Overeating constantly

I seem to have gotten myself into a mindset of eating healthy all day and then when I am home I overeat on anything I can get my hands on (chocolate, lollies, gum etc)
I would really love some advice on how to curb this and get my motivation back


  • amberxy
    amberxy Posts: 35 Member
    Hello. I can't see your diary, but am wondering if you are in fact eating enough during the day? If not, perhaps adding a few more calories may help. You can always budget in some lollies, chocs etc as long as they fit in with your calories, although I'm an all-or-nothing type of eater so it won't be two squares of choc, it'll be the whole block!
    Perhaps journaling can also help, when you reach for the extra treats, stop and ask yourself WHY? What are you feeling that's making you reach for it? Eg: I want this because I'm peckish. I'm peckish because I'm bored etc.
    Best of luck and keep at it!!
  • isabellabdyer
    I eat between 1400-1600 calories a day, which I think offers me a lot but who knows..
    Definitely right about budgeting treats in, even though I can be all or nothing too (hate that quality sometimes)
    Thank you!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Find one satisfying treat that you can have nightly, and save some calories for it. For me, it's usually a blended coffee drink. Having something yummy to look forward to at the end of the day helps a lot. As for motivation, it's not always going to be there, but you need to be committed to sticking with the plan even when you're not particularly motivated.
  • isabellabdyer
    I think I shall have to do that, it seems to be a good idea. I did loose 13 kgs recently and had so much motivation but it seems to have gone out the window and I have put on 2 or 3 kgs since then
  • purple_tux1
    purple_tux1 Posts: 250 Member
    Nothing wrong with gum. The other stuff - don't have it in the house.

    Wondering also if you're not getting enough to eat during the day.
  • isabellabdyer
    Apparently 1400 calories is a sufficient amount for me but I somehow think that it's too low... maybe I should up it to 1500 or 1600?
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Apparently 1400 calories is a sufficient amount for me but I somehow think that it's too low... maybe I should up it to 1500 or 1600?
    How tall are you, and how active?
  • isabellabdyer
    I'm just under 5"8 and I walk at least 3kms everday, on top of circuit training, running etc at least 4 times a week for 30minutes
  • walleymama
    walleymama Posts: 174 Member
    If you are genuinely hungry then you might want to take a look at what you are spending your calories on. Choose foods that give you more "bang for your buck" when it comes to satiety. For example, one donut can set you back 350 calories, but leave you hungry 5 minutes later. A bowl of oatmeal, OTOH, is very filling and is only a couple hundred calories.

    If you are eating from boredom or habit, try finding something else to keep your hands occupied. I sew and quilt and I also knit. I do this in the evenings if I'm watching Netflix or something to stop me from mindless eating.

    I also think gum is a great idea and I think I will pick up a pack next time I'm out. :-)
  • Esthermanuel1
    :grumble: I have same problem too. I drink 2 liters of water a day. And walk 15.5 kilometers a day. Five days a week.
    I get home and all I want to do is eat everything in front of me. Even if its tired down.
  • babytwoblues
    Hi! I found I did this when I wasn't allowing myself to have the sweets I wanted. So here is what I did

    Ordered organic lollipops by the bag
    Made a trail mix consisting of white chocolate chips, raisins, cashews, cranberries, blueberries, almonds and dark chocolate chips ( I bought each of these from Costco wholesale which allowed me to make a trail mix the size of a huge water container!
    Threw out every single piece of junk food i had
    Brought one lollipop and a serving ( about a fourth cup to half cup) of trail mix with me to work
    Picked I that throughout the day.
    Tis stopped my cravings when I got home because I had already had my sweets and "junk"
    If you need anybmotivation feel free to add me!