Anybody 5'9 and 215 pounds or over?

Hi! Im new here, well, I've never posted or got serious about my weight loss til now. Im tired of not feeling comfortable in my body and found a LOVE for mountain bike riding and am using my new active hobby to propel myself into changing my life by watching what I eat and being alot or active. I am looking to lose about 45 pounds. I need some stories of people like me who did it! Wooooo!


  • blg5
    blg5 Posts: 89 Member
    I'm 5'9 and 220lbs. I want to lose 50 more. I currently have lost 50 since January of 2012. Lots of exercise and logging everything. Feel free too add me if you want.
  • jaxdoxiecrazy
    jaxdoxiecrazy Posts: 8 Member
    I, too, am 5'9 and weighed 219 in February of this year. Currently, I'm down to 185, with my goal being 160. Count calories, fat grams and exercise. Oh, I'm also if I can do this... almost anyone can! Good luck!
  • Armagan123
    Armagan123 Posts: 72 Member
    I am 5'9 and 227 pounds, want to lose 50+ pounds (30+kilograms). I am trying and trying, sometimes quite successful, sometimes not. Especially when life gets extremely busy and stressful, I tend to lose my motivation. Please feel free to add me.
  • Twinklebug18
    Twinklebug18 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5' 9.5" lol almost 5' 10" depending on the doctor's office lol. I began in January at 225, and I am currently 170 (55lbs lost!). Goal is 150. Weight loss has slowed down a LOT now that I'm reaching the final 20lbs. For me, it was cutting carbs and eating less fruit. I don't count calories. I have a "cheat day" every week. It works for me. I workout on average 4 times a week, weight lift every other time. It took me a while to notice a difference, but everyone around me can! Looking forward to reaching goal by my birthday in November. Good luck with your journey! :)
  • jynxxxed
    jynxxxed Posts: 1,010 Member
    I'm 5'10" and was 245lbs. I'm currently in the 180s aiming for the 150s. I just pre-log everything before I eat it and I eat whatever the hell I want. No food types are off limits. I exercise when I have the opportunity but I don't stress over it.

    If you want it, you'll definitely be able to make it happen :smile:
  • Sarahmarshwiggle
    Sarahmarshwiggle Posts: 67 Member
    hi i'm 5'9 or thereabouts and currently weigh 210 pounds, I've lost 40lbs since January using mfp, and i'd lost another 28lb since having my baby the previous September, so i'm 5 stone down upto now!! :) i'd love to lose about another 30lbs to get to around 180lbs. I've not deprived myself of anything, ive cheated like mad so the weightloss has been slow sometimes but i'm getting there :) I literally just calorie count, do a 15 mile minimum hike every weekend, go for general walks and stuff during the week, chase my kids and have an hour in the gym 2-3 times a week. feel free to add me!!
  • mcgriddlezzz
    Hi! I'm 5' 9'' and currently weigh around 218 pounds. My lowest weight was 145 pounds about three years ago, but then I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism (along with my previously diagnosed PCOS) and packed on 85 pounds in the course of about two and half years. My highest weight was around 235 pounds, and I've managed to lose between 15 and 20 pounds this summer after going on a cross-country charity bike ride from Austin, TX to Anchorage, AK. (Fat girls can cycle, too!) I currently take 137 mcg Synthroid for my hypothyroidism and 2000 mg Metformin ER for my PCOS-induced insulin resistance. I think these two medications, along with the fact that my doctor finally got me on a appropriate dose of Synthroid, are helping me lose weight finally!

    Realistically, I don't think I'll ever get back down to my lowest weight of 145 pounds, so my current goal is between 165 and 170 pounds. I enjoy cycling and recently started working out at a gym with upper body, lower body, and core fusion classes. I'm excited to be back on the path to healthy living! Feel free to add me. :)
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