anyone else doing a VLCD program?

Hey all :)

My name is Chancy and I'm a 25 year old wife and nerd who has started the weight loss journey with my husband. We went to our first orientation for a program about a year and a half ago, however unfortunately at that time (it was before we were married) the insurance I was on wouldn't cover any of the costs and we couldn't afford it. Now that we're married, we decided to check it out again and we started on product on monday! :)

I am super excited to be on the program and only a little bit nervous. It's extreme, but it's something I want very much.

Anyone else out there?


  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    What is your definition of extreme??? I am not a believer in VLCD because the majority of the time they are unsustainable for the long term and I am more for a balanced approach with a modest caloric deficit to lose a pound or two a week and start adding in some exercise (walking, weight lifting, swimming, etc)..... Best of Luck
  • ceebeeluckee88
    ceebeeluckee88 Posts: 10 Member
    Extreme in the sense that it's such a drastic change from "normal." For me, the program consists of three beverages a day and a snack if I choose. There is weekly classes to help reshape your eating/exercise habits and its an amazing environment of people so far. It is highly stressed that the VLCD isn't meant to be your long term solution, it's meant to aid you to get you to your goal weight and then they spend time working with you to introduce you to healthy eating and maintaining your weight.
  • stomsick
    stomsick Posts: 18 Member
    What is VLCD program?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Are you under a doctor's care?

    I don't believe in temporary solutions. Get on your long term plan now.
  • ceebeeluckee88
    ceebeeluckee88 Posts: 10 Member
    VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet

    It's a physician monitored weight loss program where you take in between 600-1000 (depending on female or male) calories a day drinking nutritionally balanced beverages.

    And yes, under a doctors care, both through the facility and my primary care physician. With the amount the hubbs and I are wanting to lose, we will probably be on product for 8-10 months, but yes we are working on long term plan already. The facility we are doing the program through has an awesome support staff and there is actually a 6 week phase where they work with you as you transition back to normal food and work on maintaining your weight.
    They have a very high success rate when it comes to people who actually attend classes and so forth, which we have every intention of doing.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Welcome, ceebeeluckee8 :smile:

    I think it's so great that you and hubby want to embark on the road to health together! Very low calorie diets are extreme, and very unhealthy. What are those drinks you're going to use made of, anyway? Most are loaded with sugar. Trying to survive on 800 calories or so a day is dangerous to your body, and they can play havoc on your disposition too.:angry:

    I don't believe in jump-start weight loss programs. Heck, I don't believe in diets at all. I believe in healthy eating and exercising. You lose weight by burning more calories than you eat. Really, it's that simple.

    I'll make a suggestion. Just fill in your information on MFP and learn from the start how to eat healthy and exercise and lose weight naturally and slowly. It's really easy, and once you learn how to eat properly and exercise and lose weight at a healthy pace, you will know how to maintain when you reach your goal.

    I usually try not to discourage people, except for now because I'm worried about the health consequences.

    I hope you change your mind about the very low calorie diet and do something that is healthier for your body. :smile:
  • nancybuss
    nancybuss Posts: 1,461 Member
    I'm glad you're under doctors care. The low calories sound scary, but again, glad its under doctors care.

  • VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet

    It's a physician monitored weight loss program where you take in between 600-1000 (depending on female or male) calories a day drinking nutritionally balanced beverages.

    And yes, under a doctors care, both through the facility and my primary care physician. With the amount the hubbs and I are wanting to lose, we will probably be on product for 8-10 months, but yes we are working on long term plan already. The facility we are doing the program through has an awesome support staff and there is actually a 6 week phase where they work with you as you transition back to normal food and work on maintaining your weight.
    They have a very high success rate when it comes to people who actually attend classes and so forth, which we have every intention of doing.

    No competent doctor would be okay with anyone taking in 600 or even 800 calories a day, if said doctor does agree with it, their medical license should be pulled!!!
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    My understanding is that these are typically viewed as a "kick-start" program, followed by a less rigid calorie deficit/exercise program to get to goal. Maybe that's a little different from what you're looking at...?

    Me? I don't have any desire to be hungry - especially for a long time - and see no need to do so. lol

    I have lost 40 pounds since early June and it has been comfortable every step of the way. I need to work in more exercise now that I've gotten used to some of the changes in food and thinking, but I'm making good progress.

    I'm glad to hear that you're working with a doctor and I hope to hear more about what your long-term plans include. I'm always a little skeptical when I hear that there's a "product" when there is so much healthy food available, but we all have to make our own choices. I hope you're happy with it and can transition well into the next phase. It's great that you and your husband are working on things together and I hope you have great success.

    Edited to add:
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    The problem is when you start eating more more than likely you will have a hard time keeping the weight off!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    I won't fault anyone for taking steps in the direction to better themselves and lose the weight that has been hampering them but I will say I don't necessarily agree with any other approach short of getting help understanding why your obese in the first place, changing your eating habits to a sustainable caloric amount with a modest deficit and to get moving this approach will work.. 4 years ago a couldn't walk, was trapped in my house for over 2 years, and was contemplating eating a bullet for the better half of 3 days before I asked for help... Fast forward to today and look at me now... So this approach does work..... Best of Luck OP.... I hope you find success over the long haul.....
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,839 Member
    Recently, some VLCD programs have been developed that are delivered by medical professionals in association with hospitals, requiring frequent monitoring and always specially developed diets and supplements. Think of them as the kind of diet that is used after bariatric surgery but without the surgery.

    Any very low calorie diet other than this sort of hospital-out-patient-based, very thoroughly monitored program can kill. Poorly designed VLCDs kill and that is why they are not condoned on MFP. Expect this thread to be locked when the siteowners see it.

    Do not get involved with a VLCD unless it is a hospital-based or certified medical center-based program. The OPs indicate they are doing this in concert with a medical establishment and their primary physician. It's a relatively new protocol and not for everyone.
  • stumblinthrulife
    stumblinthrulife Posts: 2,558 Member
    It's important for you to ask your doctor what the transition plan is at the end of the diet. If you just go back to eating how you normally do, you'll just end up back where you started.

    An important part of long term weight loss is learning how to manage your diet properly forever more. Drinking meal replacement shakes is not going to teach you that.

    With any luck, the end phase of your program will teach you proper portion control. That's what I have found most valuable about MFP - tracking everything I eat has taught me what a days worth of food looks like on a plate. I'm confident that if I had to stop using MFP, I could still keep my calories more or less in track by eye alone.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet

    It's a physician monitored weight loss program where you take in between 600-1000 (depending on female or male) calories a day drinking nutritionally balanced beverages.

    And yes, under a doctors care, both through the facility and my primary care physician. With the amount the hubbs and I are wanting to lose, we will probably be on product for 8-10 months, but yes we are working on long term plan already. The facility we are doing the program through has an awesome support staff and there is actually a 6 week phase where they work with you as you transition back to normal food and work on maintaining your weight.
    They have a very high success rate when it comes to people who actually attend classes and so forth, which we have every intention of doing.

    No competent doctor would be okay with anyone taking in 600 or even 800 calories a day, if said doctor does agree with it, their medical license should be pulled!!!

    Is that your professional opinion,doctor?
  • It's not possible to maintain 600-800 calorie diet long term, when you resume eating regular amount of calories between 1200-2000 you will gain back whatever you lost and then some. The only solution I have found is establishing the correct way to eat balanced healthy meals and also get balanced exercise. The exercise needs to be consistent total body daily exercise atleast 5 days a week. I designed a free online workout program that allows you to mix and match 5 workouts that make up your daily routine, after 2 weeks Change It Up and pick 5 all new workouts to keep your body challenged, and looking and feeling fabulous. The workouts are available at and also on the website
    For more tips check out
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    It's not possible to maintain 600-800 calorie diet long term, when you resume eating regular amount of calories between 1200-2000 you will gain back whatever you lost and then some. The only solution I have found is establishing the correct way to eat balanced healthy meals and also get balanced exercise. The exercise needs to be consistent total body daily exercise atleast 5 days a week. I designed a free online workout program that allows you to mix and match 5 workouts that make up your daily routine, after 2 weeks Change It Up and pick 5 all new workouts to keep your body challenged, and looking and feeling fabulous. The workouts are available at and also on the website
    For more tips check out

    How do you figure that?

    Spamming is not allowed on this site btw.
  • MrsFowler1069
    MrsFowler1069 Posts: 657 Member
    I won't fault anyone for taking steps in the direction to better themselves and lose the weight that has been hampering them but I will say I don't necessarily agree with any other approach short of getting help understanding why your obese in the first place, changing your eating habits to a sustainable caloric amount with a modest deficit and to get moving this approach will work.. 4 years ago a couldn't walk, was trapped in my house for over 2 years, and was contemplating eating a bullet for the better half of 3 days before I asked for help... Fast forward to today and look at me now... So this approach does work..... Best of Luck OP.... I hope you find success over the long haul.....

    What fantastic progress you've made! Thank you for sharing.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I won't fault anyone for taking steps in the direction to better themselves and lose the weight that has been hampering them but I will say I don't necessarily agree with any other approach short of getting help understanding why your obese in the first place, changing your eating habits to a sustainable caloric amount with a modest deficit and to get moving this approach will work.. 4 years ago a couldn't walk, was trapped in my house for over 2 years, and was contemplating eating a bullet for the better half of 3 days before I asked for help... Fast forward to today and look at me now... So this approach does work..... Best of Luck OP.... I hope you find success over the long haul.....

    OP: check this guy's ticker out - he knows what he is talking about.

    While I am not a fan of VLCDs, you appear to be approaching this as sensibly as possible. I would however really take to heart Ed's suggestion regarding finding out the 'why's' of your eating issues, otherwise you may well be back at the same place down the road. I would also recommend ensuring that the plan has a well thought out transition to a more reasonable deficit. It sounds like it does, but just be wary of the hormonal, metabolic, nutritional and adherence challenges with a VLCD.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    VLCD = Very Low Calorie Diet

    It's a physician monitored weight loss program where you take in between 600-1000 (depending on female or male) calories a day drinking nutritionally balanced beverages.

    And yes, under a doctors care, both through the facility and my primary care physician. With the amount the hubbs and I are wanting to lose, we will probably be on product for 8-10 months, but yes we are working on long term plan already. The facility we are doing the program through has an awesome support staff and there is actually a 6 week phase where they work with you as you transition back to normal food and work on maintaining your weight.
    They have a very high success rate when it comes to people who actually attend classes and so forth, which we have every intention of doing.

    No competent doctor would be okay with anyone taking in 600 or even 800 calories a day, if said doctor does agree with it, their medical license should be pulled!!!

    Better pull all those bariatric surgeons from Stanford and John Muir and the like's licenses as well then.
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