Confused. Weight loss, maintenance, help!!!?

Hi, this is my first time posting here although I have been on a weight loss journey for more than two years.
I once weigh 68kg but have now lost the excess weight. I have also managed to keep my weigh down for more than 1.5years. Normally, i weigh around 50-52kg, at 1.6m.

I have been getting comments from friends, families and relatives that 'i am too skinny' and 'Shouldn't lose any more weight' but i haven't lost weight since last year. Such comments make me panic too as i had been teased mercilessly during a family gthering(when i was much heavier) about looking slimmer but they meant it in a sarcastic manner.

Ever since then, every time anyone tells me i looker skinny or slimmer, i start to panic and become more concern with what i eat. I would even try to limit my food intake to less than 1200kcal. I tend to, however, get over such "panic period" after a month or so, and would start to eat normally.

Recently, we had a family gathering again and I was faced with these comments again. Ever since then, i have been a lot more concern about what i eat and how much calories i am eating each day. In addition, Ii recently switch to maintenance on MFP but i am afraid of eating more than 1000-1200kcal a day.

I am also getting my braces done, and thus have trouble eating as i cannot chew my food (the separators/spaces get in the way).

Recently, i weigh about 48kg and I know this is on the lower end of the scale for my normal bmi. I am happy with my current weight but i feel weak and tired most of the time. I am, however, afraid that i would gain weight if i up my daily food intake.

What i am concern is, am i using braces as an excuse cut down on my food intake so that i can "diet without feeling guilty"? Do i risk becoming an anorexic in the long run? Do i have a problem? (Any suggestions on how to overcome the problem if any?)


  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    In my opinion, I would seek professional help. It sounds like you have body image issues and/or a bad relationship with food.

    You ask about anorexia, here are the symptoms:

    Just from your post I can check off a few of the things listed there, so yes, I would seek help. It's better to be proactive before the issue really gets out of hand.

    This is, of course, just my opinion.
  • greenie0515
    greenie0515 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi, thank you for the reply. :)

    I would like to take up on your advice and seek professional help but no idea where/who to go to. And I don't know how to discuss my health/weight problems with my family. I've never felt this clueless or helpless before (i'm really grateful for the reply). I've lost most of my weight using healthy methods like exercising so i don't know when or how i got into this mess.
  • greenie0515
    greenie0515 Posts: 5 Member
    double posted...
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    Start by talking with your family doctor. If you don't have one, there's plenty listed in the phone book. Just call and ask if they are accepting new patients and then book an appointment. Your doctor will run a blood panel on you, just to know where your health stands etc, but they'll also refer you to a doctor that can help in your specific area of need.