any vapors around

darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
if so whats your juice of choice and hardware


  • I vape during stressful times. I just use cartomizers because they're easy, and I'm not a regular vapor. I like chocolate/raspberry, menthol and cafe mocha (v4l).

    I've been stressed hard the past week, so I've been at it. I use 0 nic though.
  • DainaLC
    DainaLC Posts: 18,937 Member
    Cafe mocha!! And without calories!! Gotta try that one!! :smokin:
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    very cool i quit analogs 3 months ago so pretty heavy vaporer at the moment i have a love affair with gummy bear and RY4
  • @DC Good luck on the quit! I hope the stupid gov't stays out of ECigs, but it's coming.

    @Daina, it's a good one!
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    yes would be nice if the gov stays out of it a little regulation on standards for juice wouldnt be bad but there to much in the pocket of big tobacco to settle for that
  • sillygoosie
    sillygoosie Posts: 1,109 Member
    Being from Colorado, I get some really amazing hash oil sometimes. That's the extent of my knowledge about vapor.

    Just kidding. I don't want to get your thread locked.
  • darkcowboy
    darkcowboy Posts: 59 Member
    lol and the wife was just joking about that last night
    I hadn't heard of that before
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    Blend4 with Menthol crystals in a Vivo Nova tank w/2.80 wick and a 1100aH battery!!