I try and try and nothing, I could just cry!

Quick back history: have Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome PCOS, have 2 kids, after first child lost 30 pounds (by doing lots of exercise and diet), after second child went right back to original weight.......
NOW Over the last 6 months or so I have gained 7 pounds and had been trying off and on to get it off. About a month ago I got serious about getting this weight off. I enter my calories every day, stay at 1200 plus what i burn during exercise. Eating low calorie and allowing myself cheat times and yummy snacks in moderation. I spend a lot of time preparing healthy snacks every week, lots of fruit/veg, portion control, chicken vs red meat, pre calculation on everything going into my body. I had been doing a cardio weight loss program on my treadmill (walking on an incline) really a great work out. That wasn't doing anything. Started doing Jillian Michaels Burn Fat boost Metabolism video for the last 2 weeks about 3 times a week plus exercise outside on the weekends with my kids. NO RESULTS. I am a full time working mom of 2 little ones and I am getting up before 5 am to work out before I go to work. I'm working my butt off and nothing is happening! I'm so discouraged and just feel like I could just cry when I step onto the scale.
My PCOS has made weight loss a constant struggle for me! I have hypertension, belly fat, high triglycerides- Metabolic Syndrome. My goal in life is to be healthy and maintain that. But that is the hardest thing for me! I'm so frustrated and feel like nothing can help. I'm already doing it right, or so I think. A doctor is not gonna be able to suggest anything different than what I am doing now. I'm also on high levels of Omega 3 fish oil to lower my triglycerides, which is also supposed to help lower weight too. ANd I've tried MD monitored Phentermine and I cannot do it because it raises my blood pressure significantly.
Im just so discouraged and dont want to give up but I'm so upset over this, I just really want to get to my ideal weight which would be 20 pounds to lose and then maintain that. But I can't even lose an ounce. I'm 170 right now and 5'5".


  • laserturkey
    laserturkey Posts: 1,680 Member
    If you only have 20 pounds to lose, you are not going to be able to take off 2 pounds a week. Set MFP to lose .5 a week and NET your goal each day. The progress will be slow, but you should be able to lose. You have to feed your body enough to lose weight and 1200 calories is too low for most people.
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    1200 calories is too low ^^ what laser turkey said. Also think about talking to your Dr.
  • LavenderBouquet
    LavenderBouquet Posts: 736 Member
    I have heard many people with metabolic syndrome having success eating a lower carbohydrate diet, doesn't have to be extreme, but if you go to marksdailyapple.com or just search primal/paleo/or low carb you could research it. I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor first though.
  • Jess830409
    Jess830409 Posts: 285 Member
    My only advice is keep at it - you said "about a month ago" you started really focusing. I can tell you, personally, I have been on a weight loss journey for countless years...I honestly, seriously started giving 110% effort in January and then only added in exercise months after that...the key is consistency...sounds like you are well on your way...now just patience and consistent habits and you will get there. Best of luck
  • difyance
    difyance Posts: 18
    I second a low carb/low sugar diet and increasing your caloric intake.

    Also, have you taken any measurements? Just because the scale isn't moving doesn't mean you're not making changes in your body. Often times tracking your measurements can show much more than the scale alone every would.

    Don't give up! 20 pounds to lose is not much, so it's going to take longer to melt off, especially for maintenance. I'm 5'4" and 206 right now and having plenty of trouble trying to get down to my goal weight, but I "just keep swimming" every day, and small victories keep me feeling better, and feeling motivated. I know that making small changes in daily life has a greater effect over the long run. It will work out, just give it time.
  • MissStatement
    MissStatement Posts: 92 Member
    Take measurements, and pay as much attention to them as you do the scale.
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I could tell you that I've been at this for 5 years and that it has been only over the last 1 1/2 that I've really seen change.

    That change was helped along more than a little bit by my change in consistency. Working out on schedule, and using a scale and measuring every meal, day in and day out. I have recently become more slack and I see the difference on the scale. Discipline and consistency make all the difference.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    If you only have 20 pounds to lose, you are not going to be able to take off 2 pounds a week. Set MFP to lose .5 a week and NET your goal each day. The progress will be slow, but you should be able to lose. You have to feed your body enough to lose weight and 1200 calories is too low for most people.


    Eat above your BMR and below your TDEE.

    I know all we ever hear is to lose weight eat less and move more. Well there comes a point that's just not true and you need to eat more to lose weight. It's a hard concept to understand, but your body will thank you.

    Yes, you should be aiming for .5 pounds a week. Anything more may be too aggressive. You don't have a lot to lose.
  • kethry70
    kethry70 Posts: 404 Member
    Everything taser turkey said.

    But I would also consider the merits of going low carb - not NO carb mind you. I have PCOS and IR and have had the most success by limiting whole grains to after exercise and getting most of my carbs from fruits and vegetables. I do cheat occasionally but the goal is to keep blood sugar on an even keel throughout the day. I avoid juices or highly processed carbs except when I make the conscious choice to have that cheat meal or dessert.

    Good Luck!
  • junejadesky
    junejadesky Posts: 524 Member

    My PCOS has made weight loss a constant struggle for me! I have hypertension, belly fat, high triglycerides- Metabolic Syndrome. My goal in life is to be healthy and maintain that.

    This is what you have to focus on. Getting healthy and staying that way. Take the focus off the scale and measure those other things that matter. Focus on the hypertension and high triglycerides and allow the weight loss to be a side effect of making other changes.

    I know it's hard, but hang in there! Remember that Jillian Michaels has PCOS and you can search her workouts and other material she has published about it and that may help you through it also.

    Best of luck to you!!
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Like you,I plan most all of my meals & snacks,but my wt loss is slow & slower.Just lost 2 pds after no loss for 6 wks.I'm way older,69 & age doesn't help.
    The best advice is to keep on keeping on,regardless of the plan you choose.There are groups on MFP for people with all kinds of medical challenges.just type in search.Patceoh
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I have heard many people with metabolic syndrome having success eating a lower carbohydrate diet, doesn't have to be extreme, but if you go to marksdailyapple.com or just search primal/paleo/or low carb you could research it. I would definitely recommend talking to your doctor first though.

    PCOS is notorious for IR or Insulin Impairment. Until metabolic issues are handled, the playing field will never be level.
    Good luck. I second what the above poster said :drinker:
  • I feel the same way...did all the good things but nothing :( Hang in there!
  • You might try taking a harder look at your actual calorie intake, for instance, fish oil is all fat and very high in calories, it may be that you are not actually looking at everything... not sure but hope this helps.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I would ask the doctor who is dealing wit your PCOS to send you to a nutritionist or dietician to get on a meal plan that will help your IR. I was actually diagnosed with IR 9 years ago, and put on a low carb diet for several months. In 2 months I dropped 15-20lbs, got pregnant, and reversed my IR. To this day, it has not returned.

    Weight loss is near impossible for me, even without the IR. I have been busting booty in the gym for 18 months, and have only lost about 37lbs. My last plateau was 8 months! Then I dropped 3.5lbs in 2 days ( not sure how the heck that happened...)

    let me also tell you that the scale is an evil witch. She lies like crazy and tells you that you haven't changed one bit. Pictures tell the truth!

    2010, 195lbs, size 16/18 pants, size 42DD bra
    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    November 2012, 196lbs, size 12/14 shorts, size 40C bra
    IMG00856-20121123-0837 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    march and april 2013, 195lbs, size 12/14 shorts, size 38C bra ( same tank as first pic!!)
    march and april 2013 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    I am the same weight in all these pictures. Obviously, there are positive changes being made that the scale is not reflecting.
  • Re: Sarahbraun
    OMG you have really shown a lot of progress! That's great. Over today I have decided to go to a low carb diet and see how things go. I have done low carb diet about 8 years ago and it helped then. I am changing up my grocery list for over the weekend, eggs here I come lol. Your story was inspirational thanks for sharing!
  • Thank you to all that posted support. I think that going low carb may bring me some results!
  • I too have PCOS and 2 daughters (my youngest is one) I find myself hitting a lot of plateaus and I have over 40lbs to lose. I get so discouraged and just want to quit. But just think of how far you have come :) Youll hit your goal, slow and steady is key i get told x
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Re: Sarahbraun
    OMG you have really shown a lot of progress! That's great. Over today I have decided to go to a low carb diet and see how things go. I have done low carb diet about 8 years ago and it helped then. I am changing up my grocery list for over the weekend, eggs here I come lol. Your story was inspirational thanks for sharing!

    Thank you!

    it took me a long time to realize that the scale is not everything. My good friend ( and former trainer) , Justin, kept telling me that it isnt about the scale, it is more about the way your clothes fit. Darned if the kid wasn't 100% correct! I take pictures at least once a month so I have a record of the changes that are being made but not reflected on the scale.

    last month I did a 30 day crunch challenge, and the scale didn't really move. This month I am doing a plank challenge and doing 50 crunches, 5 days a week. I'm hoping the scale will move a little bit, but if it doesn't, that's OK too.
  • Low carb will definetly help. But watch out with fruits! It seems so healthy (and yes! it is) but it also contains lots of sugar. So especially in the first weeks try more vegetables and less fruit.
    Another way is not to go into a low carb diet, but only leave the wheat out of all your food. Just don't eat wheat for a month (never!, not even pasta or noodles) and see what happens.

    Wish you good luck!