Starting a 21 day cleanse next week - any advice?



  • FrozenxxRose
    FrozenxxRose Posts: 3 Member
    Iam actually vegan,and I have been for about 6 months now.I do it for different reasons,but I will say.Its very difficult,but I love being vegan.I actually never felt healthier in my whole life then I do now that I cut out that stuff.Dont take it for granted though cuz you can still gain wait being vegan! But good luck I wish the best to you.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    Your body does a pretty good job by itself, which is why we poop and pee.
    Cleansing is mostly hype. There is no real benefit to it, unless you are the author of the particular cleanse.
    Do some research on the cleanse you chose and then research the toxins that are supposed to be removed. You might be surprised that your body is already doing the job for you.
    my advice is don't do it
    Don't do it? You don't need to detox. That's what your digestive organs are for.

    All of these.

    This again.
  • HOW EXCITING!!! I'm going to be a Breatharian for three months! TOTAL CLEANSE! I just drink water and sit in the sun, like a plant. That's how I'll get my energy. Anyone want to do it with me?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    In to hear names of toxins that no one can ever come up with.
  • TheSlorax
    TheSlorax Posts: 2,401 Member
    Iif you eat food, you are going to consume toxins. Many vegetables contain low levels of toxins even if they are raised in an environment free of man-made toxins (which is pretty difficult). That's why we have organs to deal with the toxins.

    But there is nothing wrong with trying to lower the amount of toxins you consume, and nothing wrong with eating mostly vegetables as long as you are getting proper nutrition.

    Good luck.

    what "toxins" are these exactly? can you first define "toxins" and then name the toxic substances found in vegetables?
  • tapirfrog
    tapirfrog Posts: 616 Member
    1) If you already know you're going to do it, why are you asking for advice?

    2) If you think there is poison in your body, why are you waiting till next week to remove it?
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    i like to cleanse my colon that movie ;)
    Nutty Professor for the win.

    mah little hercules. hercules! hercules!

  • The_Enginerd
    The_Enginerd Posts: 3,982 Member
    This is how I cleanse

  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    please don't
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    please don't

    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    Come on people. I get that the word 'cleanse' and 'detox' are used a little loosely quite often nowadays....but guess what? They are. So deal.

    If someone wants to eat regular calories with a particular type of 'diet' or food for a short period of time to see how they feel, why do you care. There are plenty of vegans here that do this 24/7. And the poster is not actually talking about anything extreme for and/or for an extended period of time. So who cares what label they use.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    A vegan diet can leave a person lacking essential nutrients if not done right. Doing it as a fad cleanse without sufficient research is not a good idea.
  • verymissk
    verymissk Posts: 262 Member
    Iif you eat food, you are going to consume toxins. Many vegetables contain low levels of toxins even if they are raised in an environment free of man-made toxins (which is pretty difficult). That's why we have organs to deal with the toxins.

    But there is nothing wrong with trying to lower the amount of toxins you consume, and nothing wrong with eating mostly vegetables as long as you are getting proper nutrition.

    Good luck.

    what "toxins" are these exactly? can you first define "toxins" and then name the toxic substances found in vegetables?

    Copper, Cyanide, arsenic, and flouride are all naturally occurring toxins that our bodies are quite capable of removing with properly working organs.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    I'm assuming you're referring to the 21 Day cleanse that was featured on Oprah:

    From the first link:

    "This cleanse is so simple and so powerful. For three weeks, you will refrain from eating what I call “The Big Five”:

    animal products
    and refined sugar.

    On first glance, it may seem like there will be nothing left to eat or drink! In fact, you will discover that there is a whole world of delicious and nutritious food to enjoy and that will help you feel more energetic, healthy, and clean. And I guarantee you will not be hungry (unless you forget to eat!). In fact this is a “diet” you could stay on indefinitely, because it doesn’t deny your body any of its needs and is actually rich in nutritious vegetables, whole grains, fruits, and nuts, and chock full of everything you need to fuel your body for a lifetime.

    Over the course of the three weeks I’ll be talking in some depth about why you’re avoiding these Big Five categories, but for now just trust me when I say that these substances are difficult for our bodies and can even be toxic, and a break from them will do you a world of good."

    **Linked for people who were interested in the "toxins" bit**

    IMO, this cleanse is useless and is really just to make the author some money. Your body cleanses itself pretty well to begin with. If you need a "break" from alcohol or caffeine or whatever, just don't consume it. Not really a cleanse....
    Reading the intro on the first link it kind of sounded like she was selling a religion.... lol!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    A vegan diet can leave a person lacking essential nutrients if not done right. Doing it as a fad cleanse without sufficient research is not a good idea.

    I'm not saying I disagree with you necessarily...although I might disagree that 21 days of eating vegan would do much harm. But you are making quite a few assumptions about the op's particular 'cleanse' they are going to do. If these are your particular concerns, why not ask her?
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    A vegan diet can leave a person lacking essential nutrients if not done right. Doing it as a fad cleanse without sufficient research is not a good idea.

    I'm not saying I disagree with you necessarily...although I might disagree that 21 days of eating vegan would do much harm. But you are making quite a few assumptions about the op's particular 'cleanse' they are going to do. If these are your particular concerns, why not ask her?
    I am starting a 21 day cleanse and dextox next week - All the meals are planned out and it is not a starvation cleanse but one that eliminates all the toxins in your body - it is eating mostly Vegan for the 21 days. Anyone ever done this before - seeking advice - thanks
  • sympha01
    sympha01 Posts: 942 Member
    please don't

    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    Come on people. I get that the word 'cleanse' and 'detox' are used a little loosely quite often nowadays....but guess what? They are. So deal.

    If someone wants to eat regular calories with a particular type of 'diet' or food for a short period of time to see how they feel, why do you care. There are plenty of vegans here that do this 24/7. And the poster is not actually talking about anything extreme for and/or for an extended period of time. So who cares what label they use.

    The poster is not talking a lot of specifics at all, but from what I see people are very rationally saying "Hey, eat vegan if you want, eat natural organic foods if you want, those are not bad ideas, BUT you said your goal was to get rid of toxins. You know 'cleansing to get rid of toxins' is junk science and hogwash, right?"

    "Toxins" is a scary-sounding word that doesn't refer to anything specific in this context, it's a pseudo-scientific rationale to back up unverifiable claims from health cranks. When the cranks can name specific "toxins" then science can test the claims, and heavens, no one wants that!
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Iif you eat food, you are going to consume toxins. Many vegetables contain low levels of toxins even if they are raised in an environment free of man-made toxins (which is pretty difficult). That's why we have organs to deal with the toxins.

    But there is nothing wrong with trying to lower the amount of toxins you consume, and nothing wrong with eating mostly vegetables as long as you are getting proper nutrition.

    Good luck.

    WHAT! I've been paying top dollar to get toxin free food. This sucks!
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    please don't

    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    Come on people. I get that the word 'cleanse' and 'detox' are used a little loosely quite often nowadays....but guess what? They are. So deal.

    If someone wants to eat regular calories with a particular type of 'diet' or food for a short period of time to see how they feel, why do you care. There are plenty of vegans here that do this 24/7. And the poster is not actually talking about anything extreme for and/or for an extended period of time. So who cares what label they use.

    The poster is not talking a lot of specifics at all, but from what I see people are very rationally saying "Hey, eat vegan if you want, eat natural organic foods if you want, those are not bad ideas, BUT you said your goal was to get rid of toxins. You know 'cleansing to get rid of toxins' is junk science and hogwash, right?"

    "Toxins" is a scary-sounding word that doesn't refer to anything specific in this context, it's a pseudo-scientific rationale to back up unverifiable claims from health cranks. When the cranks can name specific "toxins" then science can test the claims, and heavens, no one wants that!

    Well, my thoughts on the toxin issue aside, my response was to saying 'please don't'. As far as toxins, I suppose some might think of it as the scary 'big bad'. Maybe some don't. I don't know.

    Point is, a lot of people do certain short term things they want to try and call them a 'cleanse' or 'detox' just cause the words have become trendy. So sometimes it helps to look at what they are actually doing. 21 days of eating vegan doesn't sound like a big deal.

    And I do remember the oprah episode and her staff (a lot participated) that did it reported losing weight and feeling really good with a lot of energy. So, if that is what she is referring to, I personally don't see where the 'please don't' reply is really necessary..
  • Mslmesq
    Mslmesq Posts: 1,000 Member
    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    A vegan diet can leave a person lacking essential nutrients if not done right. Doing it as a fad cleanse without sufficient research is not a good idea.

    I'm not saying I disagree with you necessarily...although I might disagree that 21 days of eating vegan would do much harm. But you are making quite a few assumptions about the op's particular 'cleanse' they are going to do. If these are your particular concerns, why not ask her?
    I am starting a 21 day cleanse and dextox next week - All the meals are planned out and it is not a starvation cleanse but one that eliminates all the toxins in your body - it is eating mostly Vegan for the 21 days. Anyone ever done this before - seeking advice - thanks

    Yup, I already read that. I'm not sure what your point was.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Please don't what? Eat vegan for 21 days?

    A vegan diet can leave a person lacking essential nutrients if not done right. Doing it as a fad cleanse without sufficient research is not a good idea.

    I'm not saying I disagree with you necessarily...although I might disagree that 21 days of eating vegan would do much harm. But you are making quite a few assumptions about the op's particular 'cleanse' they are going to do. If these are your particular concerns, why not ask her?
    I am starting a 21 day cleanse and dextox next week - All the meals are planned out and it is not a starvation cleanse but one that eliminates all the toxins in your body - it is eating mostly Vegan for the 21 days. Anyone ever done this before - seeking advice - thanks

    Yup, I already read that. I'm not sure what your point was.
    My point was that my assumptions were based on her OP, which basically says, "Asking you all is my research."