Starting to get a little discouraged

sylviapet10706 Posts: 10
edited September 21 in Food and Nutrition
It doesn't seem like I'm eating a lot & yet I keep going over on my calories for the day. I can't understand what I'm doing wrong. I eat my three meals a day & a snack or two in between. I don't feel like I'm over eating but yet I keep going over. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? How do I know what is good or not good to eat? I just don't know.



  • SugarDiva
    SugarDiva Posts: 403 Member
    I try to plan ahead what I'm going to eat for my meals. I check out the stats on them and then I know what I'm dealing with and what I can allow myself for my snacks.
  • 4lafz
    4lafz Posts: 1,078 Member
    I make it a challenge for myself to find and buy low cal foods so I can eat more. Also - exercise so I can eat more. Also - look up things you need to know about in the Food Database.
  • I can't see your food diary so I can't see exactly what it is that you are eating to comment on where you may be going wrong xxx
  • newnarelle
    newnarelle Posts: 40 Member
    Its about awareness of how many calories are in the food you are eating. When I first started I was shocked to realise somethings I thought were relatively healthy were full of calories.

    What helped me was when I went and put in a food I was planning to eat, then if it was going to push me over, I would think about an alternative and then input that, realising I was saving up to 400 calories!

    Try to eat more salads, vegies, lean meats, fish and chicken and this can make a huge difference. Reducing carbs can help heaps as well. My lunch today as an example, rocket leave mix, 4 cherry tomatoes, a few slices of cucumber, some yellow and green capsicum and shaved chicken breast only set me back 53 calories. If this isn't enough, add an apple following it. I can eat my 3 meals, snacks and still have plenty of calories left and I am on 1200 calories. Being smarter in food choices will save you calories, and sometimes even allow you treats! I was able to even fit in a couple of tim tams under my 1200 calories last week. Exercising allows you more calories as well.

    Hope this helps! Go get 'em girl! :)
  • I deal with the same thing. Every two hours, I have to eat, and not just a snack. However, since I eat more often I tend to eat smaller meals. I've learned what things I can get the most "bang for my buck" with, which helps, but some days I swear I can't get enough food even though each of my meals tend to be under 300 calories! It's tough! I really like looking at other people's diaries to get meal ideas. Feel free to look at mine - I think it's public.
  • It's quite shocking how little calories a person has to eat in order to lose weight, isn't it? I started eating greek yogurt - it's extremely filling for the calories consumed.
  • I didn't realize my food diary was set to private. I've since changed it to "friends only" so you should be able to see it now.
  • P.S. Thank you everyone for your help & advice. I guess I am just looking for advice on what to eat. Are there any low calories recipes sites that any of you use? Thats my main problem I think. I know I'm eating things that are high in calories although they are supposed to be healthy for you, yet I really don't know what to eat & what not to eat. I know that my whole way of eating has to change if I'm to ever lose weight. Thanks again for all your help. It's greatly appreciated.
  • redefiningmyself
    redefiningmyself Posts: 476 Member
    Processed food tends to be high in sugar, fat and salt. So I eat alot of fresh fruit and veggies. (mostly veggies).

    For recipe ideas I would recommend checking out different diabetic websites. Most of those recipes are low carb low sugar low fat. Plus they usually include a breakdown of what its worth nutritionally. - you don't need to have diabetes to eat these recipes as they are healthy and balanced for everyone.
    I hope that helps. :)
  • jchapman1957
    jchapman1957 Posts: 80 Member
    Found this site posted yesterday on here:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I put everyone on here before I eat it. If I know I plan on going out to eat, or what I'm making for dinner, I log it in to check where I'm at for the day. So far I've been pretty good....
  • MrsMcNeal
    MrsMcNeal Posts: 7 Member
    I have been doing this for a little over a month. A lot of days, I am under. It is still very important to eat enough too. I decided to weigh only once a month so I dont know how much I lost this month yet. My suggestion would be to maybe do more fruit and those things that are higher in fiber but low in calories. I do protein shakes. One of the shakes that I do consist of orange juice, spinach, blueberries, banana and oatmeal. It taste very good and is low in fat and is very feeling.
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