afraid of weekends!!

yip i offically hate weekends!! throw the week i am in control and everything goes right and
i do and eat right but once friday comes and it friday afternoon, it feel like my brain is up to no
good!! looking listern what every going on!! etc
and then when weekend hit it feels i get throw in the deep side with all the things happening
and i have to swim to survive and when monday comes i feel like i am back to square 1 again
wish i didnt have weekend to go throw this!! and saying no is such a easy word but try and doing it
is two different stories!!:explode:


  • rednailvarnish
    rednailvarnish Posts: 36 Member
    i'm the opposite at the weekend apart from wine (which I am now back on Gin and Vodka). I have more time to make healthy dinners - I tend to eat break fast later, then lunch and dinner a bit later - leaver less time for snacking! Keep up the good work!
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    I'm afraid of the weekends too, but for the polar opposite reason (well kind of)... During the week it is easy to be regimented. I have everything planned out, and it's easy to make sure while I'm working I grab my snacks, and eat my meals.

    On the weekends, I tend to forget to eat..... I'm usually running and doing something, and food is the last thing on my mind. I think it was last saturday, I was up at 7, and realized around 3 that all I'd had for the day was 2 cups of coffee (low cal, made with unsweetened almond milk) and about 50 oz of water. Woo-hoo, 30 whole calories! Not good :frown:
  • happyindian
    happyindian Posts: 89 Member
    same here....i dread weekends which means get togethers or going out and which means difficulty avoiding unhealthy food. It throws me off gear. Altho, i do not eat back all of my exercise calories, and that way have a buffer for the weekends ( at least meet my weekly calorie goal, or is it just me consoling myself:tongue::tongue: ). I am specially dreading this labor day weekend, cos i have out of town guests staying over and i do not want to make a real big fuss abt my calorie counting. Lets see how it promising myslef to keep an eye on portion sizes for now.
  • Holdenke1
    Holdenke1 Posts: 137 Member
    yip i offically hate weekends!! throw the week i am in control and everything goes right and
    i do and eat right but once friday comes and it friday afternoon, it feel like my brain is up to no
    good!! looking listern what every going on!! etc
    and then when weekend hit it feels i get throw in the deep side with all the things happening
    and i have to swim to survive and when monday comes i feel like i am back to square 1 again
    wish i didnt have weekend to go throw this!! and saying no is such a easy word but try and doing it
    is two different stories!!:explode:

    Oh yes, weekends are hard on me too! I tell myself that this is my time and I can do whatever I want. All the things I enjoy - sadly at the top of the list is eating food that tastes good.

    I know we could do it if we just practice. Let's make this weekend be a good one. Good luck to us on this 3 day weekend.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
    I'm afraid of the weekends too, but for the polar opposite reason (well kind of)... During the week it is easy to be regimented. I have everything planned out, and it's easy to make sure while I'm working I grab my snacks, and eat my meals.

    On the weekends, I tend to forget to eat..... I'm usually running and doing something, and food is the last thing on my mind. I think it was last saturday, I was up at 7, and realized around 3 that all I'd had for the day was 2 cups of coffee (low cal, made with unsweetened almond milk) and about 50 oz of water. Woo-hoo, 30 whole calories! Not good :frown:

    yup...this is me. On weekends, we do our family shopping & prepping for the coming week as well as dealing with leftover errands from the weekend before. This means I'm running from sunup to sundown so it's just as regimented as my weekdays.

    In the absence of a family to care for (DH, 2 young adult children, 4 dogs, 3 cats + orphaned wildlife and assorted pocket pets, cause we all work with animals & work comes home with us :blushing: ) I might have the same difficulty you describe :ohwell:

    It seems I'm always cleaning, washing, laundering or caring for something in one way or another, so it's easy to forget about recreational distractions.

    I consider this my job as opposed to a mon-fri thing....I don't take weekends off :wink:
  • GregJourney
    GregJourney Posts: 80 Member
    I pre plan my weekend med early in the week. On Sat every week we enjoy dinner out. I look on the restaurant website and determine what I am going to eat prior to going to the restaurant. Prelog if possible which helps my decision making process.
  • CatGilbertson
    CatGilbertson Posts: 3 Member
    This is definitely my problem too! I am so self disciplined during the week then the weekend arrives and I am a complete pig! I stick to around 1250 calories per day then it goes straight out of the window on Friday night.. I was thinking about having a higher calorie count for Friday and Saturday which will still allow me to enjoy some treats, but not to get too carried away, has anyone else done this? It's a bit of a Weight Watchers mentality I guess. If anyone else is in the same boat or needs support then let's help each other x