I did a stupid thing

I let myself get too hungry -- VERY busy morning, no time for a good breakfast. Anyway, on the way back from dropping my mom at the airport and on the way to the office, I was thinking "I need lunch. What to get for lunch?" I considered McD (yuck), then Subbway (better), then decided on sushi at the grocery store, which is right next to Subway. So I popped into the grocery store for my sushi then accidentally went down the ice cream aisle on my way to the register. I couldn't resist! I bought box of Skinny Cow Caramel Pretzel Chocolate deliciousness. I didn't even justify it by saying "oh I'll just eat one and save the rest for the kids." Nope, that thought never crossed my mind. I ate THREE of them (after sushi) all in about 3 minutes before I stopped myself and put the last two down the garbage disposal. 480 wasted calories. I'm 200 calories from my daily limit and I haven't had dinner yet and I'm hungry. Dammit, I hate days like this. Trying really hard not to feel all ****ty and just chalk it up to a learning experience.

Thanks for listening, I feel better getting it off my chest.


  • Papillon22
    Papillon22 Posts: 1,160 Member
    You've already lost 60lbs! You''ve been doing something right and you can get right back on track. When I do something like that, it helps to remember this:
    WhatSuccessReallyLooksLike.jpg :flowerforyou:
  • jreneecal
    jreneecal Posts: 118 Member
    Hey I wasted calories day before yesterday, it happens. Yesterday I was more careful what I ate and today am exercising extra. By tomorrow will be back on track. You CAN do it too!
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Let it go. It's one day. Next time though, if you're going to blow 480 calories on ice cream, skip the Skinny Cow and go right for the good stuff. Just say'n.

    Anyway. Good luck tomorrow.
  • cruzcrzyMarie
    cruzcrzyMarie Posts: 251 Member
    It's okay. It happens. Just remember, this is a LIFESTYLE change. Every day will not be perfect. We are work in progress.
  • basslinewild
    basslinewild Posts: 294 Member
    Next time though, if you're going to blow 480 calories on ice cream, skip the Skinny Cow and go right for the good stuff. Just say'n.
  • mitzvahmom78
    mitzvahmom78 Posts: 64 Member
    Aw, I did something very similar a few days ago. I know how you feel. Tomorrow will be better. :wink:
  • harleygroomer
    harleygroomer Posts: 373 Member
    just go with the flow--we all have those days. Restart tomorrow and forget about today. I ALWAYS keep 1 or 2 Fiber One 90 calorie bars in my purse for THOSE days. They really help
  • Flux_Decapitator
    Flux_Decapitator Posts: 12 Member
    You've already lost 60lbs! You''ve been doing something right and you can get right back on track. When I do something like that, it helps to remember this:
    WhatSuccessReallyLooksLike.jpg :flowerforyou:

    love this! am saving it and using it on my down days/weeks - cheers!
  • Nicolee_2014
    Nicolee_2014 Posts: 1,572 Member
    We all have those days :smile:
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Those caramel pretzel bars are dangerous!!
  • la8ydi
    la8ydi Posts: 294 Member
    I've had that kind of WEEKEND. :-( My birthday was Saturday - cake + Detroit Tigers game...Sunday started the Holiday festivities and they continued through tonight (Monday). I feel like throwing up - but I know that's not good for me either. I guess I'll keep moving forward - get back on track tomorrow. Nothing I can do about it now.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I polished off half a dozen cookies in one sitting once....twice.....ok it's happened more times then I care to count. But in my defence I like to put peanut butter in between two cookies and make a sandwich so if you think about it it's really only 3 cookies right? But you just kinda accept it and tell yourself you'll do better for the rest of the day and tomorrow. Don't drown your guilt in more cookies though.....I may have done that a few times too. :D It happens!
  • TrailNurse
    TrailNurse Posts: 359 Member
    I am not letting you get off that easy..........stop that crap!!!! You will be asking us next week why your weight loss has stalled. LOL.
  • TheEffort
    TheEffort Posts: 1,028 Member
    Let it go. It's one day. Next time though, if you're going to blow 480 calories on ice cream, skip the Skinny Cow and go right for the good stuff. Just say'n.

    Anyway. Good luck tomorrow.

    This...and congrats on your progress. :smile:
  • Tessyloowhoo
    Let me point out one thing! You caught yourself... and threw away the rest of the box instead of eating them. You didnt say screw it and finish the whole box you took action and removed the temptation from the situation.
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    If you you think that's bad consider this. We've been on a 3 day fishing trip up in Canada and we sat on our a$$es all day in a boat on the lake! At noon we would find a little island and our guide would make a campfire and put a huge glob of lard in a fry pan along with a slab of bacon and cook the bacon, after which he removed the bacon and fried the fish we caught in the lard and bacon grease. Heaven! He also grilled some kind of meat or poultry and sliced up tomatoes and onions and our first course was bacon, tomato and onion sandwich. Then the fish. Then the meat and boiled red potato and finally, homemade fruit pie for dessert.
    First day raspberry, 2nd apple and today blueberry.
    It was an amazing 3 days and if you look to the left at my picture you will see that I caught a huge 20 inch 5 lb largemouth bass.
    Tomorrow it's back to the old elliptical and free weights.
    I don't regret one moment.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    the only "wasted" calories are the ones that went down the disposal! the others are all being used.
  • KeepCalmNGetyaSweatOn
    You've already lost 60lbs! You''ve been doing something right and you can get right back on track. When I do something like that, it helps to remember this:
    WhatSuccessReallyLooksLike.jpg :flowerforyou:

    Love this pic! It's a nice reminder that we're all human & eff up every once in a while.

    OP: Like someone else said, you're doing great so don't let one day get you :heart:
  • unFATuated
    unFATuated Posts: 204 Member
    Chill out, good woman! One day over calories isn't going to make you regain 60lbs (which, BTW, FANTASTIC JOB!). Eat your normal dinner and don't stress.

    You know what you did wrong (let yourself get too hungry), you know what you can do to avoid this situation next time (either make sure you eat a good breakfast, or keep some snacks handy for out and about which do fit in your calories so you don't have to worry about this). Log it. Put it behind you. And keep going!
  • minizebu
    minizebu Posts: 2,716 Member
    If you are hungry for dinner, then eat dinner. It makes no sense to try to starve yourself as penance for your earlier transgression. You will just end up getting hungrier and then blow your top again. One day off plan is not going to unravel all your efforts for the week. It is repeatedly going off plan that will mess up your loss rate.

    I don't like to let that kind of situation ever come up. I pretty much eat the same thing for breakfast just about every day: plain non-fat Greek yogurt. The only thing that varies is the type of berry or the type of nut topping and sweetener that I add. With a little pre planning and preparation (stocking the refrigerator, freezer and cupboard) there is never any reason that I "have no time for a good breakfast". I mean, how long does it take to throw some yogurt, berries, nuts and maple syrup into a bowl? A minute? Two?

    If it takes you a long time to prepare breakfast, then try to come up with short-cuts. Try to work in some ready-to-eat or ready-to-heat items into your breakfast repertoire. Be sure that you stock up on whatever breakfast staples you like. Have lots of extras on hand so that you don't run out and don't make excuses about skipping breakfast. And, whatever you choose, make sure that your breakfast includes a good amount of protein. It will help to satiate you and keep you from having cravings that cause you to overeat at lunch.