The No Scale Challenge



  • meganfoster12
    meganfoster12 Posts: 411 Member
    I am in :)

    Current weight: 247.0
    Diet: Clean eating
    Workouts: Gym, running,kickboxing :)
  • kerrygailis
    kerrygailis Posts: 121 Member
    Ok I'm in! This is going to be terribly difficult as I too am a serial weigher! Good luck everyone.
    Current weight 73kg
  • mammakat0830
    mammakat0830 Posts: 117 Member
    Ok, there is a very real possibility that I will not succeed at this; however, I'm in! I need this! I need to stop weighing myself...Let's do this:drinker:
  • I've done this for the past 3 weeks and tomorrow ill be my first weigh in! The scale had become sucks when you work hard and the scale says you gained. Although it's not fat and probably water weight or some muscle, it is still disappointing. After tomorrow I'll probably go on another 3 week no scale challenge
  • ewartluft
    ewartluft Posts: 79 Member
    Am I too late? I just started Les Mills Combat last week. I'll be continuing my weight training when ever I'm able. I want to maintain my weight +/- 2 or 3 lbs either way but would love to see the bf% go down a teeny bit more.

    Weight: 117.2 lbs
    Chest: 33"
    Waist (I measure just bellow my belly button b/c that's where I want to see a change): 32"
    Hips/butt: 35"
    Thighs: 22.5"
    BF: 19%
  • joious73
    joious73 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm in. I weigh myself WAY too much. If i gain 1/2 a pound i try to figure out why. I ate a hot dog the other day along with some other high sodium foods....I gained 3 pounds on water weight overnight. Seeing that number on the scale just made me depressed. I weighed myself this morning and I'm going to take the battery out of my scale and give it to my hubby to hide and ask him to give it back to me on October 1st. That way NO cheating!!!
  • Quinn_Baker
    Quinn_Baker Posts: 292 Member
    I'm in! Sounds exciting!
  • Yay!! Im so happy everyone is joining the challenge. It was so hard the first week (very similar to a food addiction) it seemed like a scale was everywhere. Stay strong everyone an come back to give me an update. I'll try and post some no scale motivation everyday.


    P.S. Stay strong????????
  • Sassy9411
    Sassy9411 Posts: 67 Member
    I'm pretty excited for this actually! I mean, I'm hoping I'll see progress by the end of the month and that way I won't be constantly worrying myself about what the scale is going to say! Good luck everyone :)

    Starting Weight:186
    Plans: Eat cleaner and hit the gym at least 3x a week
  • So, I'm addicted to weighing myself. I recently changed my diet and decided that I WILL NOT weigh myself for one month. My goodness I was going through withdraw, but I'm on week 2! For me looking at the scale has been a rollercoaster ride - way too many ups and downs. The scale just represents a number - if you feel good and look good then what the hay! Whose in it with me!!!!

    Challenge starts on September 1, 2013

    Note your current weight
    Your exercise and eating game plan

    The scale is your ENEMY!!!! I work with a girl who's 200lbs and is in a size 10 and is only 5'8"...Yet I've seen a girl who is about 5'9" and around 150 and can barely get into a 16...both best friends of's weird, can't really explain it!



    Ends on October 1, 2013 you will finally weigh in! YAY :-D
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    I'm 2 days late but I'm in!

    I have upped my calories by 100 and I have been checking the scales about 3 times a day. Its getting really stressful.

    I've been stuck on 7 stone ( exactly ) for over 2 weeks now so I upped my calories 5 days ago and have been super nervous about a gain.

    Here we go. Honestly, bricking it! lol

    Starting weight 98lbs. ( I'm 4ft 8, this is fine for me, dont worry. )


  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    Hey, is it too late for me to get in on this? :)

    I just moved and I don't have a scale. I've been really trying to resist buying one, but it's so tempting...
  • Hey, is it too late for me to get in on this? :)

    I just moved and I don't have a scale. I've been really trying to resist buying one, but it's so tempting...

    Hey Ginger - it's not too late to join! The more the merrier =D
  • 1stday13
    1stday13 Posts: 433 Member
    That has been the only way I do it. Any more often and I get discouraged if I have not lost. I couldn't deal with the fluctuations . For me just seeing a bigger loss and dividing it out by 4 makes me much more motivated! :drinker:
    So, I'm addicted to weighing myself. I recently changed my diet and decided that I WILL NOT weigh myself for one month. My goodness I was going through withdraw, but I'm on week 2! For me looking at the scale has been a rollercoaster ride - way too many ups and downs. The scale just represents a number - if you feel good and look good then what the hay! Whose in it with me!!!!

    Challenge starts on September 1, 2013

    Note your current weight
    Your exercise and eating game plan



    Ends on October 1, 2013 you will finally weigh in! YAY :-D
  • MissPatty584
    MissPatty584 Posts: 155 Member
    Day 2 of no scale! Argh! It's driving me crazy, seeing it sitting on the bathroom floor! A few times I have caught myself about to step on it (between today & yesterday) and had to mentally smack myself, lol! :noway:
  • pkbryant28
    pkbryant28 Posts: 146 Member
    Day 2 of no scale! Argh! It's driving me crazy, seeing it sitting on the bathroom floor! A few times I have caught myself about to step on it (between today & yesterday) and had to mentally smack myself, lol! :noway:

    I had my husband hide ours. Is there anyone in your home that can hide it away? That way you will not be forced to see it sitting there wanting you to step on it.
  • Ninonll
    Ninonll Posts: 8 Member
    I actually broke my scale a few weeks ago, before that, I stepped on it every morning, and the number I saw always influenced my mood.
    Right now, it's the first time I successfully log my food everyday for more than a week, I don't know my weight, and I don't really care about what is my weight. I started measuring my waist, my neck and my hips and I really enjoy those as a progression sign!
    No more scale for me for the moment!
    (I must admit I'm a little scared to step on the scale for now, so maybe wait until the end of the month is a great challenge for me too!
  • fitwithwhit88
    fitwithwhit88 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm in as well! Did the whole no-scale thing for a month a while back and it's really a great idea - forces you to focus on your eating and exercising vs. the number on the scale. I highly recommend it!

    Starting weight: 160.4lbs
    Height: 5'9"
    Diet Plan: Clean eating at 1700 calories/day (20% calorie reduction from /TDEE)
    Workout Plan: Replace steady-state cardio workouts with HIIT or interval training 2 days/week, 1 hour Pilates 3 days per week, and 2 rest days.
  • Gee_24
    Gee_24 Posts: 359 Member
    Ok I'm definitely getting my boyfriend to hide our scale. This is torture lmao
  • lenoresaari
    lenoresaari Posts: 500 Member
    Ok I am in ;

    Weight 179.2 lbs, 5'4.5"
    Diet : low sugar,low salt 1380 -1500 calories/day
    Exercise: bike riding,walking,tennis,swimming, weights 3-5 times/week

    Might try 30 day shred or other Jillian Michaels videos.