
I joined MFP a few months ago and got bullied pretty hard, so I quit. Now I'm back, trying to ignore the naysayers and just try to lose weight.

Like the wise man once said: "Here...we...go!"


  • czrewor
    czrewor Posts: 32 Member
    Why were you bullied? Everyone I've come across has been nothing but nice
  • trumpetguru
    When I explained my fitness plan, my goals, and how I felt after executing the plan, many people said (paraphrasing):

    "You're wasting your time."
    "I thought you wanted to lose weight, not fake losing weight."
    "You're doing this so wrong."
    "Why are you doing this crap?"
    "Are you fat AND stupid?"

    And this one was verbatim: "You're just taking up gym space for real people who are there to ACTUALLY lose weight."
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    Well, I find all that very intriguing. But, I like drama.

    Anyway, I think that this thread might be helpful for you:

    If you run into bullies, just use the "Remove Friend" and "Ignore" buttons judiciously. (On the other hand, if you are getting a lot of constructive feedback from seemingly nice folks, then it doesn't hurt to consider thoughtful advice.)

    Good luck!
  • trumpetguru
    Oh believe me, I'm actively seeking constructive criticism and ways to improve my routine. I just think I ran into a slew of "fitness snobs".