challenge yourself

bigred727 Posts: 50
edited September 21 in Introduce Yourself
i challenge you to try this workout. if you like it, im always making new workouts so follow up on me to find out more. im goin to start school to become a fitness trainer, and have a lot of workouts that ive made that work, and allways coming up with new ideas.

ok the workout is called a ( millitary pyramid ) - take 3 simple workouts, push-ups, crunchs, and body squats, start off by doing 1 push-up, without stoping do 1 crunch, then 1 squat, then without stoping do 2 of each, then 3, 4, 5, 6, and so on.. keep doing them in the same order untill u get up to your goal, start off by going up to 15 of each... dosnt sound like much, but your only half way done, now without stoping, reavers the workout untill u reach 1 again... ( note: dont take any brakes during the workout )... by the time u finnish it will feel like u just ran, and you will be dripping in sweat... keep in mind if 15 aint enuf, then keep going untill u feel like you reached your fitness level.. but dont forget that u have to reavers the workout when u reach the top... if u want to lose weight, add this to your cardio workout, it sounds easy... but try it, trust me.. its a killer workout... i do it up to 20, but i wouldnt start off doing it that high... if you add all the reps of a pyramid up to 20, its 1200 reps non-stop, 400 push-ups, 400 crunchs, 400 squats... sounds crazy and imposible, but its not... try it and tell me what u think...


  • annabellj
    annabellj Posts: 1,337 Member
    sounds like a killer workout, good luck becoming a trainer, i am sure you will be great at it
  • sounds interesting and challenging!!
    Let me think about it.
    so let's say I started with
    1 pushups,1 crunch,1 squat...15 pushups,15 crunch,15 squat
    This are a total of 15 reversing,
    15 pushups,15 crunch,15 squat...1 pushups,1 crunch,1 squat
    Now this is a total of 30 each..that is a total of 90 reps

    If you did up to 20, then you will end up 40 each..40 pushups, 40 crunch, 40 of 120 reps
    I don't see how you end up to 1200? :) may be my misunderstanding of the workout :)

    Well, I'm going to try the workout up to 15, may be 20 :D next time I do my workout this sunday!!
    I will let you know how it goes, but I'm not sure of including the squat haha. thanks for sharing!!
  • my bad, let me explaine a little more, start off by doing 1 pushup, 1 crunch, then 1 squat, then 2 of each, then 3 of each, then 4 of each, then 5 of each, then 6, then 7, then 8... keep going untill u get up to 15 reps each, if that aint enuf then keep going but dont forget without stoping you have to reavers the workout... (note; do the whole workout without stoping) it should take about 20 to 30 minutes to finnish... and about how many reps, its simple math...1+1+1, 2+2+2, 3+3+3, 4+4+4, 5+5+5... and so on.. you get the picture... i hope i didnt confuse anybody.. if so just message me if you wanna know more..
  • one more thing, if you do it up to 15, its 720 reps non-stop... 1+1+1= (3)+2+2+2= (9)+3+3+3= (18)+4+4+4= (30)+5+5+5= (45)+6+6+6= (63)+7+7+7= (84)+8+8+8=(108)+9+9+9= (135)+10+10+10= (165)+11+11+11=(198)+12+12+12= (234)+13+13+13= (273)+14+14+14= (315)+15+15+15= (360)x2= ( 720 )
  • So I tried it last nite!! After my regular 2 miles run, I got home and decided I will give it a shot. So I took deep breath saying YES I WILL!! I started actually with 2 instead of one pushups I guess bcuz I'm just used to not do only one! Anyway, then I did 2 sit-ups, 2 squats, 3 pushups, 3 sit-ups, 3 squat, mind told me to only do till I did 13 then went down the pyramid, 12 pushups, 12 sit-ups, 12 squats...and finally 1 pushup, 1 sit-up and one squat!! it took me a total of 22min:14sec!!

    So how was it? Well it was really challenging as that I fighting with myself saying YES I CAN. and there is no break so I have to make sure I'm breathing well as that lot of times I will "forgot" to breath. I would take good breath after each sit-ups standing for the squats. What I really like about this workout is
    1.the self-challenge.
    2. when you reach the top of the pyramid and you already exhausted, you start telling your brain that you already did MORE n now you r going to do LESS.. you going down in numbers!! who does't like to do "less"?! So you know you can do the less n keep going!!
    3. aslo I like that it needs focus as that u r counting upward and changing the workout rapidly. pushups, sit-ups, squat. for me I like that it help me get focus doing different things and making sure I'm doing only the needed reps not more not less

    interestingly, I'm not sure how this is more beneficial than my regular 1 set of 50 pushups, rest, 1 set of 50 sit-ups... I don know it just feels different, for the pyramid there is no rest but you do not do lot of reps for one workout continuously..I'm not sure which workout is "more difficult" for me? I think I will now if I did it couple times again, then I will see if I may take this as a replacement for the 50 pushups, 50 sit-ups routine

    yeah pushups were the most challenging as I get more tired. after I reached the 13 pushups, when I was going down in counts I was doing pushups w L shape, unlike at first I was doing chin to floor

    next time I try it I think I'm goin to do it till 15!! I loved the workout put still not sure how or if this is more beneficial than my regular 50 pushups, 50 sit-ups

    thanks for the great new idea workout, and for real it's possible that anyone can try it just with a believe in YES I CAN there nothing impossible!!
  • well im glad you tryed it, try the workout a few more times, and try it up to 15... after you do the workout just 3 or 4 more times, then try your max push-ups, your max crunchs, and your max squat... i guarantee all of it will go up because your useing muscle confusion insted of isolation... you confuse the muscle and put more strain on them, it tricks the body saying i need to grow and impove to keep this up, whats that mean, big gains, short time... and theres no end to this workout, you can keep going up and up,... and.. you dont have to use those workouts, you could pick 3 other workouts, i use them because it gets 3 areas of the body at once... i recommend useing those 3, because its getting blood flowing throughout the whole body, so it maximis's the muscle confusion... if you do decide to use this workout in your routine, then all you have to go for is one more each week, say you start of by doing it at 15 this week, go to 16 next week... if you do the math thats 138 extra reps just by adding 1 number, and the numbers will keep increasing.. but if this workout is not intense enuf for you, i have another workout you could try... check my blogs...
  • oh yea 1 more thing, the whole point of comming down is to slow the heart rate down... and to get them few extra sets, i know 1 dosnt seem like much, but thats 1 extra rep your pushing out even though you dont want to...
  • and when you go up to a higher number like 17 or 20, that very last rep will seem a lot harder than you think.. lol...
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