
Okay I have been away on vacation for a few days but I stuck to the program and I did everything right. I even stayed active the whole time. I weighed myself tonight and i am at 181.8. That's like three pounds up from my last weigh in. What gives? This is getting depressing. I do feel thinner that I did before I started walking two weeks ago, and I have lost and inch off my waist, and I know I shouldn't dwell on the weight thing, but I know for a fact I am not supposed to weight 180 friggin pounds.... Uuuuhhh I'm irritated with this... And to think I have at least 8 months of this to lose the 60 lbs I want to lose to get to my proper weight. Any suggestions....


  • twinmoon
    twinmoon Posts: 108 Member
    I gained weight this weekend - I know it's frustrating. If you measure your food, log everything, and stay within your calories, the weight will come off. Don't give up and don't worry about short term setbacks. Plus, the measurements are much better than the scale. Maybe try to set short term goals, like logging every day for a week, and then losing 5 lbs, then 5% of your weight, then 10%. I was where you are not too long ago, and 6+ months went by, and my life's so different now. It's worth it. MFP works, the community's great. Just stick with it. Also, I'd never weigh myself at night, only in the morning.

    Good luck!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Being on vacation usually means eating out. That usually means extra high sodium levels which then causes you to retain water. The weight should disappear within a week.
  • AlliBarlik
    AlliBarlik Posts: 111 Member
    Don't worry! (Easier said than done, right?) It could be a ton of different things. I know when I travel I always come back a little heavier. Mine usually goes away--my body swells either from flying (not done often) or just driving. I retain more fluid when we travel. I also don't get in the exercise I am used to doing.
    Weigh yourself in a day or two. Drink lots of water to detox your body. You'll be back to under that 180 in no time.
  • JoshuaElement
    Carbs & sodium. Fluid retention.

    Have you weighed yourself at a different time?

    There's so many possibilities. Human weight goes up and down and varies constantly for so many factors.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,080 Member
    Keep going.

    You only fail when you give up.
    try keeping your calorie intake 100 a day fewer than your burned calories...., then if you can do more adjust it....you will see weight drop :-) I'm trying 200
  • gimpygramma
    gimpygramma Posts: 383 Member
    First of all, I notice that you say you weighed at night. Most of us are several pounds heavier in the evening....(some of that may depend on how many glasses of water you had with dinner.)
    Secondly, if you were on vacation and that involved eating out a lot, your salt intake may have been higher than usual causing you to retain fluid.
    I'd suggest eating sensibly for a day or two and then weighing again in the morning.
    Hope the scales will have some better news for you then.:wink:
  • Sasha1417
    Sasha1417 Posts: 59 Member
    Thanks everyone. Thank you sooooo much.... I need that support to get my head out of the darkness....
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Okay I have been away on vacation for a few days but I stuck to the program and I did everything right. I even stayed active the whole time. I weighed myself tonight and i am at 181.8. That's like three pounds up from my last weigh in. What gives? This is getting depressing. I do feel thinner that I did before I started walking two weeks ago, and I have lost and inch off my waist, and I know I shouldn't dwell on the weight thing, but I know for a fact I am not supposed to weight 180 friggin pounds.... Uuuuhhh I'm irritated with this... And to think I have at least 8 months of this to lose the 60 lbs I want to lose to get to my proper weight. Any suggestions....

    don't let a few pounds you know you haven't *gained* get into your head. I have been on this journey for a long time--over 18 months--and have lost less than 40 lbs. A scale that is not moving is NOT the end of the world.

    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    L to R: 4/13, 3/13, 11/12 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    how much weight do you think have lost in those pictures? Guess what? I weigh within 2-3 pounds in all those pictures, and I am wearing the same shirt!
  • Sasha1417
    Sasha1417 Posts: 59 Member
    Okay I have been away on vacation for a few days but I stuck to the program and I did everything right. I even stayed active the whole time. I weighed myself tonight and i am at 181.8. That's like three pounds up from my last weigh in. What gives? This is getting depressing. I do feel thinner that I did before I started walking two weeks ago, and I have lost and inch off my waist, and I know I shouldn't dwell on the weight thing, but I know for a fact I am not supposed to weight 180 friggin pounds.... Uuuuhhh I'm irritated with this... And to think I have at least 8 months of this to lose the 60 lbs I want to lose to get to my proper weight. Any suggestions....

    don't let a few pounds you know you haven't *gained* get into your head. I have been on this journey for a long time--over 18 months--and have lost less than 40 lbs. A scale that is not moving is NOT the end of the world.

    0120100909 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    L to R: 4/13, 3/13, 11/12 by crochetmom2010, on Flickr

    how much weight do you think have lost in those pictures? Guess what? I weigh within 2-3 pounds in all those pictures, and I am wearing the same shirt!

    Amazing.... Thank you so much for the wake up call...lol.... I have good days and bad ones.... Thank you!
  • damask1988
    As a woman you retain water at different rates depending upon your period.

    Eliminating wheat would help, too.