Do you ever feel....

like you are exercising yourself into worse shape??? I have felt pretty good for the last few months but the last week my shoulder is sore and my ankles and calves have been killing me. I backed off of the high intensity workouts and took 3 days off to see if I felt any better. I have felt just absolutely exhausted the last week...what's the deal?


  • gupton11
    Sounds like you over trained. When I feel this way I take a day or two off and eat a little more.
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    also if you're feeling exhausted make sure you're eating enough, especially protein before & after your workouts.

    but I've definately been there, going way too gung ho on the weights or the stairclimber and winding up with aching shoulders & can hardly walk for days! ease back and give yourself a break, then go a little slower & easier as you build up your strength :)
  • msbanana
    msbanana Posts: 793 Member
    Sounds like you over trained.
    word. totally sound like you over trained. You've given yourself some rest; now when you start up again go easy. If it hurts stop. If weight training is the culprit- look up some isometric workouts, switch to resistance bands or try some yoga and pilates until the hurt stops. You need to keep moving to keep your joints lubricated and I'm sure you don't want to backslide by not working out so find some new things that don't hurt and switch it up!! :)

    Good Luck!!
  • ekoepke413
    I felt that way too (my ankle was killing me and swelling) and after I learned that I have arthritis in it from my doctor he advised me to slow down on the exercise a little and stretch better and more. I also read in prevention magazine that drinking a glass of milk after a workout helps replace some vitamins and minerals the body looses for a better recovery ( I personally don't know if that works- I am lactose intolerant so can't try it). Just don't give up. I have confidence that you will find the right balance and back to work.... :wink:
  • S_H84
    S_H84 Posts: 75
    After a couple of weeks into Turbo Fire, my back and ankles were killing me. After 2 weeks off my ankles were fine again.. my back is slowly getting better.
    However, now I have a hard time getting back into the work outs.
    I would take a day here and there off and do easier work outs.

    Hope it gets better.
  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    Is it that time of month? I'm extremely tired, and body aches, during that week.
  • Amarillo_NDN
    Amarillo_NDN Posts: 1,018 Member
    every time you start doing new things with your muscles, of course it going to hurt till you get in shape. Only work out that doesn't cause that is wateraerobics.

    Don't stop, just give it time and make sure you are not training by doing things that can cause damage.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    When you get that way, change up your work out. For awhile, I felt sooo great... my work outs had relieved my back pain and the only soreness I had was from working new muscles or shin splints - which I quickly took care of. Now I'm doing completely different work outs (not running as much - it's hard on my body and WEARS me out) and now I feel so much better. Find something new! Yoga or pilates helps stretch you out and feels ooh so good. I do pilates every other day and I love the way it makes me feel.
  • Amandac6772
    Amandac6772 Posts: 1,311 Member
    After a couple of weeks into Turbo Fire, my back and ankles were killing me. After 2 weeks off my ankles were fine again.. my back is slowly getting better.
    However, now I have a hard time getting back into the work outs.
    I would take a day here and there off and do easier work outs.

    Hope it gets better.

    I'm doing Turbo Fire too but last week I added 30 Day Shred so I really think I have overtrained. Also, I know I need a recovery drink but I can't really afford the extra calories...are there any low calorie options?
  • Nikiki
    Nikiki Posts: 993
    dont feel like you need to have a special protein shake as your recovery drink, what you need is lean protein and a little carbs. I usually eat either a glass of chocolate milk (skim milk & 1 tbs ovaltine, 100 calories, 17 carbs 8 grams protein) or half an orange & a light cheese stick or babybel cheese round (82 cals, 7 carbs, 7 protein) and I drink an extra glass of water, adding in something with electrolytes during the workout if I'm sweating a lot, I like crystal light's new pure fitness sweetened with stevia & naturally colored, only 30 calories for a packet and they're tasty :)

    good luck!
  • maurierose
    maurierose Posts: 574 Member
    Chocolate milk - not terribly "low cal" but if you go with nonfat milk or 2%, it's not "horrible" and supposedly is one of the best "recovery" drinks out there. I never need the 2 1/2 TBSP that the chocolate milk mix pkg says is a serving..... which cuts down on the calories, too. :o)