Turbo fire, Hip Hop Abs, Turbo Jam, favorite?

snowflakelaia Posts: 214
edited September 21 in Fitness and Exercise

I have seen that Charlene Johnson has a new Turbo series out there called Turbo Fire. Has anyone tried those workouts?

I have done some Hip Hop Abs, but I don't find them very challenging except in the dancing moves, choreography-wise.

Turbo Jam is one of my favorites, since you can increase the intensity and the workout level depending on how you are feeling or your fitness level.

What works best for you?


  • Cina04
    Cina04 Posts: 609
    I have only done Hip Hop Abs (doing LV2 now).

    After doing Insanity I didn't feel like I was getting a workout that I was use to w/ Hip Hop Abs and that's why I decided to do my second rd of Insanity w/ Hip Hop Abs.

    I think Hip Hop Abs is GREAT for when you are already or close to your goal weight/imagine and just want to keep a daily maintenance of your body. I do love hip hop abs though. I use my ipod for different music to get more into so I can work it even harder!
  • wow
    that sounds great!

    I can see from the pictures you have here posted that you've done a great job! *smiles*


    I'm going to keep working on the Hip HOp Abs lv2 then. Thank you!
  • I have just stared Turbo Jam, and I love it. Are you a member of the Beachbody community (the company who sells these products), or do you buy them from infomercials? I am a Beachbody coach, and simply love all that Beachbody offers.

    I am not the most coordinated person, so Turbo Jam is taking me awhile to get used to. I am more accustomed to programs that require light weights and resistance training. However, I hope to one day be able to "graduate" to Turbo Fire. Everyone I know who uses it simply loves it, but it is very challenging! I wouldn't recommend anyone commit to it though until he/she feels that Turbo Jam has become a workout that no longer provides a challenge.
  • I am a Beachbody Coach & have completed P90X twice as well as used a few other BB programs. However, I am also now using Turbo Fire with P90X. I LOVE IT, however, it kicks my butt!!! The choreography does take a bit of time to get down but Chalene has an option on the dvd to choose "new to class" which takes you through the steps. I was actually going to start Insanity but then Turbo Fire was released so I chose to do it instead. So glad I did! The music is awesome. I highly recommend it! Just know that it is indeed 'high intensity interval training'.....way above & beyond Turbo Jam! :happy:
  • I have never done Hip Hop ABs or Turbo Jam, so not qualified to talk about those. I have done a round and a half of Insanity, but I felt I needed a break. I love Insanity, but it is a constant pounding on your body. I just recieved Turbofire and I am just going to mix it up with Insanity. I have only done the Fire 45 Class/Stretch 10 Class of the Turbofire series. They are 2 very different programs. Turbofire is very choreographed and it really helps to go to the New to Class menu several times to learn the moves. It is a lot of punching and kicking routines to upbeat music. Insanity is a lot more strength oriented. No routines to learn, just straight up cardio, plyo, pushups, updown movements. I always feel somewhat beat up after doing Insanity, but after doing the Fire 45 of Turbofire I just felt like I did a workout, but do not really feel it deep in my muscles.
  • I've been doing Turbo Jam videos for almost a year, combining them with running, etc.
    Right now I do them all with weight-handgloves so I get some more of a workout, but I do not get much of a workout anymore. Thus, I considered trying the Turbo Fire. I love kickboxing, BodyJam stuff and martial arts, that's why I was interested in knowing about others experiences and opinions.

    I also need good music, and TJ are the only workouts I've found with good, great rhythm workouts.

  • by the way, I'm not a member of beachbody -yet. I was considering becoming a member some time, but I haven't bought their products from the site...
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