
Curvacious_lady Posts: 5
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
i have no idea where to start....i no idea how to get motivated


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Just do it.
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Start with logging your diary..

    set yourself small goals and rewards.

    You really need to motivate yourself x
  • Yeah il start with small goals
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    Eat whatever you want. We don't care, just make sure those numbers match. Probably should eat a little MORE of veggies/fruits/meats/dairy and less breads/pastas but if you want to eat a chocolate bar, just eat it.

    Read the success stories in the community boards (which you've found already) and you'll be motivated after a few posts.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    A calorie deficit is all that is needed for weight loss and exercise for fitness.
    Log accurately.
    Set realistic goals.
    Weigh everything.
    Just do it.
  • 0067808
    0067808 Posts: 119 Member
    Hi - I've just started today as well; rather than changing to eat all different stuff which you might find challenging, why not eat normally, log all the food you eat and just make a point of staying within the calories that you're allowed? I had white toast this morning, pork sausages at dinner time, and as a treat I had eton mess (raspberries, meringue and fresh cream) this evening. Not exactly what you'd call mega-healthy, but I'm well within my calorie allowance, fat, sugar, carbs etc; and I don't FEEL like I'm on a diet. Just make sure you don't cheat yourself - log absolutely everything, even those cups of tea/coffee. The very act of doing that makes you more aware of what you're eating. Good luck, I'm sure as time goes on I'll make better choices and 'spend' my calories more wisely, but today I just needed to START!
  • twinketta
    twinketta Posts: 2,130 Member
    Yeah il start with small goals

    If you want more help then log your diary, open it, and ask for more advice.

    It really is a case of you wanting to motivate yourself, if you want to lose weight then as someone as suggested `nike..just do it`

    We all had to start at the beginning x
  • lydpearson
    lydpearson Posts: 6 Member
    take up walking 2/3 times a week for about 60 minutes, keep at whatever pace feels comfortable
    cut out as much junk food as possible but dont deprive yourself of the things you love: everything in moderation.
    drink lots of water & green tea (if you like it!)

    take it easy - you will soon see results just by monitoring your food & starting to exercise a little :)
    Best of Luck!!
  • jefferyjay1
    jefferyjay1 Posts: 1 Member
    I was like u, didnt know where to start, but now, Ive lost nearly 8 kls, just by using the diary for what I eat and making more sensible choices, the exercise is slowly happening, but being accountable on here for the foods you choose to eat is the most successful thing I have ever tried, I started entering the foods before I ate so I could see if my choices were good or bad, and a lot of the time they were bad so I had to think really hard about a better choice to fill me and that has taught me such a lot, just take the time to do your diary, as when I slip on that I dont do as well. Good luck.
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