Carbs and the Chart

I am fairly new to this, on my page is a pie chart and a graph that divides carbs, fat and protein. Can someone explain it to me? Am I meant to be eating 55% carbs every day? And 30% fat? This doesn't seem right to me. Hope someone can help.


  • That's the default macro split that MFP provides. Most people don't like it and manually change it to something with higher protein and lower carb. A common one is 40% protein 30% carbs 30% fat. But you have to decide how important 'macros' are for you. Ultimately for weight loss, a calorie deficit is far more important. If you're a body builder or figure model then macros are more important.
    Me...I'm carb-dependent (active lifestyle) and terrible with the protein intake so I've adjusted mine to 50% carbs 30% fat 20% protein.
  • Thank you Great One! ;)
  • No worries! Was hoping you'd get more replies. I know some people are very annoyed about the low protein macro suggested by MFP (I agree with them). But when I first started I was such a carbaholic that it was a struggle to meet the 15% protein goal. I'm slowly getting better and hopefully one day will be able to move to 25% protein (baby steps!)