Hypertension at 29

Hi all

This is my second attempt on my fitness pal. The difference is this time I'm eating clean and cutting out on process food, take outs and low fat snacks. Before I was just counting calories and now I'm trying to eat healthy instead of dieting! I've decided enough is enough. I currently have uncontrolled blood pressure. I'm trying out a new type of tablet. My specialist said if I lose weight it would be easier to control my blood pressure. I'm so annoyed of myself that I get myself this fat! I'm determined to change my lifestyle. If you have any suggestions I'd be delighted :)


  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    My suggestions based on my experience, may not be for you is to add exercise and remove the things that contribute to retaining fluids. I cut out the salts and the processed foods no more pepperoni bacon or cold cuts so that limits the nitrates and nitrites. I also stopped all alcohol. I dropped about 12 pounds of fluid in the first 2 weeks. My pressure on May 22nd 2008 was 220 /110 and I was afraid to see a Dr for fear of being hospitalized. The first 2 weeks as the fluids dropped off and the alcohol worked out of my system my pressure really started to drop. I added walking although it was not much more than a half block at a time.
    I never took any medications just kept exercising and improving my diet. Today on average my BP is 116/65 and my resting pulse is 48. My daily run 4x a week is over 5 miles
    I no longer live in fear and its a great thing
    You can do this just stick with it and day by day you will improve
  • Loveyoustar
    Loveyoustar Posts: 35 Member
    It's so great to read a success story! That's for the motivation. I've cut out all processed food. I'm into my second week and I've dropped 7lbs so far. It has to be fluid. I really want to aim to be off tables and get a healthy BMI. I walk everyday because been advised to avoid gym. I don't log it because I don't want to eat back the calories. I really hope I have the strength to stick to this!
  • dreamcatcher1209
    I'm a year younger than you but I've got the high bp going on as well :( I've just started exercising and I was actually reading about high blood pressure last night, that people who have high bp should cut their sodium intake to 1500mg a day. So that's what I've got mine set to on here... hopefully with the exercise I'll see an improvement. Good luck to you! I know how frustrating it is
  • Ke22yB
    Ke22yB Posts: 969 Member
    Remember this is your life and by doing it now you are improving decades of your future that should help give you the strength to continue and stick with it. I wish I was smart enough and strong enough to do this years ago. I waited till it was a crisis and I was already 60 to get it done. You have so much more ahead of you and that kept in mind will give you the strength you need. If you feel you are slipping and choose to send me a PM and we can try to keep you on track.
  • Rei1988
    Rei1988 Posts: 412 Member
    I have hypertension, but it's the opposite ( low blood pressure), I know, confusing. I'm only 25. I think your are on the right track with whole foods :)
  • deslok113
    I know how you feel. I've been working out religiously for years. But I stopped watching what I ate. Since I'm in process of a divorce, I started going out and drinking again. I got a surprise from my doctor. I have A-fib! (YAY! Just what I need!) My BP is borderline hypertension. I'm 44yrs old and I'm a cardiac patient! I think I rather high blood pressure than A-fib! I have to take meds and an aspirin a day. My doc told me if I loose my "table muscle" the a-fib may go into remission or at least be much less than it is now. I'm increasing my cardio work out as much as my a-fib allows for now. In weight lifting I'm ok. I bench press 225lbs 6-7 times; Curl: 50lb dumbells; 200lb on AB machine; row 150lbs etc. I have to watch my lower body weight training because I have bad knees--something that may also be remedied by weight loss. I have to do this for my kids! I have full custody of my two boys--ages 4 and 6! I want to be around when they grow. I feel like I'm in the bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, 2 strikes on getting healthy. I have to get a home run! I wish you good luck and Godspeed on you own weight!