Depressed and Discouraged =[

jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
So, I use to be on MFP all the time in the beginning of this year. And I ended up losing about 30 something lbs! I went from about 190 to 155 =] Life was great! I was motivated and FINALLY figured out the secret to losing weight! Now, here I am about a year later.. And I have gained ALL the weight back! I am back to 190 =[ I just dont understand! I ate right and exercised like i was supposed to. I got off track for about 5 months and im back up all the weight i worked so hard to lose. So i tried to get back on track at the beginning of this month.. Started Jogging and trying to eat right.. I didnt lose a lb! infact i GAINED 10 =[ I didnt just gain 10.. I did eat bad out of being so discouraged and not caring but OMG. I am so sad and need some help! All i can really do for working out is jogging.. Is this not good enough??? I try 30 min during the week before work and an hour (3 miles) every saturday. Should i try to be doing more?


  • jazzy020106
    jazzy020106 Posts: 485 Member
    did not mean to post this twice!
  • well i lost almost 100 pds and gained it back and now am diabetic at the age of 23 my doc says work out at least 150 minutes a week it will slowly come off but you have to burn more than you eat. i lost track of my diet for a bit and now am the biggest ive been eatting lots of veggies and fuits in moderation i eat alot of cucumbers and light homemade ranch its filling and very few callories helpful hints, i also try to eat beef jerky a few peices is filling and not bad for you hopefully this help \
    good luck
  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    oh I know just how you feel. I lost 105lbs about 12 yrs ago, kept it off for about 4 yrs and then got fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, hypothyroidism and stopped exercising and turned to food for comfort and gained it all back over time. It is so depressing. But we have to just focus on today. We lost all the weight once we know how to do it and what it takes, so we can and will do this
  • SoliQ
    SoliQ Posts: 158 Member
    Hey you are back right, start again you already know what to do, Welcome Back! ;)
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