My first 10K, advice appreciated ;)

My first 10K is coming up! I'm super excited but even more nervous. I would love to know everyone's tips on prepping for this type/length race. During my training I have had a few 7-8 mile runs, so i feel like I can easily achieve this distance.... but for some reason I'm nervous about the distance in a "race setting."

I would appreciate any advice for race day/training this next week.

Also, during my current long runs I have not stopped for water or gels. This race includes both types of stations, should I avoid these since I haven't trained with them?


  • Socalgal13
    Congratulations on your upcoming 10K! It is normal to feel nervous, I have raced for about 6 years now and I still have butterflies before the race. Sounds like your training has been good since you have had a few runs longer then a 10K

    I would not train the day before you race, so you can have fresh legs on raceday. Start your hydration now, not overboard, but keep yourself topped off.

    If you have not trained with gels I would not take any. They can be hard on your GI if you are not use to them. I use them when I race, but then only a certain brand that is easy on the gut. As for water, geez if you are thirsty I would take some water. As you come up to the water station, take a cup dent the cup to a point so you can drink from the point. In the beginning I did not know that little trick and I was sloshing water all over me. Then another seasoned runner told me

    Have an awesome race, remember to smile for the cameras!
  • ThickMcRunFast
    ThickMcRunFast Posts: 22,511 Member
    Good advice so far, but I would echo that if you haven't trained with gels, skip them during the race. You don't need them for a 10k anyway. Drink water, but skip any endurance drinks if you haven't trained with them

    As far as the actual race, try not to go out too fast. Adrenaline will kick and, and its tempting to take off and go way too fast the first mile. It might be good to do a short, easy warmup before the race, to get out jitters. Remember to line up according to your pace (if you aren't planning on competing for a podium spot- stay off the starting line). Also, don't wear anything new. Only race in clothing you know is comfortable and doesn't' chafe.

    Hydrate all week, but there isn't a reason to carb load for this distance. Good luck!