (going to aim for 80~), I will decide, as you said, do live without or just have smaller servings.

    Edit: That's why I feel quite lucky in that regard as I don't have cravings for any food and I basically force every meal down (unless its meat)
    Lots of good reads, thankyou for the link!