20 lb goal :)

a little background story~

In 2008 I had my daughter and during my pregnancy I gained a whopping 45 lbs! It took me 4 years to finally decide to get fit! lol I went from 210 to about 155. It took longer than I hoped but I did it!

A few months ago, my husband and I found out we were pregnant again :) and with twins!!!! We were on top of the world until we I found out I was miscarrying. That all happened just a month ago. Its hard to talk about, this is not why I'm writing you all.
My mentality is still beyond normal. I'm trying to focus on my health and love what life has given me thus far. I'm hoping I can get some outdoor therapy by getting back to running like I used to. So with all these ups and downs life has given me I need distract myself and work on my health.
My hope is to lose the weight I packed on due to stress and drop 20

My question for those of you who have lost 20 lbs is How long did it take you? From square one, what kind of cardio and how much time did you spend to achieve that goal? I would love to meet my goal by the end of October, so about 2 months.
Do you think it's possible to lose 10lbs a month?

Thanks for reading my novel lol. I lost a good bit of weight last year but I cant say I worked as hard as I should have. So for all those Super dedicated myfitness pals, how long did it take ya? :)


  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    So now realizing this topic has posted on my news feed..
    To my coworkers: My twins existed and I will forever hold them in my heart. But this is not something I wanted to scream to the world. You now know why I've been acting the way I have. *IF* you happen to read this I trust you not to share my story to anyone we also work with.
    I posted this topic mainly for diet and weight loss help and also for any other Mother who has also gone through what I have you are welcome to add me. We can help each other along this road to weight loss
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I had my daughter Sept 2008, and like you, it took me until this summer to finally be ready to change things. I started at 211. I've lost nearly 23 lbs. I started June 10. So it's taken me 80+ days to get there. I walk 3.5 miles everyday, except Saturdays I do a bit more through hiking. With eating my extra calories from Exercise, I'm usually at about the 1800-2000 calorie range.

    That being said, 20 lbs by the end of October is being a bit too ambitious. You need to set realistic and sustainable goals. Weight loss is not a sprint, it's a marathon. It takes ALOT of hard work and REALLY paying attention to portion sizes and calorie intake.

    I suggest reading http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/912920-in-place-of-a-road-map-3-2013 to find the right amount of calories for you. It's a very informative and useful post in aiding you with your goals.

    Good luck.
  • Lovesthings
    Lovesthings Posts: 167 Member
    I'm also trying to lose 20. But just wanted to say you're very brave for opening yourself up like this ♥♥ good luck!!
  • Angela_BB40
    Angela_BB40 Posts: 32 Member
    Sorry for your loss. It took me 6 months to lose 25 pounds. However, I am older than you. :-) So you will be able to do it faster if you stay focused. I did and still do a lot of Jillian Michaels DVD. 30 day shred was what I started out with. I'm finishing up Ripped in 30 today. I also do a lot of kettle bells, running and jogging. It's hard work. I hit the 25 lb mark this morning. My goal weight is 145. I am 165 now. So 20 more pounds to go for me as well.

    This week I started Eat for Live. I have had no carbs, no sugar, salt, oil, meat, dairy, etc. I eat smoothies and lots of salads. So good. As long as I don't let myself get hungry, I don't crave anything. When I let myself get hungry I crave all kinds of junks. Prior to that, I had already been mindful of my eating, so it wasn't a hard adjustment. I don't drink soda or anything else. I drink about 72 ounces or more of water a day. I carry around a big jug and put cucumbers, watermelon, mint and lemon in the jug. Tasty and it flushes me out.

    My mantra is "inches over pounds" don't trust the scale, especially being a woman, as our weight fluctuates. Go by how your clothes look and feel.

    Good luck to you!
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    Thanks Ninkyou!
    Yes ma'am it seems far fetched. I have many reasons for the date. Basically hoping we can try again when I'm at a healthy BMI. If I cant make the goal it's no biggie. Id like to be able to go through a stress free pregnancy one day and not have to worry about "maybe I should just order the salad" when I'm pregnant lol
  • sugarmomma3
    I am so sorry to hear about your loss and i think you are amazing to channel your grief towards a healthy avenue. I too used loss of a loved one to change my whole lifestyle. Exercise is a great release for stress and anger and stinkin thinking. I admire you for your courage.
  • Angela_BB40
    Angela_BB40 Posts: 32 Member
    Oops it's Eat to Live by Dr. Joel Furhman
  • breeZrizi
    breeZrizi Posts: 213 Member
    Thank you guys
    Yes I Definitely understand the importance of good food choices and water. I will never starve my self, when im hungry im hungry! lol. Ill have to see about the smoothie thing, im hearing a lot about it. If it fills you up ill give it a try!

    I'm not dead set on 20lbs more focused on the Best Possible version of my self I can be before I will be on "pregnancy mode" and not on a calorie deficit
  • l911jnt
    l911jnt Posts: 164 Member
    just for future info.... I am pretty sure in your newsfeed settings you can choose NOT to show blog post in your news feed update if you un- check that box :)