Looking for some challenge-loving new buddies/support (:

If you take a look at my page and 'about me', you can get a sort of small introduction to my story and why I want to get in shape.

If not- here's a better summary. I grew up overweight, relying on overeating to suppress the emotions resulting from neglect and abuse. By the time I was fourteen or fifteen, I had developed eating disorders- relying on both not eating at all, and bingeing/purging. I lost 100 lbs within five or six months. Which, of course, left me extremely sick.

So, I decided to become healthy. I started up on yoga, and eventually went on to become an instructor. I have dabbled in things such as P90X, and running. Which has been great, but I'm lacking support.

Right now, I am on my second day of the 30 day shred (level one), and am getting back into running. I would love to find someone that I can talk with, and give support to as well during our journey. I do have some weight to lose- or, more so, inches. I don't mind weighing more than the average person's goal weight- as long as the weight is made up of muscle. (;

I have an interesting lifestyle as far as diet goes. I am vegan, and eat a high-carb, low-fat diet. It works wonders for me. I also eat it in a slight Sattvic manner, meaning I don't eat things such as onion, garlic and mushrooms. (They're hard on my digestive system).

I don't mind what my buddy prefers to eat-- in fact, I don't think I've actually met someone with the same dietary plan as mine. I just would like to find someone that's up for mutual challenging and support! (:

Anywho. If you've read all of this- thanks! And I hope to hear from you!




  • Schlofendein
    You sound like a very interesting person and it seems you've gone through a lot. How long have you been a vegan?
  • Dharmalaya
    Thanks! I've definitely been through both the good times and bad times. Hah. I've been vegan for maybe about four years now, I'd say. Almost five.
  • yowla
    yowla Posts: 127 Member
    I am training for 1/2 marathon in October and a 25k in May. Feel free to add me.