Body attack les mills



  • agataarchangel
    agataarchangel Posts: 292 Member
    You use dumb-bells in Attack? is that safe? I'd be scared of them flying out of my hands and hitting someone else in the class.

    Yeah, I mean... you keep a definite grip on them. Lol. They're 3 lbs so not that difficult to handle/keep secure. I would NEVER go any heavier though, because of exactly your mentioned fears. Some of the moves (clapping, obviously) are modified when I use them, and only bring them close to eachother...just to work with the resistance.

    In my weekly class, 3 of us use them on a regular basis.

    So far only one instructor hasn't allowed their use, but all others seem ok with it. I definitely appreciate the fact that some instructors wouldn't allow them, and would always set them down right away if asked... :-D

    I'm sorry, but that is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard, no one should be using free weights dueing body attack. Are you sure your instructor is certified? Les Mills would strike them off for that!

    Ridiculous? I don't think so... each to their own. I felt like I wanted a little extra resistance in the class and that is how I achieved it during some tracks.

    Since my original post I no longer use them, nor do the others that orginally per the request of the instructor. I was happy to comply, and now enjoy BodyAttack as it was intended :-).
  • AnnetteBailey71
    I absolutely love body attack ..ive always found that he helps me with building up staminia especailly when i am running ..It also has helped me lose weight in the past which is something that other cardio excersise never has ...stick with it
  • absterok
    I've been doing body attack and combat back to back 90mins 3 times a week,
    Monday, Wednesday and Friday for the last 3 months..

    I do a metafit Monday and friday before it and a metafit on the Saturday..

    Also fortnighly on a Thursday I do a fbx and a thumpboxing..

    I've lost 2 stone... Body attack and combat are my favourite classes
  • itsoktopost
    I do at least 3 Attacks a week. I feel in love since I tried it about two years ago. Since then, I haven't looked back. I have seen big improvement in my running time/pace. BUT....I have a question for you guys
    Why do I only see only a guy or two and rest of the attackers are all females in the class? I know first track or two has all kinds of crazy clapping so guys don't like that. But still...why most guys don't like to do it?
  • Laurochka
    Laurochka Posts: 140 Member
    I do attack once or twice a week. I enjoy it and combined with good eating habits and other resistance training I have lost weight and size with it.
  • steff274
    steff274 Posts: 227 Member
    Attack is my favourite class!! :D. Love that happy clappy group sweaty excersize.. I used to be pretty addicted to spin till I discovered attack!! I do pump, spin and attack.. I did do combat but it no longer fits into my schedule..