
Ok, so I'm not exactly even sure what I'm asking, but I'll try. I bloat so easily. I found though when I'm eating strictly fruits and veggies, I'm fine. But then if I add ANYTHING back into my foods, I'm back to being bloated again. Is it possible that I have sensitivities to foods (very general) or something? I intend to go to the doc at some point to discuss it with them, but any ideas why someone bloats so easily?


  • I've been having this same problem. I've tried cutting gluten, bread, pasta, white potatoes, dairy and it still happens. It's not so bad when I eat only veggies,etc but I do still bloat, it's very annoying! I've put it down to just one of those things. Maybe it would be sensible to talk with your doctor! :)
  • I stopped having the bloating when I wasn't eating bread, I've been eating focaccia bread in Italy (really can't stop it's too yummy) and I notice it's back.

    I think for me it's the pasta/bread type foods. I am not very strong while on vacation so will just be bloated! After holiday I go back to my no bread policy.

    What you could maybe try is seeing what foods you might be allergic to?

    Just wanted to let you know that you're not alone with this.
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    You will discover how much salt there is in PREPARED products when you take it from your diet. I have been basically salt free this entire trip BUT--I will admit eggs are gross they must must must have a alittle salt. In fact some foods I loved before I can';t tolerate now as they are just too salty and a lot of foods really taste different now--some better some worse.
  • Thanks everyone! I take probiotics daily, in hopes of eliminating the issue. It hasn't seemed to help though. Someone else mentioned maybe IBS. I'm gonna do some research and take what you all have said....and talk to a doc soon. It's nothing major (that I can tell), just annoying!
  • Also, maybe there is no correlation, but I did have my appendix removed about five years ago. I don't recall ever having any of these issues prior to that.
  • Mokey41
    Mokey41 Posts: 5,769 Member
    Also, maybe there is no correlation, but I did have my appendix removed about five years ago. I don't recall ever having any of these issues prior to that.

    Your appendix does virtually nothing, it's one of those things we've evolved past that hasn't quite disappeared yet so I doubt that is a cause. Everyone points a finger at gluten because it's the fad thing to have a problem with right now but I'm lactose intolerant and get bloating from diary. Usually if you have a real food sensitivity it isn't just bloating but is accompanied by some other digestive issues like diarrhea, cramping, excessive gas, maybe nausea.
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    Bread and oasta make me bloat, though I can get away with them in small quantities! When I first started getting stomach problems I found keeping a diary very helpful , so I could track what I ate before my stomach was bad. I wish I had found this would have come in handy. So in other words, you can work out what it is that makes you bloats and cut it down or out!
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    I get this bloating issue often, my Dr suggested it could be IBS (due to other symptoms as well) and I have to eliminate food items from my diet for 7 days and see if the bloating is less severe, but so far have found nothing, but I hold out hope :)
  • coral_b
    coral_b Posts: 264 Member
    FODMAP diet! it restricts food types for a few weeks then gradually re-introduces. It's narrowed my triggers down to milk,onion and garlic! Bloating be gone! good luck trying to figure out your triggers x
  • HeinekenMan
    HeinekenMan Posts: 80 Member
    Most people have too much sodium. This can cause water retention and bloating. Some foods expand in the stomach during the digestive process. This is normal and is not a cause for concern.