Bike trailer - pulling two kids. How many calories??

Does anyone know how many calories you would burn riding a bike pulling a trailer?

the trailer is 28lbs, my kids together are about 50lbs I had lunch ect but not really counting all that stuff.

I went approximatly 4.4 km or 2.7 miles in about 20- 25 min I guess and it was a paved trail that had a few hills.

we then had lunch, played, fed the ducks ;) and came back so I was going to put it as two seperate entries since I took a break in between.

Anyone know of a site I can go to to figure it out? as I plan on biking alot this summer



  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    I'd try of investing in a heart rate monitor. Great work getting out and about today!!!
  • imagymrat
    imagymrat Posts: 862 Member
    Man o man..I say 5 million! lol...that's tough work! I biked 10k's with my two kids inthe back of my trailer this past weekend, they're about 55 and 65 lbs a piece and with my HRM I burned 942 calories...get an HRM..especially for exercise like this, where the wind against you could make a huge difference in calories burned.
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    Man o man..I say 5 million! lol...that's tough work! I biked 10k's with my two kids inthe back of my trailer this past weekend, they're about 55 and 65 lbs a piece and with my HRM I burned 942 calories...get an HRM..especially for exercise like this, where the wind against you could make a huge difference in calories burned.

    I know the wind is killer :)

    Funny thing is I had some $$ and my choice was either get a HRM or get a bike trailer LOL I'm hopping in a few months to get the HRM until then I guess I need to guess.
  • LoriLou67
    LoriLou67 Posts: 173 Member
    Kim - I don't know if this will help or not....but I have a walking route that involves two huge hills, it's 3.1 miles. The difference between walking by myself and pushing the stroller with kids (double stroller, 3.5 year-old is 34 pounds, 2-month old is 12.5 pounds plus his carseat) is about 150 calories. You could put your bike ride into and then add 100 calories as an approximation, since anything other than a HRM will be an approximation anyway. That has just been my experience.

    That is funny that you were saving for either the trailer or the HRM. I think it's good you got the trailer though - good for you and the kiddos!
  • mama22girlz
    mama22girlz Posts: 291
    thanks Lori. I think I'll have to guess for now. Sounds like you get a good workout with your kids too. I think I'll just do biking and add a few calories, or maybe add 10-15 more min to just regular biking to make up for it for now.

    I figured the kids would have more fun with the trailer then the HRM ;) Its next on my wish list though.
  • Mama, I commend your strength, I know that I walk 60 minutes a day and consume 257 calories and when I ride anywhere from 15 to 19 miles per hour I'm cooking anywhere from 525 to 597 calories for a 1 hour ride. By far biking easiest way to get in shape. SO KEEP IT UP!
  • januadiaboli
    januadiaboli Posts: 117 Member
    I didn't have my HRM with me this morning when I took my two boys out for a ride in their trailer; otherwise, I'd have been able to tell you ;-)

    There's a fairly good (and rather detailed) discussion of this available here:
  • Thanks for this! I never would have thought to pop on my garmin for this bike ride, but now I will!
  • Im excited our weather here in Oklahoma is about to start getting better. I am about to pull the bikes and carriage out of winter storage and start in with the family. I know you are burning a good amount with those trailers on there! Ive got two boys, that will probably total about 65 extra pounds + trailer so I know thats not easy work! Love hearing other families that like to get outside and be active!
  • lsudreamer
    lsudreamer Posts: 5
    I curious too! I just got a bike trailer and a bike (trying to rain for my first triathlon). I have to pull the trailer (28 lbs) and two kids (4 yr old 35 lbs and 21 mo old at 30 lbs). Today's 20 minute ride was pretty much into the wind most of the time. Between the heat/humidity of SE Texas, the wind blowing off the gulf, and the trailer of "cheerleaders", mama is tired! I have been adding about 100 calories extra as a guesstimate...but may have to invest in the HRM soon.
  • lsudreamer
    lsudreamer Posts: 5
    I should also add...riding the bike pulling the boys is more fun for all if us than mommy pushing the double jogger :) the kids like to "go faster". When we jog (we means my husband), I usually walk some while pushing the jogger and the run alone while daddy runs with the jogger. Either way you slice it...towing around 80+ lbs is extra work!
  • When I'm hauling my kids in the trailer, going about 10 mph for an hour I burn about 530 calories. I've estimated that I'm towing about 90 pounds with all three kids, the extra seat, and trailer and it's mostly flat route we take as well. That's just the cycling though, I don't keep the hrm on while we play at the park and such.
  • c5354966
    c5354966 Posts: 1
    I thought on the subject and read a bit. A HRM is the definitive answer to how many calories pulling a bike chariot.
    As a good guess. pulling a chariot on path a I clock average 12 km speed under same effort same path same conditions I clock 16km with mapmyride. So bump your leisure cycling time as the class you would be riding at with that much effort and no chariot. In this example light cycling instead of leisure cycling. It is not double the calories. Likely 1/4 to 1/3 more.
    This should be accurate since calories are about your effort over time. Not weight, speed, etc. simply how hard are you working? Hard enough to accomplish this workout characterized by this speed if no kids.
  • ovege
    ovege Posts: 110 Member
    Pulling the trailer made my legs super strong, mine are too big now and I miss it.
  • bcmom_1980
    bcmom_1980 Posts: 33
    I don't have a HRM either, but I just log biking with the trailer + 2 kids as whatever I biked and not include the extra effort from their weight. Same for walking/jogging with the double stroller. I'd rather underestimate calories burned than overestimate and kill any deficit by eating back more calories than I actually burned. Any calories I burn by hauling their little butts around is bonus deficit. ;)
  • Biking and trailer , lugging 72.5 lbs , through trails, uphills and long distance....count as weight training on here?? need to add the weight behind my bike on this app...