
I need some serious help. When am I so exhausted. Looking at my diet I think I'm eating sensibly, I exercise when I can. BUT there are days when I can hardly get out of bed. I'll have a few good days then all of a sudden I come back from work and collapse on the sofa. Generally drag my self to get dinner ready then climb back onto the sofa again. I go to bed early as I so tired, sleep solidly but can't get out of bed. I'm always cold though the weather is beautiful outside.

I've been medically checked out and am in good health (but overweight....surprise surprise).

Does any one have any ideas on what I can do to boost my energy levels??
Should I take protein shakes?? ( I'm on a low carb diet)

Help please.


  • dynamitegalxo
    dynamitegalxo Posts: 299 Member
    The coldness and exhaustion are key symptoms of an underactive thyroid. You say you've been checked out medically, but have you had a blood workup done? I'd ask your doctor to do a thyroid blood check and rule that out as well.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    Well, undereating will make you feel like that. So will depression and many physiological things. How long has it been since you had a full workup, including a full blood panel?
  • Red_Sparrow
    It could be a number of things, hard to say without seeing your diary or knowing exactly how you exercise (and not excluding medical, even though you've been checked).

    When you say low-carb, how low-carb are we talking? 100g/day? <30g? How long have you been on it? What are your macros, how many calories are you eating?

    If you've just started a low-carb routine after a high-carb lifestyle, it's not unusual to feel drained for a little while.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,110 Member
    How long have you been doing low carb? If you go to the low carb websites they tell you to expect a period of "carb flu" like symptoms.

    Why are you doing low carb? What do you mean by "low" carb? It's not necessary for weight loss, if that's your reasoning.
  • sijomial
    sijomial Posts: 19,811 Member
    Did feeling exhausted coincide with going on a low carb diet?
    How many calories a day are you eating? As your diary is locked you aren't giving many clues to go on!!
  • Hannah_Hopes
    Hannah_Hopes Posts: 273 Member
    What others have said ask to get your thyroid checked they were symptoms I were getting too :smile:
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Have you checked if you're Vit D deficient? I found that that was one of my issues.

    Also if you are doing low carb, I think it's pretty normal that you feel low for days 3-7. I had flu-like sypmtoms last week and felt horrible but I'm feeling awesome now :)

    Could be your body adjusting to the change.
  • EmilyTwist1
    EmilyTwist1 Posts: 206 Member
    Could be a number of things. Thyroid issues, depression, under eating, poor sleep, stress, iron deficiency, etc. This something to see a doctor about. You can always try working on eating plenty of nutritious food, getting quality sleep, getting some sun and exercise, and managing stress well. These are good things to do even if they don't fix this particular problem. Either way, your doctor will be more qualified to help than people on the internet.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    Since your diary is closed, it's hard to tell if you are eating sufficient nutrition. Since you had a heart attack, you want to be sure to check with your doctor before making major changes but take a look at the information at Harvard's Nutrition Source http://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/ and see how your doctor feels about the "Healthy Eating Plate" for a nutritious diet. Also, make sure you are getting enough sleep.
  • scubar17
    I'm going to throw something really different out there for you: food allergies.

    You have the same symptoms that I did earlier this year and when I went to my doctor, he said I was "fine" but I knew I wasn't. I went to a different doctor and he did a different blood test and found that I had a severe food intolerance to egg and dairy--something I ate everyday! Once I cut them out of my diet, my energy returned and a host of other ailments went away.

    Something to think about....
  • bubbliemae
    I go to my neighborhood herb store, the people have been in the biz for as long as I can remember, so they are very knowledgeable. If you know of a place like this where you live, go seek their advice. Where I go they can look in you eyes and tell you what systems in your body are weak, and suggest what you could be taking, (herbs) and eating to help support these systems. I don't use this instead of a doctor, but along with. This approach has done wonders for me!

    I take supplements to help support my thyroid, to help with inflammation, fluid retention, and progesterone, which has helped me with hormonal imbalance, after a hysterectomy.

    I have also drastically changed my diet, I exercise just about every day, and I drink a ton of water.

    I am like a new person, the woman that was in so much pain, tired all the time, depressed and kinda grumpy. She doesn't live here anymore!

    I hope you can find a place that deals in this natural approach to helping you feel your best, it really works, at least I am a believer!
  • MaggieGirl135
    MaggieGirl135 Posts: 986 Member
    This past June, when I started with a low carb diet (and it was not super-low), I was beyond exhausted for 2-3 weeks. Being tired was one thing, but this exhaustion was bone-crushing. I was sleeping more hours than ever before. I had previously lost weight on a low carb diet without problems. After reading some posts noting that low carb diets can cause fatigue, I increased the amount of my carbs. My fatigue ended very quickly. Please give this some consideration.
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Ok, so I checked back a week or so in your diary, you are eating between 950-1500 calories tops a day. Seem to be averaging about 1200. I am not sure of your weight/height but you said you are still in the overweight category, so I'm going to assume that you weigh more than I do.

    For me (and I weigh 65kg) that intake level would be too low. If I eat lower for a few days, I feel exhausted and lethargic and emotional, all over the place and think about food all the time. For me, that tells me I need to eat more, and sometimes I'll have to throw in a sweet potato or something with my lunch and some museli or some type of oats with brekkie for added energy, especially on a training day. I only aim for 100g carbs a day (some would say this is low) but I am gluten intolerant, so do not eat a lot of starchy type stuff, but I do eat a lot of green veggies and berries.

    You may possibly need to eat more.

    Low carb is fine if that is what you choose to do, but you still need energy from food, so get some extra protein and fats into your day.

    Work out your TDEE and take a cut of 20%. You will still be in a deficit but will have a lot more energy and will be able to sustain your weight loss.
  • Myc4h11
    Myc4h11 Posts: 16 Member
    Thank you all for your comments. I have had my thyroid checked about 3 months ago and it was all good.

    The only carbs I try to get are from fruit and only partake in bread at the weekend.

    My weight is 75kg and would love to lose at least 5 by the end of the month that's why I decided on being so hard.

    Maybe I shall increase the intake and then see how I feel.

    Thanks again everyone
  • Myc4h11
    Myc4h11 Posts: 16 Member
    Actually thinking about this. It's not a new thing. I have been feeling like this for quite some time.

    I have seen doctors about this but don't have answers. Thyroid results are always good.

    Think I must just be old. Lol
  • Myc4h11
    Myc4h11 Posts: 16 Member
    What is TDEE
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member

    The only carbs I try to get are from fruit and only partake in bread at the weekend.

    My weight is 75kg and would love to lose at least 5 by the end of the month that's why I decided on being so hard.

    firstly, why dont you eat veg?

    secondly, 5kg in a month is a LOT, i would suggest aiming for 0.5kg per week so you get a decent number of cals to eat per day
  • RosyBest
    RosyBest Posts: 303 Member
    Food...and the types of food definitely can affect a persons energy level. A bunch of sugar and processed foods containing larger amounts of fat can make a person sluggish. A burrito Vs. Chicken salad. If I eat the burrito I can bank on the fact that I will not have much energy to do anything. After chicken salad, I might squeeze in a quick workout.
  • Poods71
    Poods71 Posts: 502 Member
    Has the doctor checked your iron levels? This is exactly how I feel when my iron is low.