Need Motivation - Change of Life

NicoleMcBride Posts: 5
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
Hello, I am new to this and need to lose 20 lbs. I started working out but just need to stay focused. Great Job to all those out there who are trying to have a better living for their bodies and hearts!:smile:


  • mommy2r
    mommy2r Posts: 16 Member
    I just started too and want to lose 25 lbs. Everyone seems so supportive and kind on this site, so I'm encouraged already! We can do it! :happy:
  • Good luck with losing your 20lb, i need to lose about 15kg before my wedding I just started back at the gym last week

  • platoon
    platoon Posts: 340
    Welcome to MFP, everyone... We are all in this together! Grab some friends for accountability, and let's make this happen! :-)
  • welcome to all of you newbies. this is my 3rd week and the ppl here are so motivating, kind, and sincere with the support. feel free to add me as a friend for support & motivation. you'll be surprised to find that your story may be an inspiration to others wishes on your journeys
  • When is your wedding? Good Luck
  • Hi and thank you for the warm welcomes. I really don't know how to add friends yet, still trying to figure it out so if you can be-friend me, I will greatly appreciate it.
  • dogdaze
    dogdaze Posts: 110 Member
    You will find lots of people here who are on the same road as you. If you find you have questions there are always lots of good suggestions. Good luck
  • seashell1600
    seashell1600 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in it for complete recovery of an eating disorder. Trying to watch labels for staying under my sugar, refined carbs... It has been so difficult to change the eating behaviors associated with an eating disorder. Hard work, but I have come SSSOOOOO far. Just remember that a diet doesn't work, lifestyle changes to go the distance will get you and keep you in a healthy body. Ever heard of the portion plate? A cool tool to remind you to keep a balanced diet. Make an honest effort to eat at the kitchen table with no t.v. for up to 20 min; hard at first but very worth it to relearn how your stomach responds to food or to find out when you feel fueled versus eating for pleasure. You can do it, girl.
  • 25th march excited x
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