Ideas for Cooking apples



  • Alpina483
    Alpina483 Posts: 246 Member
    I hadn't thought of using them in savory dishes.

    No? they go well with all the meats I tried. Personal discovery of the month - chicken breast, if you cook it with apples, it is all nice and juicy and yummy, not dry and boring as when you cook it alone.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    I hadn't thought of using them in savory dishes.

    No? they go well with all the meats I tried. Personal discovery of the month - chicken breast, if you cook it with apples, it is all nice and juicy and yummy, not dry and boring as when you cook it alone.

    I have a small chicken for tonight - to either roast whole or I could split and bake surrounded with apple slices - wont the apple burn though, do I need to add water ?
  • ailbheoconnell
    ailbheoconnell Posts: 48 Member
    apple crumble.

    peel apples and cut into chunks into a greased dish. add brown sugar (100g per 800g of fruit) or sweetener, or honey or that half empty pot of any flavoured jam you forgot about. mix them about. the fruit should be just covered in something sweet, not drowned. in a food processor blitz some cold butter with flour (chuck in some oats if you like it rustic) until fine breadcrumb texture. if you don't have a food processor or don't mind a few mins work rub the butter into the flour with your COLD fingertips. add a few handfuls of sugar and bung in it on top of the apples, spread fairly evenly. bake at about 170 celsius until the fruit is bubbling like hot jam at the sides and the top is a caramel colour. oh so good.
    serve with custard.
    Rough measurements to fill a dish about 12 inches by 9 inches by three inches high, are 700-800g fruit, enough sweet stuff to coat it (equivalent 100 g sugar) , about 150g dry stuff (flour with oats, seeds or whatever) to 75g butter, and 75g sugar mixed in. should be just enough to hide the fruit.
    plenty of recipes for the crumble topping online if you're trying to count cals
  • kennie2
    kennie2 Posts: 1,171 Member
    i like them baked with honey. simple and easy
    and yeah like someone said, apple a rhubarb or apple and blackberry crumbles are sooo good!
  • aries7298
    aries7298 Posts: 225 Member
    I peel them, cut them ready for fillings (pies, etc) then freeze them.... then I always have some for whatever is on the menu. :happy:
    Ooo .. do they un-thaw ok? or should I cook then freeze?

    they un-thaw good...... in most cases I cook them anyway..... if you're worried about the excess juices, you could always thaw them in a strainer and could even save the juice/water for syrups or reserve them to add for thickener... YUM... :drinker:
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    Ok here goes - cooking LIVE!

    I made a "Chicken Apple Hot Pot" - based on your ideas

    Here it is before it goes in the oven!


    What I did:

    Stripped a raw chicken of as much meat as I could - chopped it up into chunks.
    (I get 3 chickens for a tenner in Tesco)

    10 x cooking apples, cored and sliced - various shapes & sizes- but biggest about tennis ball sized.
    l x chopped large onion
    chicken stock I had in the freezer
    chicken stock cube
    sprinkling of cinamon
    generous glug of cider vinegar

    Thnnking of cooking slowly about 150 for two hours.

    The bones & remains I have set to simmer in pressure cooker to later make stock & chicken and apple soup - as your ideas :)

    Will post results later !

  • ailbheoconnell
    ailbheoconnell Posts: 48 Member
    Just seeing your chicken apple hot pot reminded me of a pork recipe I used before, it is AMAZING!! Has full fat cream in it but you could probably substitute creme fraiche or something else creamy, so long as it didn't split. Maybe light Philadelphia??

    anyway, here it is. I would say to leave out the apple juice and add in some peeled, diced apples, they will break down in the cooking and also thicken the sauce a bit so you wouldn't have to reduce it in the end.
    Really tasty served with mashed potatoes.

    Lakeshore Pork; Avoca Cafe cookbook

    1.3kg/3lb diced leg of pork, well trimmed - fillet is even better
    Seasoned flour - flour, salt, pepper,mustard powder and brown sugar
    olive oil
    600ml/1 pint apple juice
    300ml/half a pint of chicken stock
    2 tablespoons of Lakeshore or any other wholegrain mustard
    30ml/ half a pint of cream

    Toss the pork in the seasoned flour then brown it in the olive oil in batches.Place in a flameproof casserole dish and cover with the apple juice and stock. Add the mustard and bring to the boil, then transfer to an oven preheated to 180C/350F/gas 4 for 40 minutes. Remove from the oven, stir in the cream and return to the oven for 10 minutes.
    If the sauce is too thin, remove the meat and keep warm. Put the casserole dish over a medium heat and simmer until the sauce reduces and thickens. Return the meat to the pan.
  • sandobr1
    sandobr1 Posts: 319 Member
    I will look today for a recipe for apple, pork, onion kabobs, I think it had an apricot glaze. Bookmarking hopefully I can remember and find the cookbook. I used to make this a few times a summer, kind of forgot about it until this post.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member

    Here's my favourite recipe:

    1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
    200g onions
    100g raisins or sultanas
    250g apples cored and chopped small
    300g brown sugar
    225 ml malt vinegar
    2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp ground allspice
    1/2 tsp ground ginger
    1/2 tsp ground black pepper
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    Chuck the lot in a big saucepan or jam pan, heat it to dissolve the sugar then boil for 1hr or longer if necessary, till it's thick and pulpy - it ought to leave a clear trail at least for a second, when you draw a spoon across the bottom of the pan.

    Pot it in sterilised jam pots (I put mine upside down in the oven on a low heat while the chutney's boiling).

    This makes a couple of pounds of chutney - I usually prepare more jars than I think I'll need.

    This one's spicy and a bit red. You can google apple chutney recipes for variations.

    Then you can eat your apples with cheese or cold meat all year round!Or you can save money on Christmas presents - I cut circles of Christmas wrapping paper, and tie round the tops, with a little bell and a label. :smile:
  • Alliwan
    Alliwan Posts: 1,245 Member
    we picked two bushels at my husbands cousin's house. We've canned 10 jars of apple sauce and 15 jars of pie ready apples (cinnamon and sugar already added, just pour over a crust and bake ready).

    My mil makes a good 'cobbler' that is putting sugar, flour and milk in the bottom of a pot, adding the apples on top and baking, its good for peaches (which we've canned 36 jars of that too) or apples or cherries.

    apple crisps with oatmeal topping is good.
    Cut them into oatmeal
    mix them with other fruits into a crisp

    I have a whole cookbook on just apples, so if you need more ideas, mail me and ill send you some recipies.
  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member
    So many great ideas now to try out!

    Here is an update on the Chicken & Apple Hotpot - sorry for the delay..

    I found that I did not need as much stock as I imagined - as quite allot of juice appeared from the apples.
    I had to cook a while longer to reduce off some of the juice - concentrating the flavors though ..

    I added a bread crumb topping then baked for a further 20 mins.

    I also made sweet potato chips (an idea from another recent thread) & baked marrow slices.

    Pic of result with breadcrumb topping - not very exciting!:

    Making the chips - not as exciting as eating them !

    The dish was wonderful - although chicken & apple perhaps not traditional - is tasted fab - it put this down to :

    ->Cider vinegar - giving a great alcoholic aroma!
    ->Cooking relatively slowly for 2.5 hours at lower temp.

    Now to try out some more of these ideas and report back!!

  • RBrigzy
    RBrigzy Posts: 152 Member

    Here's my favourite recipe:

    1kg ripe tomatoes, peeled and chopped
    200g onions
    100g raisins or sultanas
    250g apples cored and chopped small
    300g brown sugar
    225 ml malt vinegar
    2 tsp salt
    1/2 tsp ground allspice
    1/2 tsp ground ginger
    1/2 tsp ground black pepper
    1/2 tsp cayenne pepper

    Chuck the lot in a big saucepan or jam pan, heat it to dissolve the sugar then boil for 1hr or longer if necessary, till it's thick and pulpy - it ought to leave a clear trail at least for a second, when you draw a spoon across the bottom of the pan.

    Pot it in sterilised jam pots (I put mine upside down in the oven on a low heat while the chutney's boiling).

    This makes a couple of pounds of chutney - I usually prepare more jars than I think I'll need.

    This one's spicy and a bit red. You can google apple chutney recipes for variations.

    Then you can eat your apples with cheese or cold meat all year round!Or you can save money on Christmas presents - I cut circles of Christmas wrapping paper, and tie round the tops, with a little bell and a label. :smile:
    I love chutney & have quite allot of tomatoes coming ripe too - so I have to try this.
    Do you think I could get away with using quite allot less sugar and allot more apples?
    Whether the apples natural sugars will have the same preserving effect as the ingredients sugar I am not sure.
    I just have lots apples - so if can pack em in then all is good!