
ok I fully accept takeaways are gonna be problematic but every4/6 weeks my wife and I go to our friends houses(large group, different house eachtime), well this week is takeaway week so I think im going to have to save some of my days calories on Saturday and go for chicken balti.!!!!. most of the group will be having a Chinese(I love Chinese food) but it seems an impossible task to count it accurately...these evenings a social events as our age group is 52 53 ish we end up playing quiz games etc.


  • AmbushReality
    AmbushReality Posts: 3 Member
    If you have the choice of Indian food I would say go for a tandoori chicken tikka and some dry vegetables. I had this on Sunday and was really surprised how delicious and satisfying it was! Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's about as healthy as u can get from an Indian takeaway but obviously I didn't know the exact calories in it, so I just made an educated guess of ~800. Definitely save a lot of calories for dinner, especially if you're having a drink ;) (drink as much water and as little alcohol as possible though!).
  • ive looked on here and im going to estimate something like 1200 cals , as im on 1960 cals a day I can fit this in if im frugal with my breakfast and lunch calories,i average 600/700 execise calories each day which means I should still be comfortably within my allowance , im hoping ive lost 2lb but Saturday morning as that's my weigh in day., I have a further 3 weeks before I go on my golf hoiday with the lads and need to try and keep things under control that week , (no way I can avoid booze that week , maybe stick to vodka and diet coke.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    It's once every 4/6 weeks; I would choose the dish you really like, and enjoy it. Accept that you're going to consume a lot of calories that day, but that it's not going to ruin your progress up to now. I would personally rather eat a 2000 calorie meal, enjoy it, and enjoy the evening without stressing than eat an 800 calorie meal that isn't really what I wanted to eat in the first place, and stress out about how many calories it is.

    It's ok to save a few calories each day through the week to make a little more room in your weekly allowance, but don't go overboard trying to compensate.

    Keep in mind the fact that you are (I presume) eating at a deficit right now. It takes roughly 3,500 calories to gain a pound of fat - that's 3,500 over your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), which is already a higher number than your MFP calorie goal. If you are set to lose 1 lb a week, you have a daily calorie deficit of 500 calories. Let's say you eat a takeaway that's 2000 calories and even if it takes you over your daily goal by 1500 - that's still going to be absorbed by the rest of the week's deficit. It's very unlikely you will gain any fat from this one meal.

    Remember that it is likely you will gain a little scale weight from water retention, as takeaways tend to be high in sodium. That will come off again soon enough though.

    So go and eat takeaway, and enjoy your Saturday night. :smile:

    ETA: having read your second post with your numbers - you have even less to worry about. No problem at all.

    (And by the way, if your ticker is correct and you only have about 15 lbs to lose - 2 lbs a week is quite an aggressive goal. You can risk losing too much lean mass if you're losing that fast and are close to being a healthy weight.)
  • Athena53
    Athena53 Posts: 717 Member
    I LOVE Chinese and it doesn't have to be bad for you. Go for something heavy on vegetables (e.g., chicken with snow peas, mushrooms, onions, etc.) or even all vegetables, not deep-fried, in a broth-based sauce. Skip the egg rolls or spring rolls and the crunchy noodles. Have only a little rice. Watch the portions- you can always eat half the container and stow the rest in the fridge and take it home for the next day. And stay focused on the socializing and the fun.

    I like Indian even better- the flavors are so intense that small portions are more satisfying.
  • I do need to lose more but im trying to have small obtainable targets and look where I m after each 5 week period.. I was17 stone 4 when I checked I here and lost 3 pounds week 1 , hopefully another 2 by Saturday.im 6 foot and very broad shouldrered (not big boned theres no such thing), my ultimate target is to get to15 stone or just under and then maintain that.i was actually just over 18 stone at the end of june (after a weeks holiday) so im not expecting very rapid weight loss now
  • I once looked at a weight chart which suggested for my height and age should be somehere near 12 syone(well I was born weighing more than that) so I think 15 stone id look and feel fine , to add to this im diebetic but since ive loss a bit my sugar levels are now lower than ive ever seen them , id guess my blood pressure would read better next time im in for my diebetic mot.