Phentermine 37.5 mg



  • stephreed11
    stephreed11 Posts: 158 Member
    I took it for a couple months last year...I lost weight but always felt jittery, picked up a case of insomnia, & sounds weird but I swear it was the reason for my intolerable (at the time) back problems. Some days I could hardly get out of bed because my back hurt so bad. Picking up my baby & doing household chores were almost impossible, & being a stay at home mom, that was definitely a problem. I couldn't figure out where this back pain was coming from, I had never had problems before. I figured something must've happened during my pregnancy or maybe even from the epidural. Oddly enough, as soon as I stopped Phen the back problems went away & I haven't had pain since! I googled to see if this was a common "side effect" with Phen & don't remember seeing common cases, but it sure is a weird coincidence...
  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    Yep, it's like speed!




  • Nopedotjpeg
    Nopedotjpeg Posts: 1,805 Member
    Do you have some sort of severe medical risk factors? Because putting you on a low carb diet and the pharmacological equivalent of speed seems pretty drastic.
  • Hi DragonFly,

    I have tried phen twice. The first time I lost GOBS of weight! 22 lbs in the first month alone! I weigh a lot but since I was a dancer have a relatively low body fat as an adult. I would suggest trying it for a week and taking a half at a time. If you experience any unnatural side effects, quit immeditately! The first time, it was a miracle from heaven and it gave me so much energy and I ate anything I wanted on it ASIDE from carbs; hot dogs, italian meets, lean turkey, cheeses, you name it. I would even have a sugary coffee but I would NEVER eat bread (whole wheat or whole grain), pasta, potatoes or any starchy veggies. Also, I worked out 3 hours a day because I started dance again and the lbs melted away!

    A year ago, when I was 31 y-o, I started it again and to my dismay, it had horrible affects on my body. I awoke in the middle of the night twice feeling like I was having a panic attack or heart attack. I am a very healthy person mind you. I hadn't been working out at the time because I had sprained my ankle and gained so much weight as a result and developed anemia (which I had had for years and ignored). Anyhow, my anemia was so bad and when I took the PHEN on it, I developed a temporarily enlarged HEART!! I FREAKED OUT! Got everything checked out and was fine. My doctor forewarned me that the LOW IRON and the PHEN had opposing affects. Hence, the lack of oxygen transporting to my body and veins paired with a stimulant like phen would cause shortness of breath and a temp enlarged heart. Hence, it was good bc I would have NEVER known about my iron deficiency and taken IRON and been 100 times more full of life!

    Back to the diet struggles, I was down to 15 percent body fat on Phen. Now that I am back on a low carb and do HIIT and do xfit twice a week with a coach, I'm still overweight! How is that possible? I sincerely believe that years and years of yo-yo dieting and taking prescription drugs and playing with my weight bc of my obsession with it (due to dance) was and is the reason my METABOLISM refuses to cooperate. Back to my point, TRY what works for you. TRY ATKINS OR LOW CARB or try weight watchers (DO NOT WORK FOR ME). See what diet works best for your body. See if you can do it wo the PHEN! Make sure to take B12 (2000 mgs) and iron if you are deficient and Vitamin D (Most ppl are deficient). And workout 5xs a week and if you still cannot lose weight (like me) after all this hard work (calorie deficient and all without being in 'starvation mode'), then and only then take PHEN.
  • I am glad to say Phentermine is working for me, yes it makes me lose my appetite I know I have to eat. Since the only way one can get this drug is through a Dr. I receive my through a center for medical weight loss. I was advised on how much calories to eat per day. I meet with my Dr. once a month by choice, I could go twice a month if I wanted too.

    What I learned is too lose weight is to know how much calories to eat each day, once you lose the weight in order to keep it off you must exercise.

    So of course there are many drugs out here to assist with losing the weight some of them work for others and some don't. Now I do agree with taking your vitamins, eating right and exercising is the best way to go.

    However, I needed help with not eating like there is no tomorrow. Keep in mind there is a difference between fat & body fat. I guarantee if you do not eat the right amount of calories per day, you will not lose your body fat. BODY FAT WEIGHS MORE than fat!

    God Bless Everyone & I hope everyone reaches there goals!
  • dmoppy
    dmoppy Posts: 45 Member
    It worked for me. Took it for 2.5 months (read it only works once in your life and for about 3 months - although I have read people can take it again - maybe at higher doses, but for me it was a way to kick-off the process) and used it to learn my body did not need the calories I was feeding it. Had some minor side effects but nothing I couldn't live with for 3 months. The "speed" part did give me energy and sped up my metabolism - although my running speed needed to be slower because my HR would run higher. Was totally worried I would rebound so really used this site to help me manage what I was eating v. exercise. Continued to lose weight after I finished taking the pill last August and achieved my goal weight and have maintained it since November 2012. Just one more story since I read so many negative things about it. The key is what this site helps with - using your food choices and exercise to help create the person you want to be. If you don't pay attention to the mix and you go back to old habits you will regain your weight no doubt.
  • Lyerin
    Lyerin Posts: 818 Member
    I think I have a BMI of close to yours, and it was higher when I started. I've lost almost 47 pounds by eating well, tracking my calories and exercising. I have not taken any medication or miracle pill. You can do it too. If you are worried about side effects, why not try using MFP and exercising and seeing what happens?
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    There is a controlled substance warning on the label. Yes this is speed.
  • Lost 10 lbs in two weeks and I can go without eating... my cravings are gone! = ]