Any other Human Resources or Payroll peeps out there?

I work in HR and it's a stressful and thankless job most of the time. Anyone else work in the HR or Payroll field? (I've done payroll too....)


  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member
    Oh, yes. I do bookkeeping for small companies and nonprofits. Payroll just makes me want to take to my bed with a cold towel over my eyes!
  • YES. I am the only Payroll/HR person for a small company here as well. I can't count the number of times I've had to say to supervisors/higher-ups "No, you can't do that. That's illegal." But I do love HR work... working directly with people and helping solve problems is definitely my passion.
  • Oh, yes. I do bookkeeping for small companies and nonprofits. Payroll just makes me want to take to my bed with a cold towel over my eyes!

    I was a Payroll Manager in a previous job... dealing with people's pay is stressful!
  • YES. I am the only Payroll/HR person for a small company here as well. I can't count the number of times I've had to say to supervisors/higher-ups "No, you can't do that. That's illegal." But I do love HR work... working directly with people and helping solve problems is definitely my passion.

    What I enjoy about HR is helping people. That's why I went into the field. But often, people think of HR as the enemy. It's disappointing.
  • I hear you sister Me too for a very long time,,, A lot of stress and sitting for long periods of time
  • shananvan
    shananvan Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in HR, I manage the department and respond to the day to day disfunction that occurs. Stress? For sure! I'm right there with ya!
  • HelenTheZ
    HelenTheZ Posts: 42 Member
    OMG "You can't do that, it's illegal" and "Uh, yeah, you DO actually have to pay your payroll taxes on time."
  • 4melyn
    4melyn Posts: 11 Member
    Hi there, I am Payroll and Apprentice co-ordinator. :) Happy News for the Day . It's FRIDAY !!!!! :)
  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    I am the office manager for a small office so I do payroll, accounting, insurance claims, appointments... well, everything really! It is sometimes a thankless job.
  • mmipanda
    mmipanda Posts: 351 Member
    I'm in this boat too. I deal with all 'employee' issues for a staff of 70 people. As well as invoicing, insurances, tenders etc. Definitely demanding!
  • My first job was an HR Assistant (aka - my boss' slave)
    Then I was an HR Specialist which I LOVED. I did a bit of everything, but the employees were VERY anti-HR.
    Then I was a Payroll Manager - for a horrible company.
    Then I was a Benefits Coordinator - love benefits, but not when dealing with a bunch of professors at a college - no thank you!
    Currently I'm an HR Generalist and work mostly on employee appreciation events. I do enjoy that side of HR. I think I would love my career much more if HR wasn't viewed as the bad guy so often.

    To summarize - my weight gain started in the HR Specialist job... the stress of being the enemy got to me. It spiraled from there.
  • ssavage76
    ssavage76 Posts: 15 Member
    My student job is with the university's HR department. The work load for students there is a lot more than for other departments, but at least the days aren't dull!
  • My first job was an HR Assistant (aka - my boss' slave)
    Then I was an HR Specialist which I LOVED. I did a bit of everything, but the employees were VERY anti-HR.
    Then I was a Payroll Manager - for a horrible company.
    Then I was a Benefits Coordinator - love benefits, but not when dealing with a bunch of professors at a college - no thank you!
    Currently I'm an HR Generalist and work mostly on employee appreciation events. I do enjoy that side of HR. I think I would love my career much more if HR wasn't viewed as the bad guy so often.

    To summarize - my weight gain started in the HR Specialist job... the stress of being the enemy got to me. It spiraled from there.

    It is SO hard when everyone thinks of you that way! I get that from my employees too. I tell myself all day long, over and over - This is NOT my hill to die on. I do my best, and I'm very good at my job, and then I go home. That's it. This job is not my life.

    But that's only on the bad days. Mostly, I love it :)
  • hottie_in_training
    hottie_in_training Posts: 109 Member
    I am one of 25 in our HR department which is for a large organization dealing with aerospace & defence. Our payroll department is a sub department of our Finance Department and doesn't have anything to do with us.

    My focus is training & development as well as organizational development/effectiveness. Thankfully I don't have to deal with the yucky part of HR (recruitment, dismissals, pensions, payroll, etc). When employees come to see me it's about a paid benefit to them. They come to me for company paid training and career development.
  • I am one of 25 in our HR department which is for a large organization dealing with aerospace & defence. Our payroll department is a sub department of our Finance Department and doesn't have anything to do with us.

    My focus is training & development as well as organizational development/effectiveness. Thankfully I don't have to deal with the yucky part of HR (recruitment, dismissals, pensions, payroll, etc). When employees come to see me it's about a paid benefit to them. They come to me for company paid training and career development.

    For the first time in my HR career, I'm in a position that doesn't deal with the yucky stuff either. I had to fire someone once! I was shaking like a leaf. Anyway - I do enjoy having the softer side of HR as my specialty... but still it's a stressful and thankless job... and always will be for sure!