Hello, I'm new here, just trying to make some friends.

Hello everyone, I'm new here on the MyFitnessPal website. I'm introducing myself here and I hope I can make some new friends and/or help someone with my journey so far. Although I'm new here, I decided to get serious on losing weight in February of 2013, 6 months ago. Since then, I somehow managed to lose 48.5kg so far, which would be approximately 106lb. I never took any kind of medication or strict diets. All I did was a LOT of exercise (I was lucky that I fell in love with running on the treadmill, it's something that I really enjoy and do everyday, at least 90min) and eat less. The same food I ate before, but just less food. Anyway, I still need and want to lose another 10kg to reach my goal weight, which would be 90kg. My goal now is to reach that goal before 2014, and I'm sure I can do it! :)

I just wish I could have found this website before, it seems like a great place to learn more about this whole process and share experiences with other people. I'm still trying to figure out all of the features, but I really like it so far. Oh, and sorry for any grammar mistakes here, since English is not my native language.


  • HenryBelmont
    I forgot to mention this earlier, but in order to track my running activities I use this app called "RunKeeper" since February and it is AWESOME! I highly recommend it to anyone, because it really made me fall in love with running and all those statistics keep you motivated all the time, you're always trying to break a new record and it was a priceless help for me during my weight loss process. If anyone here already have an account there, please feel free to add me there as well! ;)
  • 2Bgoddess
    2Bgoddess Posts: 1,096 Member
    Wow, you have done very well! And your grammar is better than most people I know who have only ever spoken English!
    Want to be my friend?
  • FitzyFitzpatrick
    FitzyFitzpatrick Posts: 188 Member
    Good job on your commitment!

    You are welcome to send me a friend request, but I ask that you log daily and have an open diary.

    I'm a new-ish runner too, I finished the C25K App and am now in Week 5 of the 10K Trainer.

    Keep up the good work.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Welcome! I use Runkeeper too, and really love it. Though I use to to track my walking these days.
  • bahargaser
    bahargaser Posts: 13 Member
    hi :) i am also new here and english is not my native language as well. well done with the weight loss; i need to lose about 20 kilos. so far i found mfp to be very useful and i hope it works for you too.
  • marleniap
    marleniap Posts: 120 Member
    It sounds like you have done really good on your own. This should get you to your goal even faster if you need inspiration, there are some really great stories here. You can add me if you like, I will do what I can to motivate and support you. Good luck on the rest of your journey.