Any stay at home moms

I'm a stay at home mom of three kids. It's been really difficult losing all the baby weight. I still have about 40 lbs to go but I'm trying to stay realistic with my goals. I've already lost 23 lbs and have hit a plateau. I've lost weight but the inches are just not going away. Being a stay at home mom, I eat a lot of kid food. I've worked really hard to change that.


  • Hi Jen! I am new on this but I totally relate! I am an older mom (much older lol) but I understand your dilemma. I have found that if I switch up routines like, changing my exercise or diet around it gets me off that plateau you were talking about. I have 8 kids (some adopted) and I hate throwing out food so I ate the left overs on plates and those that ended up in fridge!!!! I took on a new line of thinking, if I eat the left overs and know it will bring on the unwanted weight then wouldn't it be better to let it feed the trash?! LOL The other thing I did was made sure what I fed the kids was as healthy as what I was eating so then I could include the leftovers on my plan. I do not bring a lot of snack foods into the house. I figured if I was having a weight problem my kids could eventually also so I felt I needed to teach the a healthy eating plan as well. I do not begrudge them snacks like chips, or soda but I limit it. i buy the smaller bag of chips that will be distributed in lunch boxes and it is gone that day! Soda for them is limited to 1 can in a day and there are days when they have none.

    Just some suggestions...hope it helps!
  • KRB28
    KRB28 Posts: 248 Member
    Hey welcome to MFP :) I'm a SAHM to two little boys (2.5 years and 7 months). I've lost the baby weight but I'm now working on the post getting married weight gain ;) I hear ya on the kid food, haha. My problem is trying not to eat left overs my oldest doesn't want. I hate to waste :) Feel free to add me if you like.
  • Matt24442
    Matt24442 Posts: 324
  • Jennyd1314
    Jennyd1314 Posts: 61 Member
    I.m a stay at home mum to twins, age 4. Feel free to add me, I.m in UK. I.m trying to log every day, had 3 days off a week or so ago but I felt awful after eating whatever I wanted so going to try to limits treats/cheat night to one meal each week.
  • ms2s
    ms2s Posts: 1
    I learned to accomplish anything you have to have a clear intention of where it is you want to go. Then you must have a WHY that's so huge it's on your mind all the time. There's a process to follow but it does work. Personally, by doing this I was able to lose 46 lbs. Persist without exception. If anyone wants to know more message me.
  • Stay at home mom as well! I started this account a year ago but then never really had time to log everything in! I am really making time to log it in now but I am always so busy. With the kids, their sports, and school, and my school. Really trying to stay focused! Even though I don't log in all the time I still try to eat good and going to start exercising again. I have lost 10 lbs feel free to add me ;)
  • I'm a stay at home mom as well! About a year and a half ago I finally cancelled my gym membership because I was tired of taking two little ones 20 mins in to town to go to the little nursery while I worked out. I felt like they got sick half the time I decided to try the Beachbody workout called TurboFire that I had been looking at for a year. Ever since then I've been hooked; I'm on my third BeachBody program now. And recently decided to become a coach so that I could help others the way they had encouraged and helped me.

    I've used MyFitnessPal on and off since I started TurboFire. I like how it allows me to keep track of calories burned as well for my workouts. As long as I'm logging in to MFP I stay on top of my workouts and eating so much more.

    If anyone is interested or has questions about anything BeachBody related I'd love to answer your questions. I run 30 day Challenge groups to keep people motivated and accountable :)