newbie too

I am new to this and hope to loose at least 100lbs. I think this will be the greatest help and encouragement. Mom to 5 grown kids.


  • Beebee78
    Welcome to MFP! You will find no end of support here on your journey!

    good luck xxx
  • jessicajm
    Welcome! We are here for you!
  • eclarecpa
    Hi, I am new too, also a mom of 6 grown kids and need to lose a lot (goal is to lose around 130 lbs). Nice to have a free place to record progress! So far weekends are tough.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Hi, I am new too, also a mom of 6 grown kids and need to lose a lot (goal is to lose around 130 lbs). Nice to have a free place to record progress! So far weekends are tough.

    weekends suck