are you enjoying food MORE now you're being healthier?



  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I've noticed that I tend to go for bigger bolder flavors than I did before. I'm not eating nearly as much so it's even more important that it tastes incredible!
  • gr8xpectationz
    gr8xpectationz Posts: 161 Member
    I respectfully disagree with the poster who said: "taste buds don't change, only mentalities do." My taste buds have definitely changed.

    Back when I ate so many processed foods, with their fat and salt and sugar and "flavor enhancers", I was kind of immune to simple flavors and subtlety. So, for example, in a piece of dark chocolate, the bitterness was more prominent than the sweetness, because the sweetness paled in comparison to what I was getting everywhere else. And I thought people who said things like "when you want something sweet, just have a piece of fruit" were idiots. I believed strawberries and watermelon could not compete with Snickers.

    Now, that I consume far less salt and fat and sugar, my taste buds are so much more sensitive. I LOVE the sweetness of a blueberry, or the medley of flavors in a salad mix. The other day I had a little bite of a Three Musketeers, and honestly, it was gross how sweet it was.

    And I know this is not strictly taste-bud related, but I notice the juicy tenderness in a pork tenderloin in a way I never ever could have with processed chicken nuggets.

    My experience with food is entirely different, because my taste-buds are sensitive and aware, and because I think more about the preparation of food, and because take the time to savor every bite.
  • tifferz_91
    tifferz_91 Posts: 282 Member
    Yep! I enjoy & feel happier about my food & health now! :happy:
    I used to rely on artificial nutrient-lacking "food" months ago, but i eat organic & clean 99% of the time now.

    I don't mind eating junk/fast "food" occasionally once in a while as long as it's not an everyday kind of thing.

    I personally eat clean & organic (non-gmo) as a lifestyle because i KNOW what i'm putting into my body.

    I still get to enjoy my carbs, sweets, & such. The only difference is that it's organic & non-gmo.
  • jenns1964
    jenns1964 Posts: 384 Member
    I am looking at food as fuel now. Big difference from when I was eating just because it tastes good! I appreciate it so much more and really enjoy preparing good healthy food for my husband and I. It is not always low cal or low fat, but it is healthier.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yup. and I can eat more of it. Love that!
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    I don't eat substantially different than I did for I make sure I'm gettin my fruits and veg, but I've never been a "crap" eater...I was just an over-eater. I've always enjoyed nutritious and healthy foods and cooking from scratch, etc. My issue has never really been was always quantity. I've always been a, "well that was delicious...going back for 2nds" kinda guy. Also...a "wolfman" portion tends to not be an actual going back for seconds was really like going back for 4ths back in the day...but I've gotten that under control now.

    THIS describes me to a T -- except the "under control now" has been a bit shaky in August.

    With access to the web, anyone can become a good cook -- and a frugal one, too.
  • gracetillman
    gracetillman Posts: 190 Member
    I have started cooking dinner for the family 5 or 6 nights a week and we eat together. I take a lot more satisfaction putting healthy foods on the table that taste great then easy foods on the table that are OK but not really healthy (too much sodium, sugar, processed, GMOs, etc....)

    I have also started packing lunch for my children at school and all of them are much happier and come home from school satisfied because honestly they didn't eat much of the school lunch and were STARVING by the time they got home.

    I am more aware of flavors and foods and I do think I am enjoying everything more. I certainly take more pleasure in it and it has become a hobby to collect and contemplate different recipes. I love experimenting -- something I really didn't do much of before I started watching our food intake.

    So I think I do enjoy my food a lot more now then I ever did -- I am aware of it and I feel better preparing and serving it (and the taste is great too!!).
  • TheFinalThird
    TheFinalThird Posts: 315 Member
    Throw in "take the lift to my flat," "going to the loo," "beastly weather," and "bollocks," and you've got a deal!
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I appreciate dessert more now. Before, I just took it for granted.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    People suddenly "enjoy" plain microwaved chicken or whatever because they are now eating guilt-free and making progress towards their goals.

    It's great that you suddenly love this stuff, but it won't last. Plain microwaved chicken is bland, and when you get over the joy of guilt-free eating and strength gains you will crave something that *actually* tastes good.

    Start learning to cook and feed yourself in a healthy, but still guilt-free, way now. Do it before you get tired of what you're already eating or you may look to your old standbys.

    Microwaves are for popcorn, not for chicken.
  • lauraleighsm
    I am looking at food as fuel now. Big difference from when I was eating just because it tastes good! I appreciate it so much more and really enjoy preparing good healthy food for my husband and I. It is not always low cal or low fat, but it is healthier.

    YES! This too! As I exercise more I look at the things that I put in my mouth and ask, is this going to help or hurt me? I felt like *kitten* eating fast food and processed foods all the time. I sure as heck would rather drink one of my green smoothies after a workout then something like a poptart. I just don't feel good after eating that stuff anymore.
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,789 Member
    I do enjoy my food more now -- partly because there's less of it (scarcity love), I'm sure, but also because I'm so much more in control now. I started these habits in major part because I felt wildly out of control of my eating, my body, my health, and by extension my life. Now I plan, buy, prepare, store, eat, and log every single bite. Six months ago I would never have believed I could do this for a single day, much less three months; I thought I was completely at the mercy of my whims and cravings.

    Also, I've always loved and been good at cooking, and doing this gives me a chance to get really creative. I'm constantly coming up with new recipes to suit my nutritional goals/budget/time constraints and it's much more pleasant to be enjoying a wide variety of healthy things than mindlessly stuffing myself with the same six mass-quantity junk items over and over.
  • lyndausvi
    lyndausvi Posts: 156 Member
    I have to say I love the way Im eating now. I love chicken with no spices microwaved (Very bland for most people) I like the taste and know its almost just protein im eating.

    Starting to look for more delicious healthy recipes so if you know any let met know.

    And to this guy, ditch the microwave and at the very least buy a slow cooker or even a cast iron grill pan.

    Ditto. Salt and pepper the chicken and then throw it on a George Forman Grill. I guarantee it will taste better than out of a microwave. The little bit of extra time will be worth it.

    As for the topic question, I find I enjoy vegetables and fruit a lot more than I did in the past. I would not say I enjoy food in general more than before.
  • Chevy_Quest
    Chevy_Quest Posts: 2,012 Member
    And treats are actually treats now.

  • guessrs
    guessrs Posts: 358 Member
    Yes and no.
    Yes, I looove eating my healthy foods, really enjoy it.
    No, the portion control is what's hard for me, I can't " stuff " myself anymore, very hard to get used to.
  • Mario_Az
    Mario_Az Posts: 1,331 Member
    i love it would not go back at all
  • bttrthanevr
    bttrthanevr Posts: 615 Member
    In a word..."Yes". I am much more thoughtful about what i choose to eat, so I choose tastier, more satisfying things. I savor flavors more. And the first bite or two tastes best, so now on things like desserts, I stop there. :-)
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    I am, mainly because I am trying to cook many more things from scratch. Not that I ate a lot of take-out, or even pre-packaged food before I started getting fit, but I am really trying to cook more like my grandmother, who was raised on a farm.

    Some of the things I make completely from scratch now that I used to buy the convenience foods are:

    Macaroni and Cheese
    Bread (just starting this - still buy loaves at the store too)
    Pumpkin Pie
    Italian Tomato Sauce

    Plus, I am constantly looking for new recipes/foods to try out that I may not have tried before. I think that is more due to my watching Food Network with my wife lately though.
  • VpinkLotus
    VpinkLotus Posts: 849 Member
    YES! When I am being mindful about food instead of just eating a bunch of crap, I can't believe how amazing EVERYTHING tastes! I appreciate food much more this way. I love it :)
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    just something i noticed as i made my packed lunch last night of smoked salmon & avocado pasta. i actually seem to be eating tastier, more satisfying and flavoursome food than i did when i was filling myself up with crap.

    i may not have lost much weight yet, but i feel better just for taking more care over my food choices and knowing it's doing better things for me than a meal made up of crisps, cheese and chocolate!

    has anyone else made a new favourite food since starting? mine has got to be cous cous!
    I definitely enjoy food more now. Partly because I eat more mindfully, and partly because with a limited number of calories to eat, I make sure it's something good. It's got to be something really worth it. Cheese and chocolate still make the cut for me, but it's the good stuff, and I don't get to eat as much of it now, so I savour it more.

    One of my favourite feel-good meals lately is pan fried salmon, vegetables and quinoa or couscous.