feeling so unmotivated

Since the middle of July, I have lost my motivation. I lost the weight I wanted to for a Luke Bryan concert, but after the concert I have lost my UMPH. I am not motivated at all. I have to talk myself into going to the gym, when before nothing would stop me from going. Even Zumba (which I love) has lost its appeal to me. Now I just feel like I am going through the motions. How do I get my motivation back? How do I stay on track? During the day I eat so good, but as soon as I get home I get lazy and all I want to do is eat, even though I am not hungry. I need help!!!!


  • hrmom26
    hrmom26 Posts: 53 Member
    maybe you need a new goal? you said you reached your last (btw that's awesome!! ) so maybe what you need is a new one. i have several :) i wanted to be able to buy clothes in the regular sizes not the "women's" that one one i reached (just barely but i reached lol ) i want to be under 200 pounds have my weight start with a 1, i was hoping to get there by the end of summer but i'm thinking i might not get there close but not there.

    as for exercising for me. i am just realizing i need to change it up every month or 2. i was walking everyday loved it, got bored , then did swimming loved it got bored, lol i am now walking and doing wii fit plus. maybe you need a new class new challenge it might invigorate you meeting new people in a different class, new goal to get you thinking .

    hope this helps
  • itsscottwilder
    I lost the weight I wanted to for a Luke Bryan concert,

    I think you answered your own question. You had a short term goal. And it was short lived.

    Surely there's a better reason to get fit than a concert.

    Getting rid of those aches and pains that come from being overweight.

    being able to fit in those tiny restaurant booths that only stick figures can fit in.

    Only you can find your motivation.

    Go get it!!!