New friends for MFP

jeanetterouw Posts: 10 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
Hi, so i just joined MFP again..i was on here 6 months ago && that didnt go to well. I am now on the road to trying again. I am on a calorie diet, i also just joined a gym around my area and plan to work out as much as i can. Working around food is horrible. I quit my job about 2 years ago and lost 30lbs because i wasn't around the fast food anymore. I just recently got hired at yet another fast food place and yes i gained it almost all back. I am looking for someone else who also gets on MFP everyday and is willing to help motivate me. I know i can only do it for myself but i do need the extra push && someone to believe that i can do it... I want to loose weight so me and my partner can try having a child of our own...

If anyone is interested please let me know

Thanks Jeanette.


  • Odies91
    Odies91 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Jeanette!!

    That sounds like an awesome reason to get in to shape and lost weight, babies are adorable (though I don't have any yet just a lot of animals)

    Sounds like you have some awesome motivation already :)

    Go you!
  • jenmsu83
    jenmsu83 Posts: 185 Member

    Feel free to friend me...I'm here everyday. :smile:
  • jnwalker511
    jnwalker511 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi I'm looking for friends to help motivate me also, so feel free to add me. Good luck !!!
  • cagefan
    cagefan Posts: 194 Member
    anyone can add me if they would like to!! i'm kinda a self nominated MFP cheerleader!!
  • rdsxgrl28
    rdsxgrl28 Posts: 165 Member
    Babies are a great reason to get fit!!

    I am gonna(not trying) get back in shape because I have a 5yo DGD and I love doing things with her. Just joined Zumba with her Mom , my DIL.

    Feel free to friend me, I plan on being here every day.
  • jeanetterouw
    jeanetterouw Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you all for wanting to help me out with my journey. I have messaged some of you on here but im not sure if you had got those messages yet?

    But thank you all for wanting to support me it really helps out a lot(:
  • DonnetteWinter
    DonnetteWinter Posts: 17 Member
    Hello Jeanette... I am interested and you can do this!! :)

    I'm 44 yrs old and started focusing more on my health in May. I started with a goal to lose 68 lbs and have 38 lbs to go! :) Although I have a number/weight goal, I avoid the scale... stepping on it only once a month! This has all been about eating healthier, being active and feeling better. ;) I have been logging my foods faithfully and measuring most of my success with my improved endurance... and the weight has been coming off as I go. This website and my 'Fitness Bucket List' have been great motivation for me. :)

    I'm sending you a friend request.. and looking forward to celebrating some of our future successes together! :)
  • thegabbleduck
    thegabbleduck Posts: 52 Member
    Feel free to add me - I am on here every day :)
  • amwill24
    You can add me too. I am here everyday too. You can do it!
  • amwill24
  • Andibenni
    Andibenni Posts: 408 Member
    Feel free to add me. I'm on every day and happy to support you.
  • rudarbe
    rudarbe Posts: 164 Member
    That's a beautiful reason why you should want to lose weight. I've worked in Walmart for a while and saw so many customers always purchasing many unhealthy foods that I wanted to eat as well. It was tough at first, but I overcame that problem by making my goals clear and wanting them more than anything in the world. And you're right-- you need to want to do it for yourself. Once you realize that health and fitness is starting to fill your your thoughts in every waking moment, then you know you're ready for this journey. I won't push you to get back on track, I won't keep track of your every step, but I will walk with you on this journey til the end :)
  • cookster18
    not sure if i am responding right...this is all new to you can add people as friends???....good luck to all of you, i am about to try the 30 day shred in the next couple days...any thoughts on this dvd?? i just really need to get myself in shape and tone up....i think i can manage 30 mins a day...not sue if i will be able to do 7 days a week but gonna aim for 5 and maybe a walk for the other 2....any thoughts
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