Weight Watchers vs Counting Calories

MrsBrosco Posts: 295
edited September 21 in Health and Weight Loss
Due to my very large lack of motivation lately I have converted back to Weight Watchers for a change of pace. I am logging in my journal all of my points but I am also counting calories on MFP for a couple of days to see how they corilate with one another. Is there a big difference between points and calories eaten? The one thing that makes me nervous about counting points instead of calories is not monitoring my sodium.
Any input or advice or motivation would be appreciated!


  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Weight Watchers is just like counting calories. It just uses points on a smaller scale. You're right in the fact that other nutrients aren't as closely monitored though, like sodium. Whatever works best/easiest for you is what you should do.
  • i actually considered switching back to ww a few days ago.

    1) mfp is free
    2) i love the people here
    3) i was tired of counting points

    good luck to you though!!! :flowerforyou:
  • If I remember right, the formula for points is something like:
    1 point = (calories/50) + (fat grams/10) - (fiber grams/4)
    They even out about the same.

    Personally I prefer to count calories as it better educates me on the types of foods I eat, versus meeting a point value. If I am going to do this long term, I need to know the calories and nutritional values of my foods. Not what is translates into a point.
  • You can add the sodium on your food tracker to track it. I just left WW besides this being free, I have found that MFP has helped me change my bad food habits. I reached lifetime 7 years ago with WW and never was able to maintain. I find the support on the boards here and the MFP friends to be more supportive that WW. I would try them both and see what works best for you.
  • I have been a weight watchers member on two seperate occasions. I found it difficult or inconvenient to get to the weekly meetings ( I now use that time to go to the gym and exercise). But you definitely should use what works best for you. MFP has worked very well for me because I can log in at my leisure at any hour to record my food intake and exercise. The daily accountability has really helped to keep me on track. ( 8 pounds lost so far )

    Best of luck
  • Clew
    Clew Posts: 910 Member
    I've done WW, and it's a good and sound program. It is similar to MFP's principles as far as earning exercise points and staying within certain levels. It does rely on the individual to use their good sense in choosing foods though - meaning, it's up to you to balance your good and bad foods besides just the point count (everyone knows what's good for you and what's bad). MFP is great on the platform that you can track your food in more detail, and can get daily, all-day support as opposed to weekly support for an hour at a meeting. I guess ww.com does have message bosrds and all too, but MFP is much better in both positive attitude and thorough info - IMHO :bigsmile:
  • and...the people i met on the ww boards were just plain rude. everyone (so far) is nice & motivating here! :heart:
  • Ms_Natalie
    Ms_Natalie Posts: 1,030 Member
    Nothing to stop you using this site to keep and eye on your nutritional intake and sodium levels...plus, we wouldn't want to lose you completely :flowerforyou:
  • im a ww member and I like it but I love MFP.
  • sgirl29
    sgirl29 Posts: 326 Member
    Whatever works best for you stick with it. I've done WW for a while but just stopped going because I was tired of paying them every week. I've been on MFP for about 5 weeks now and I love it!!! It has some of the same principals as WW but you can track way more on MFP. Also the people here is more encouraging than WW.... and best of all it's free. LOVE IT! :)
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I still folow the WW plan even though I don't go to meetings or pay for anything. I did in the past though. I just keep track of points in my notes section. I find that even though I've used up my points for the day, I still have calories left over, so I don't think it's 100% even. And you can still monitor your sodium intake on here. You can do both on here!
  • I've wasted so much money on weight watchers. You have to decide if you have to have meetings or not. I don't need them to lose weight. It's the same concept, keeping track of your calories, but of course, this is free.
  • pitapocket
    pitapocket Posts: 287 Member
    I'm a weight watcher member (on maintenance now) and I track my points on the journal portion here at MFP. I also use the following web site to calculate my points. You don't need to go to weight watcher meetings to follow the program. All you need to know is your daily point allowance based on the following:

    1. What you weigh: enter the first tweo digits of your wieght in pounds i.e. if you weigh 160, enter 16 points
    2. Are you Female: 2 points
    Are you Male: 3 points
    3. How old are you:
    17 - 26 4 points
    27 - 37 3 points
    38 - 47 2 points
    48 - 58 1 points
    over 58 0 points
    4. How Tall are you?
    under 5'1'' 0 points
    5'1'' to 5'10'' 1 points
    over 5'10' 2 points
    5. How Active?
    sitting down (e.g. office worker) 0 points
    occasional sitting but mainly standing 2 points
    walking (e.g. postal worker) 4 points
    doing physicall hard work (e.g. construction worker) 6 points
    6 Nursing Mom's only
    soley breastfeeding 10 points
    supplementing breastfeeding 5 points

    Add your points for each question together for your total daily points. Plus you get 35 weekly flex points to use all at once or to spread out over the week. There are lots of free websites that have information on Weight Watchers, why pay for something that is already out there for free. Whatever you decide to do, the best of luck to you. You will find lots of support here at MFP.

  • Kellcim
    Kellcim Posts: 10 Member
    I just switched from WW pt counting to counting calories. At a plateau for months, went to see a nutritionist. She told me of this site to track the calories and I am really liking it. I am still a monthly pass member and may keep weighing in till it expires. I am amazed at what I am taking in when I pay attention to theexact numbers of fiber, protein, sodium and fat. Hoping the nutritionist is right and I needed to bump up my calories! Good luck to all.
  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm a weight watcher member (on maintenance now) and I track my points on the journal portion here at MFP. I also use the following web site to calculate my points. You don't need to go to weight watcher meetings to follow the program. All you need to know is your daily point allowance based on the following:

    1. What you weigh: enter the first tweo digits of your wieght in pounds i.e. if you weigh 160, enter 16 points
    2. Are you Female: 2 points
    Are you Male: 3 points
    3. How old are you:
    17 - 26 4 points
    27 - 37 3 points
    38 - 47 2 points
    48 - 58 1 points
    over 58 0 points
    4. How Tall are you?
    under 5'1'' 0 points
    5'1'' to 5'10'' 1 points
    over 5'10' 2 points
    5. How Active?
    sitting down (e.g. office worker) 0 points
    occasional sitting but mainly standing 2 points
    walking (e.g. postal worker) 4 points
    doing physicall hard work (e.g. construction worker) 6 points
    6 Nursing Mom's only
    soley breastfeeding 10 points
    supplementing breastfeeding 5 points

    Add your points for each question together for your total daily points. Plus you get 35 weekly flex points to use all at once or to spread out over the week. There are lots of free websites that have information on Weight Watchers, why pay for something that is already out there for free. Whatever you decide to do, the best of luck to you. You will find lots of support here at MFP.


    That's the same points calculator site I use! :smile:
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